
Rejected mate bond

Episode 5

Written by Elvis Asiwe (Author b)

Note: may or may not contain little sexual scenes or activities. Read at self risk.

Location: The woods

Damien's POV

Crashing safely behind her,earning her attention,a sly smile evolve my lips.

Her pretty straight Blondie hair matches perfectly with her broad spotless face, same goes to her moderate puppy glittering eyes and pink coloured lips.

Oh,how I've longed and desired viewing this pretty face.

Staring down towards her boobs,my sly smile gradually broadens. Their firm standing and robust appearance sure appears seductive enough to cause a boner,her cloth exposing nipples themselves aren't left behind,she certainly screams perfection.

"Who are you and why on earth do I feel drawn and pulled to you" she questions, staring both happily and inquisitively into my glittering eyes, allowing her revolving vanilla and strawberry stinch collide freely against my nose, sending spinning sensations up my brains.

Romantically pulling her by her hips, allowing her tits collide sexually against my massive firm chest,a slight moaning sound unexpectedly escapes her lips.

Staring down,eye roaming her alluring lips and green hazel eyes,I pull my lip closer towards her ears before emittng the long desired and awaited response.

"Your mate pretty,am your mate" I seductively whisper, taking her aback in shock.

"Mate??" She questions, ignorantly eye cringing her expression.

"Of course,my mate,my moon chosen mate" I reply, heightening the confused expression revolving round her face.

Ryder himself growls within in confusion, desiring to claim control, claiming it'll serve better explaination to her but hell no,I ain't setting free my thick headed werewolf during my first conversation with my mate.

"Hell no Ryder!" I mumble angrily, reducing his request for dominance.

"You certainly have no idea what am talking about do you?" I ask, earning negative nods from her.

"Oh shit,this is bad,this is terrible" I mumble, running my already sweaty palm along my head.

Seriously thought convincing a she wolf into being my Luna to rule besides me within a limited period of thirty days was my major problem.

But here I am,meant to lecture a human or better non she wolf the rules and ethics guarding the werewolves before convincing her into ruling a pack categorized of thousand werewolves besides me,all require completion within a limited time of thirty days.

"This is all messed up Ryder,this is fucking messed up" I complain.

"Told you something was off the instant I felt her having no inner wolf during our previous encounter" Ryder grumbles, feeling both sad and embarassed at the outcome and result of our long awaited and anticipated mate.

Well who wouldn't feel embarrassed,mated to an ignorant human or non she wolf definitely potrays shame and disappointment to the royal household.

Mom is definitely gonna be disappointed at me.

"I really am sorry if though am being a hindrance to your inner thoughts but if possible can I get to know your name?" Her meekly and seductive voice chips in,distrupting my ongoing inner conversation with Ryder.

"Can I?" Again she request, slightly brush passing her fingers against mine, sending unexpected sparks through us both.

Despite her being a non she wolf,the heightened love and mate bond remains.

Forcing a desperate smile up my lips,I reluctantly blurt a response

"I go by the name Damien, Damien Dark, prince Damien Dark" I respond, skipping the part of me being an alpha werewolf.

"Well I go by the name Kara,Kara Dugan, princess Kara Dugan, princess of...." She hesitates.

"Just princess Kara Dugan" she introduce, maintaining her constant heart melting smile.

"Wow a princess"

"Pretty name princess Kara" I compliment.

"Keep it informal Damien, remember you being a prince yourself" she laughs.

"As you wish my lady, anyways pleasure meeting you" I add, pecking her right palm, earning blush filled chuckles from her and growls from Ryder.

"Play along Ryder,she's our only hope to claiming that throne" I mumble, making him scoff in return.

"Like I earlier questioned,why on Earth am I drawn and pulled to you?" She once again questions.

"Well like I earlier responsed,you're my mate,we both feel similar connection and moon bestowed love,we both posses a love streaming link connecting us both called the mate bond" I explain, hoping she understands.

