
Hijinks in Seireitei

Half a mile away from Jaune and his friends, Kenpachi Zaraki is being led the wrong way by Yachiru Kusajishi his Lieutenant in the 11th division. The little girl was holding onto Kenpachi's shoulders hanging from his back. "Go right Kenchi."

"If I go right I will be going away from where the Phoenix went." Kenpachi said.

"Go right it is a short cut. They have to come back this way to get to the gate." Yachiru said with confidence even though she had no idea.

"Ah I see. I will go there and wait for them." Kenpachi said with a twisted smile in his face.

"Ah no Kenchi it's the other way!" Yachiru yelled to get Kenpachi turn around.

"You said it was right though!" Kenpachi yelled at his lieutenant.

"My right!" Yachiru said.

"We have the same right!" Kenpachi yelled.

"Oh." Yachiru said in realization before she said, "To the left then!"

"Gahh. Fine! As long as I get to fight I don't care." Kenpachi said as he turned and followed Yachiru's pointing hand. Turning unusually solemn Kenpachi spoke up, "Yachiru did you see the old man? Did he seem off to you?"

Yachiru who was enjoying the ride held a hand to her chin, "Hmmm. He looked angry, worried and depressed I think. Resigned I think is the word."

"Yeah and that doesn't seem weird to you? The guy is always unmoved no matter the situation. What kind of things would cause him to react like that?" Kenpachi asked as he punched down a wall to walk through. "It's weird-" Kenpachi stopped as he lifted his fist and inspected his knuckles, "I am excited beyond compare...but at the same time I am-, I feel an unprecedented threat in my bones. Like an unending war is coming my way."

Yachiru looked down a Kenpachi and proceeded to pull one of his spikes of hair making the bell on it's end jangle. "What is wrong with you Kenny. You never act like this. All you need to focus on is the next fight! Now go right!" Yachiru puffed up her cheeks.

"Yahhh! Let go you little parasite! Why don't you walk on your own?" Kenpachi yelled as he reached back to pull her off. Yachiru dodged the hand each time it came her direction.

"Yachiru, is not a parasite!" Yachiru said pulling on the hair spikes making him walk in the direction she pulled. Yachiru's eye's flashed. Continually pulling his hair she directed Kenpachi in which ever direct she pulled.

After about five minutes of this Kenpachi reached back in a blur and grabbed Yachiru's black kimono. She struggled holding onto his captains haori but it was in vain. Kenpachi held her at eye level and asked, "What is the deal? Are you trying to keep me from a fight?"

Yachiru flapped her arms as she shook her head. "I wouldn't do that to you Kenny you know that. And I ride your back because I have short legs." She crossed her arms as she glared at Kenpachi.

Kenpachi noted the distance Yachiru was from the ground as he held her up. It was indeed true she was very short for a shinigami but with how young she is that makes sense. She was well over a meter above the ground where Kenpachi held her.

"Gah, fine. Just point the way. I want to fight something." Kenpachi said as he began to head in the opposite direction of Jaune and his team.

Captain Komamura was rushing in the direction of the last location of the Phoenix. His Lieutenant Tetsuzaemon Iba was not far behind him. "Iba I need you to contact the other Lieutenants. Ask them to form an encirclement with the Captains. If we do so we will find them in no time. Give it a five kilometer radius. We will slowly draw together and find them."

"Sir. I don't think Kenpachi will do so." Lieutenant Iba said as he sweat dropped thinking of the battle hungry captain.

"True. Then find the third and fourth seat. They should listen to you if you ask." Komamura said.

"Yes sir! Right away. I will convince them." Lieutenant Iba said as he vanished from Komamura's side.

Komamura was glad for his helmet and armor blocking other's view of him. Since he made it Sōkyuko Hill his werewolf senses had been going haywire. The melted ground and smoke covered it well but Komamura has still picked up traces. His ancient instincts had felt as if a ancestor of his people had appeared and marked it's territory here in Seireitei. He was doing his best to fight them but he wasn't sure how much longer he could stop himself from fighting with his life on the line or submitting to the ancestral instincts.

What Komamura had sensed was the left over power of Fenrir that stayed within Jaune even after Fenris absorbed the egoless soul and power. This power gave Jaune animal like senses and reactions. It also gave him a relation to all animals of the same genealogy. This means any time Jaune meets with a wolf or wolf like species he would be seen as one of them. And when an intruder appears in one wolf pack's territory there is an inevitable clash.

And that clash was incoming. Komamura just hoped he was wrong about this or he would be in a tenuous position afterward.

