
Fate series: My Alternate Saber

Shiro Tenma is an 18 year old undergraduate who struggles to enjoy his everyday life. One day while he was working on the road he found a green amulet accidentally took it with him, unfortunately for him he got into an accident that very same day. he was transported to a world and told to participate in the holy Grail war by the goddess of the underworld. Note: I'm still learning to understand how fanfic works so please do tell if something isn't right. . . . . . This is an alternate reality of the fate series world, so don't expect to see the same thing. Show your support by voting for the book and interacting so I can keep on giving chapter everyday. Join the discord channel https://discord.gg/s8v2zEVR2e

Kirito_K5 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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64 Chs

A fight for the rest

[Showing my appreciation to

Anda Pendragon







Thank you guys so much, you guys I've been there with me throughout the previous chapters . Thank you]

. .. . . . . .

Scathach stretched her spear to the side before turning to look at Shiro, his face was covered in blood, and was chained to the wall, even with the darkness she could still see his pale looking skin.

"They really did a number on you" Scathach uttered, she glared back at Kooya, her spear began rushing with red magic aura, "I believe I was summoned to take care of you guys".

Kooya and Jessica moved back in fear, "How?... He summoned a servant? That's impossible" Kooya muttered.

"I assure you, this is quite real" Scathach voiced out, she aimed her spear at Kooya before sending a powerful swing at him.

Jack the ripper (Assassin) suddenly materialized out of thin air and used her two small daggers to block the attack.

The attack still pushed her back, leaving a boom while she landed on the floor, Jack noticed that the spear gave her a cut to the arm, "Mommy, she's strong" Jack uttered, licking the blood off her arms.

Scathach came out of the cell, stretching her spear toward them, "Shall we continue? I'm sorry but i don't go easy on my opponents".

. . . . .

Back at Shiro's house, Saber held Martin to the wall, giving him a poker face, "I'm not going to ask again where did you take Shiro?".

"W-what are you talking about? Shiro? I've been here all day. How could I possibly have adopted him?" Martin stammered, sweating bullets as he looked at Saber.

Atalanta, who was still tied with Rider's chain voiced out, "Saber! This is going too far… why are you attacking us, aren't we on the same group?" She asked, struggling to get free from the chains.

Minami clenched his fist, 'Mura, are you there?' She uttered in her thoughts.

"Is something wrong master? You rarely communicate with me like this" Muramasa also said in his mind, he was standing on a building, watching the sparks of swords clashing in the sky.

'I need you to teleport here right now, things are looking pretty bad,'' Minami uttered, putting on a straight face so no one knows she was communicating with Muramasa.

'Okay, I'll be there,'.

Almost instantly, Muramasa appeared beside Minami and the view he saw left him with questions, "What is going on here?" He asked.

"Hey! Help me, she's hurting me for no reason!" Martin yelled.

"Shut up!" Saber stabbed Martin in the leg, twisting the blade to increase the pain, "You haven't answered my question".

Martin screamed, "I don't know anything I swear, let me go!".

Muramasa summoned his sword and was about to confront her,

"Hold on Muramasa, let me ask you something, you did know that in this Holy grail war every master has a unique skill?" Rider asked.

"Yes… what does that have to do with this?" Muramasa reluctantly answered.

"He's your master, can you enlighten us on the skill he uses?" Rider asked and this time she was facing Atalanta whose face was smooched against the ground.

"Marble manipulation" Atalanta mumbled.

"Awesome… today during my combat with the abductors that took Shiro…"

"Wait, Shiro has been abducted?" Minami interrupted, giving out a surprised expression as she yelled.

"... I was somehow trapped in one of your master's little toys" Rider brought out the marble that she picked from the ground, "Any reason why that is?".

"A marble" Minami and Muramasa said in unison, "No way, Martin?" Minami changed her focus to Martin.

"I don't know anything about it, please, believe me, Atalanta, say something…" Matin yelled, looking at Atalanta who was starting to have doubts in her eyes.

"Come on, for all I know, they could be framing me, I had nothing to do with it, I don't know anything about the barrier, you have to believe me" Martin desperately tried to prove his innocence.

"There you go again," Saber uttered in a cold tone, tightening her grip on his neck, "Your first statement when I asked you, was how you didn't know anything about the abduction, but I never said a thing about it, there was no mention about the abduction, all I asked was where you took my master to, and now you said you know nothing about the barrier, she never uttered nor hinted anything about a barrier,".

Saber pulled out her blade and stabbed Martin in his second leg, "I'm losing my patience with you, you have five seconds to tell me where he is" Saber's body begann oozing with dark energy while squeezing Martin's neck to the wall.

Martin suddenly started laughing sinisterly, chocking as he looked at Saber before holding her hand, "it's expected, I did try to fool the king of Camelot" He uttered.

"Master? What's going on?" Atlanta asked, Rider stood up from her back and loosened her chains.

At this point Rider knew that there was no point in restraining her, the truth was already out.

"Oh, Atalanta, your love for children really helped me, all I had to do was act all innocent and you'd run help, pretty stupid if you ask me" He laughed.

"Worthless people like you, make me sick" Saber wanted to strike him but the marbles in Martin's pocket charged towards her.

Saber immediately placed her blade in front of her, blocking the marbles before leaping back.

"You even blocked it at such close range… what has Shiro been feeding you?" Marin mocked, his marble began rotating around him.

'Mura, go and find Shiro' Minani uttered.

'Okay, if you get into trouble, don't hesitate to summon me, okay?'

'Sure, go!'

Muramasa disappeared and appeared outside the building, he leaped onto one of the buildings and closed his eyes using his senses to view the surroundings.

"Looks like your servant went to go look for help, that's too bad, the fun was just about to begin… Atalanta! I order you with a command spell, activate your noble phantasm, Agrius Metamorphosis and take care of these pests,".

"Master…. Please don't make me … do this" Atalanta struggled, falling to her knees as her body began to omit magic energy.

Saber whooshed towards him but before she could strike he had already disappeared, Saber looked at Atalanta who was still struggling on the ground.

"I apologize, but any more and you will become a problem, killing you will grant you both your pride as a warrior and as a heroic spirit" Saber uttered, moving closer to Atalanta with the intent to kill her while she was down.

Atalanta suddenly gave a loud scream and her body let out a full force of dark energy that blew the horse apart.

Saber landed in the middle of the street while Rider stood on the building with Minami in her hands.

They were both looking at the burning building, "I don't think Shiro is going to be happy when he sees this," Rider muttered.

Inside the fire, Atalanta stood up, her skin was pale and her hair had turned white, her tail was longer, same with her fur.

She gave out another roar as she stood in the middle of the fire with her eyes shimmering with purple color.

. . . . . .


The goal is still hear.

50 powerstones= 2 bonus chapters.

100 powerstones= Weekend Mass release

2k collection= R18 chapters will be added, Gil and the mc,etc.