"Wait, please heave in a deep breath and slow down,this is coming extremely fast and rapid,I need to get a hang of everything. For starters you claim being my mate, pondering on us sharing similar mate bond right?" She questions, earning hasty nod from me.

"Then what or who on Earth is this mate bond?" She questions, making me sigh in fustrastion.

Seriously can't believe myself going through this,never for once viewed myself assuming the post of a historical lecturer.

Leaning against a nearby tree, huge sighs escapes my lips before commencing the so call lecture or explanation.

"Well,a mate bond is somewhat a bethrotment,it occurs when both genders are destined to be together,that explains our uncontrollable and consistent desire for each other's company. We've been bethroted together by the moon Kara,and no power within this world can change that" I explain, earning an outburst laughter from her.

"Oh Damien,I literally have zero idea who you are,your interior motives and much more,us feeling similar sparks and cravings for each other's company dosent prove our bethrotment or us being mated from birth. Though I have zero idea and explanation regarding the tingling sensations,huge loveable sparks, alluring vanilla and strawberry stinch and most especially cravings towards each other but I doubt our so called bethrotment or so moonly mating" she responds, taking me aback in shock.

"You have no idea but I do Kara,I have general knowledge and understanding regarding our uncontrollable love, sparks and cravings towards each other,all I need is a chance,an opportunity proofing out current felt love ain't fake rather genuine,grant me such chance Kara and I assure you the best" I persuade, wishing to reframe current her perspective.

"Like earlier mentioned,I have zero idea who you are and your motives,either positive or negative,I literally commenced a conversation with you just few minutes ago,you don't expect me leaping above joy over wierd speeches and assurance. I really am sorry Damien but I ain't interested,I wish being no indulgement amongst your wierd and complicated bethrotment or mate bond" she finalize, broadening the deepened emotional cut within my heart.

"Are you seriously rejecting me being your mate and bethroted?" I question, having looks of disbelief roaming through my cringing face.

"Of course Damien,I reject being your bethroted,I reject being amongst your wierd belief regarding the moon and finally I reject you being my bethrot" she responds, earning loud painful growls from Ryder.

"Y...yo..you kidding right" I stammer.

"You seriously kidding,you possibly can't reject me being your mate,it's impossible. You seriously can't,you rejecting me signifies my end, please review a second thought, please" I plead, grappling hold her succulent hands, ignoring Ryder's raging and devastated growls.

Her rejection certainly wasn't amongst the plan,I viewed my plan running smoothly excluding unwanted negativities and ill possible outcomes but her bluntly rejecting the mate bond feels outta this world.

Ryder's continuous inner grows etched with hurt worsens and heightens the ever flowing pain.

His presistent battle for dominance and control, appears uncontrollable and unbearable.

Roughly pulling free my grasp she stares unfazed, blurting the final heart shattering words.

"Am sorry Damien but I just can't,I hope u understand" she blurts before heading down the shores exit route.

Viewing her hastily exit unfazed and unborthered, excessive pains etched with hurt soare through my veins,earning loud growling screams from me.

My feets and limbs all wobble in weakness feeling a vital part within me slowly disperse away.

Leaning helplessly against a huge tree, numerous sucidal thoughts breach past my head, drowning me withing the delima world.

Summoning enough energy,I leap towards a high pitched mountain, groaning and wincing slowly while finally granting Ryder the long awaited dominance as I gradually shift into my beastial greyish coloured alpha werewolf.

Ryder's triple sized appearance appears intimidating, sending fearful chills down the spines of various opponents,his furs broadly thick and dominative, proving his alpharic power,same goes to his eight inches long claws and blood stained fangs,attaining him a much scarier appearance.

Standing on fours above the mountain,He painfully howls loudly, releasing forth every pain and anguish to the world, sending nearby birds on trees flying and quaking away.

Kara's POV

I feel my heart split open exiting the river shore,his pleading face constantly revolves through my head, impelling guilty thoughts within me.

Rejecting him wasn't intentional but thoughts of being bethroted to a total stranger sends fearful chills down my spine,non certainly is trusted.