Byakuya Kuchiki was using flash step to the best of his ability as he rushed after the intruders who had broken into Seireitei. Byakuya had many questions; how did they get in, why are they here, how did they escape the captain-commander, why do they have such a small presence even now? All of these were secondary to his mission. As the head of the Kuchiki Family he had to keep his honor and dignity in tact by completing missions to the best of his ability.

So he was not really thinking too hard as he flashed past a large warehouse like building. As he did he saw petals floating up into the sky. Byakuya paused as he searched for the location the red petals came from. Flash stepping to the location he grabbed one of the petals. Holding it in his hand Byakuya watched as it evaporated from his hand.

Byakuya's eyebrows came down as he realized that the ruby red petal was made of reiatsu. Meaning this was from one of the intruders as none of the shinigami he knew besides himself used petals. But what kind of technique would cause this?

Byakuya searched around himself looking for more of the petals. After straining his eyes he didn't notice them anywhere. He huffed a breath as he began to turn to keep up the chase. As he did he saw red petals float up into the sky from twenty blocks over. 'There!' Byakuya flash stepped covering the distance in a few moments. As he reached the location. Byakuya looked around but didn't see any trace.

"So it's a movement technique." Byakuya looked around for another trace of the intruder. A hint of a smile touched his lips a he remembered a long time ago when he did similar chases with Yoruichi. Now he had a new opponent. "Let's see how good you are." Byakuya flash stepped after the next trace of the ruby petals.

Let the chase begin.

Tōshirō Hitsugaya was chasing after the intruders. His mind was in a much turmoil as the rest of the captains. He had seen the look captain-commander Yamamoto had shared with Kyōraku and Unohana. As they had been there when Tōshirō and the rest had appeared he believed them to know more than they were sharing. So Tōshirō had been trying to come up with a theories. But each time he did he was interrupted by his Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto who kept complaining about not sleeping enough, to being over worked, to not having time to prepare.

"If you are going to keep talking go find the Lieutenants and form a circle with the captains. We will catch them within. Now go before I freeze you I'm place!" Tōshirō said anrgily toward his useless Lieutenant.

Rangiku practically sparkled as she held her hands together in front of her bountiful chest. "Really captain! Oh thank you!" She rushed off as if releived of duty.

A giant tick mark filled Tōshirō's forehead before he called out, "Rangiku if I find out that you skipped on this mission to get drunk I will make you clean the toilets of the 10th division for a whole month!"

Rangiku froze in place. She frowned as she had been caught. She didn't want to deal with this mess. All the captains can deal with this there is no need for the lieutenants to participate as well. "Yes sir!" Rangiku rushed off into another direction.

Tōshirō shook his head as he ran forward. A few blocks away from where he split with Rangiku he saw a familiar back down the road from where he was. "Hey Rangiku! What are you doing here? I thought I told you to go find the other lieutenants! We can't let the intruders escape."

She froze in place and didn't react. "Rangiku! What are you doing? Get going!" Tōshirō yelled out.

She let out an eep and rushed down the road where she to a turn at the T intersection. Tōshirō couldn't put his finger on it but he found something very weird about that but he shrugged his shoulders. His lieutenant was something different anyway.

Tōshirō turned to leave and was called out to, "Captain!" Tōshirō turned and saw Rangiku jumping down from the top of the building beside him.

Tōshirō paused as he looked between Rangiku and the direction the shinigami raced off to. With a resound smack he hit himself in the face with his hand. "Let me guess. Someone has broken into a warehouse and stolen a shinigami uniform."

Rangiku paused as she was about say exactly that. "Yeah how did you know?"

"Well the intruder looks like you from the back." Toshiro said as he raced after the direction the girl had run. When he was half way down the street to the T junction he heard an explosion. Running even faster they reached the turn and saw smoked and broken tiles from where something impacted with immense force.

"What do you mean she looks like me? No one can be as beautiful as I am. She must really be a looker then!" Rangiku said.

"She had a mane of yellow hair but due to the shadow of the building I didn't notice the difference. And she didn't had a zanpakuto. There is no way in this emergency situation that someone would forget their weapon." Tōshirō said a he sighed. "Let's go get her. Maybe she can give us an idea of where her companions are."

The two jumped up to the top of the wall. They looked around for traces of where the girl could have gone. As Tōshirō looked across the tops of the walls and building he was tapped on his shoulder. "What?"

Rangiku pointed up into the sky. The two looked and saw a flaming comet fly across Seireitei. "Think that is her?" Rangiku asked rhetorically.

