

Time passed quickly and it was soon 2 hrs before dinner. Xinya wore a maroon laced dress and wore light makeup. She then rushed to the location of the restaurant.

8 pm, Berkeley Restaurant

The restaurant was spacious and positively clean, the walls were painted with colour that are pleasant and the place has a remarkably cosmopolitan. Just then, a man walked in. He was of good built, he had distinct features and was incredibly attractive under the light. It was at this moment that Xinya realised it was Xutao. "Nice to meet you again Mr Xu, feel free to order anything. This meal is on me," Xinya said to break the awkwardness. Both of them then sat down placed their order. "Don't mind my nosiness but what happened the day before?" Xutao asked with politeness. Xinya thought o herself it wouldn't hurt to say so she told him everything. Xutao then comforted her like a gentlemen. He did indeed found himself weird because he was never gentle to anyone before. Soon, the food arrived and the chatted happily as they munched on their food.


"It was a great dinner and it was nice to meet a friend like you, I hope there will be more chances in the future to meet you" Xinya said out of politeness. "Of course, there will definitely be more chances for us to meet. How about a ride home?" This sentence made Xinya's heart melt for some reason. They then got into the car and drove off.

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