
Fated to Love Again.

Auteur: Zhee_Aliyu
Actuel · 8.5K Affichage
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What is Fated to Love Again.

Lisez le roman Fated to Love Again. écrit par l'auteur Zhee_Aliyu publié sur WebNovel. No one ever forgets the first time they fell in love, let alone the person they fell in love with. Takahashi Kota is a slave to his first love and his past. No matter what, he can't seem to get over h...


No one ever forgets the first time they fell in love, let alone the person they fell in love with. Takahashi Kota is a slave to his first love and his past. No matter what, he can't seem to get over him and this affects not only his health but his way of life. Nakamura Rai experienced his first love at the age of 11 but couldn't do anything about it because he didn't understand what the feeling meant. After 10 years of yearning and patience, he finally gets the chance to pursue his love. Will Rai be able to help Kota overcome his heartbreak and learn to love again? Will Rai be able to get his own love and live happily ever after? Will Kota find out that he is someone's first and only love? Disclaimer: The book cover is not mine. Found it on google.

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