Tōshirō snorted as he flash stepped in the direction of the comet. He needed to catch this girl. Once he did he would get the answers he was searching for.

Lieutenant Ōmaeda and Captain Suì-Fēng were chasing a shadow.

Ōmaeda was constantly complaining similarly to Rangiku, "Why do we have to chase after these intruders? From what I heard from our subordinates they are just kids."

"How many kids do you know can escape the captain-commander without an injury? You should never look down upon an enemy due to their apparent age or size. You should know this well." Suì-Fēng said as she glared at her lieutenant. "That is why I have ordered the other members of the 2nd division to drive them to a specific location."

The two flew over the buildings and walls at a constant speed. Shortly they were met by a subordinate who bowed and directed their attention to a specific location.

Sui-Feng rushed to the location with all possible speed leaving the two behind.

Once she reached the location she saw something that froze her in her tracks. Her emotions went haywire as she watched a nearly identical version of her ex-captain. There were a few differences, like the weapon she used a transforming handgun-katana-scythe attached to a ribbon of some kind of elastic material, Yoruichi never used her zanpakuto, second the girl had a much lighter skin tone than Yoruichi, and third the ears on top of the girls head. Even though Yoruichi loved to transform she never had animal features that stayed afterward.

But beyond that the girl was an exact replica of Yoruichi.

Sui-Feng began to hyperventilate. As she watched the girl defend against the more than twenty 2nd division members. As she was about to be stabbed through the chest Sui-Feng almost jumped to her defense until she saw the girl turn black like a shadow only to appear five feet away with her weapon ready pointed at her attacker.

Sui-Feng was a sensor type of shinigami due to her occupation so she was able to feel the use of spiritual energy in the girls action. "What is that? That wasn't her weapon. It is as if it came from her own body." Sui-Feng would have to test this intruder and find out how she so closely resembled Princess Yoruichi.

Sui-Feng jumped down from the wall and walked towards the center of the fight. Yes. A test was in order to see how closely she really resembled Yoruichi. Sui-Feng attempted to calm her racing heart as many thoughts, many not proper for a captain of the Gotei 13 filled her mind. Hopefully she would be able to keep herself under control.

Sui-Feng smiled.

Lieutenant Ikkaku Madarame was rushing off towards the direction of the disturbance. He hoped the battles wouldn't be over too quickly or he would be very dissatisfied. As he passed by open courtyard he caught sight of bright red hair. Skidding to a stop he stepped back and. called out "Hey Renji do you have any idea about the situation? It seems like a cluster to me. Have you come across any of the intruders?"

Ikkaku stepped toward Renji's back. As he did he noticed some inconsistencies. First the hair was smooth while Renji's is messy. Second they held themself different from Renji. Third they didn't have a zanpakuto on their hip.

"Wait...you aren't Renji! Who are you?!" Ikkaku yelled as he pulled out his sword ready for battle.

The person turned and Ikkaku was left speechless as a young girl stood before him. She was tall with a similar stature as Renji meaning she had a lot of muscle under the black shinigami robes. She was beautiful and intense. She looked at Ikkaku with a serious, resolute and worry filled expression.

In her hands was a bronze colored circle shield and a bronze colored short sword. Behind the robes the evident outline of armor could be seen. On her forehead a circlet of bronze sat.

She was much different that Ikkaku imagined the intruder would be but that wouldn't stop him. Though he did have some reservations about fighting girls he would find out what is going on. She was young that was for sure but in her eyes Ikkaku saw "it". The heart of a warrior. So he prepared for a battle.

She looked at him before she spoke, "I'm sorry. But I have to go, I can't let you stop me."

Ikkaku raised an eyebrow in question.


Ikkaku's head fell forward as the metal cauldron that had floated up behind him hit with full force. Pyrrha who was turning away to escape was frozen by the loud voice of Ikkaku.

"Who did that!" Ikkaku spun looking for the enemy he expected to see, but all he saw was a floating cauldron coated in a black outline. Looking back at the girl Ikkaku saw the same outline from her hands. "You? ...How?" Ikkaku kept looking between the girl and the cauldron in question before he swung his sword and cut the cauldron in half. After being cut the cauldron fell to the ground.

"Well aren't you full of tricks huh?" Ikkaku said as he readied himself to seriously fight this girl.

"I really don't want to fight I just want to go to my friends." Pyrrha tried to convince Ikkaku.

"Well too bad girly. I would have let you off easy, but now my head is ringing and that pissed me off. I hope you can fight well." Ikkaku said as he smiled as he charged.