I believe he understands

Damien's POV

Location: Red blood pack

Wolf speeding past the werewolf trainees up the stairs towards my room,I crash heartbrokenly, helpless,devasted and rejected against my king sized bed.

Thoughts regarding her rejecting me continuously streams through my head.

Ryder's has gone all quiet after the devastating howl, my feets wobbles,my fingers fidget,my head aches,my eyes weighs, unable to withhold it any longer,I crash face sunk into the mattress, pouring my heart and tears out.

Ignoring the dumb embarrassment associated with Alpha's shedding tears,I let out all anguish, drenching my beautiful mattress before drifting into an unknown slumber.


Slowly stirring my sleepy and blurry eyes open,I eye roam my location, easily identifying my room.

"Great nap brother,good thing I recorded your snoring face" a familiar voice chuckles amidst the darker region within the room.

"Drake.." I scoff

"What do you want?" I question harshly.

Every since figuring out he was one amongst the major reasons behind the recent rule impelled in red bloods constitution, heightened rage towards him continuously surge through my veins.

He certainly is the master mind behind my current anguish and quest for a dumbass mate within a limited time of thirty days.

"Nothing much brother,I only desire a simple talk and conversation" he replies hands raised but the all constant devious smirk revolving through his expression remains intact.

"How the f**k did you get in here?" I ask, maintaining my harsh tone.

"You abandoned your door open dummy" he responds.

"Whatever,spill your dumb conversation and get your wobbling ass outta my room" I scoff, earning unfazed chuckles from him.

That's just Drake,he never appears unfazed or frightened, regardless your method and heightened threat,his devious face constantly retains it's smirking expression.

"Well,i observed your weeping and gloomy condition after superspeeding past mom and I and my aim here is helping cheer you up" he explains, grinning broadly.

"You cunt,you caused my gloomy nature,you ruined my life" Ryder rages within.

"I really am sorry Drake but I ain't interested and I believe you leaving somewhat sounds a whole lot better" I reply, hopping down my bed towards the slightly ajar door.

"Come on brother,come have a life,live a little,just once and no other" he persuades.

Recalling Kara's rejection and urge to live past it,reviewal thoughts gradually pops into my head.

"Alright brother,this and no other" I accept, implanting wierd smiles besides his lips.

"That's the spirit brother" he whispers, slightly tapping my shoulders.


Walking besides Drake into the bluish coloured illuminated club, alcoholic stinch welcomly collides against my nostrils, earning huffs from me.

Ignoring numerous werewolves dancing and grooving to the tune blarbing from the all loud speaker,I head directly towards the bartenders table.

"My prince" he greets with a bow.

"A bottle of whiskey" I order, ignoring his pleasantries.

"There he is" a look alike slut seductively blurts, seating on the opposite while exposing her alluring succulent laps.

"A prince ain't expected to reveal sadness,give in and I'll help eliminate it" she filrts, seductively biting her lowers lips while stopping my consumption of another bottle.

Pulling closer,she crashes her makeup drenched lips against mine, drowning my broken self into her charms.

While deepening further the intense kiss, Kara's pretty expression unexpectedly whistles pass my eyes, pulling me into the limelight.

"No this is wrong" I blurt, angrily tossing her embarassed self aside after breaking free the kiss.

"Drake!!!!!" I growl, connecting heavy punches to his chin after pulling him outside the club.

"This was one amongst your numerous plans right?" I accuse.

"What do you mean brother?" He questions, feigning ignorance.

"You of all people know sexing a non mate during the thrones participation period automatically disqualifies such participants and you pulling me down here, assuring undying sexing pleasure finalises your hidden negative intentions of ridding me outta the participation" I rage.

"Am really sorry brother,I only desire seeing you happy" he responds, continuously feigning ignorance.

"Screw you Drake,I believe you avoiding me currently serves best. Stay away from me Drake, stay clear!!!!" I threaten, knocking him to the ground before superspeeding outta the clubs premises.