"Hey Ren where do you think the others are? We've been searching forever but we haven't found a single sign of them. Why don't we just explore this place? We might have better luck if we go to the really big castle." Nora asked Ren who was walking right beside her. The two had put on the shinigami robes to blend in after they were separated.

"I don't know Nora. When we were hit by that fire ball we didn't really get a chance to see where everyone went. We have been searching for ten minutes. If we explore this place we may get caught so we are meeting up at the base of the castle where it extends out towards a upraised platform. Jaune explained that is where we will escape this place. While getting higher up may be a good idea to catch sight of our companions we will be just as easy to see. So we are heading there on the ground." Ren explained to Nora.

"Aww. Its too bad! This place is amazing! There are so many cool places and people. Like that guy. I like his mustache." Nora pointed at the man who was standing in the way of Ren and Nora. He was one of the people from the mesa that they had seen when they first came to this place.

First Division lieutenant Chōjirō Sasakibe was in a quandary. He needed to let others know that the intruders had blended into the shinigami divisions. But he must deal with these two...children first. He wasn't sure why the captain-commander had let them go the first time. And he knew that they had been let go as no one could escape the captain-commander when he wanted to catch them. He had seen it in his long time as the 1st division lieutenant with all of the captains and lieutenants. No one escaped unless they were allowed.

"I request you come quietly. I do not want to harm you. The Sōkyuko you stole is of great significance to us and we need it back. So please come and we will figure this all out." Sasakibe requested with an outstretched hand.

"But Jaune said not to go with anyone otherwise we will be locked up and bad things will happen to us." Nora said as she put a finger to her chin.

"I promise to protect you from the bad people that are after you. The captain-commander plans on letting you go back to the human world as soon as we get the Sōkyuko." Sasakibe said with surety in his voice.

Nora looked at Ren in question. Ren thought about it for a few moments. "I think this might be the best option at this point. We don't know anyone or anything besides what Jaune told us which isn't much. Plus I don't want to cause a scene in a place I don't know for no reason. At least not any more than we already have."

"Ok why don-" Nora began before she rushed toward Sasakibe. The lieutenant thinking it was an attack pulled out his sword and began to swing until he saw the girl pass right behind him. He turned to the side and watched as the girl pulled out her gun from her back and it proceeded to transform into a very large metal hammer. The girl ran diagonal and stretched out her hammer to catch the lightning bolt that was coming straight towards Sasakibe, from where his back was turned before.

Sasakibe reached out with a hand to call up a barrier but he was not fast enough and he watched on in horror as the lightning bolt was attracted to the hammer. The girl seized up as she was hit by the lightning bolt.

"Ahhhhhh!" Nora screamed as she took the full strike of the lightning.

"Dankū!" Sasakibe called out in the direction of where that powerful Byakurai came from. A transparent shield manifested in-front of Nora who was now kneeling on the ground. Sasakibe rushed to her side where he was met by the boy who had pulled out his dagger handguns.

"Nora!" Ren called as he stood behind Nora's back ready to fight. The three formed a triangle as they looked out in every direction for the attacker.

"Young woman are you ok?!" Sasakibe asked with worry in his voice.

"Ouch. That was a bit more than the last lightning bolt dad tried to get me to control. Wooo. Man that left a tingle. Now what do we do? Seems like the rogue comment Jaune said was true." Nora said as she stood with electricity crackling over her body.

"You....how?" Sasakibe asked in utter confusion.

"She absorbs electricity through her semblance." Ren explained as he searched for the attacker.

"Her what?" Sasakibe asked before he remembered himself, "Nevermind that! We need to get out of here. It seems you are being targeted. But the question is who is it?"

"No way to tell is there?" Ren asked rhetorically.

"No not at the moment. It would be best if we could make it to the captain-commander, but I don't believe they will allow us to go so easily." Sasakibe was in a quandary. Did he let them go and attract the attention of the attacker or go with them to protect them? No he could not throw them as bait there is no guarantee that there isn't another member of the rogues. "Follow me I will lead us to a safe location. Keep behind the barrier."

"If you got more of the lightning let me tank them. It is really helping me out with my aura for some reason." Nora said as she felt her aura respond in excitement after the lightning strike.

"What why would I allow such a thing?" Sasakibe asked in utter confusion.

"It is making me stronger. And if our guess is right. We will need all the strength we can to escape." Nora said unusually serious.

"Trust her. She knows what she is doing." Ren said even as he thought, 'I hope she does anyway.'

"Ok, follow me and stay close." Sasakibe said as the there started running towards the castle.

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