

Darnic looked down at her before he looked up and called out, "I am accomplishing my goal. Lancer by my command seal I order you to use your--"

With a swish and glint of dark metal Darnic's head separated from his body keeping him from completing the order that would have likely led to the end of the world.

The form of grandpa Hassan stood in front of Scathach. "Thy will is done."

"Well done." Scathach said. She turned to look at Vlad and saw the fear evident on his face when he had heard Darnic's words begin. "I assume you acknowledge what we just did?" Scathach yells out over all the clamoring masters and servants.

They all quieted as they looked to Vlad who had a somewhat relieved expression on his face. After taking a breath he nodded at her, "I do indeed understand what he was planning. Thank you for saving me from my horrible legend."

"Well if you agree to help us then you can work with us to defeat the divine beasts as a servant to our master or the homunculus over there." Scathath said as she pointed to Jaune and the confused looking Sieg. Jaune was starting to stir under Tama's ministrations

Vlad looked at the woman before he came to a decision. "I agree." After he finished speaking he started walking toward Jaune and his servants. As he did blue motes of magic began to fall off his lower body.

"Ugh Jaune wake up!" Tama shouted as she shocked Jaune awake. It worked.


Jaune jumped up three feet in the air up and backward all while he pulled his sword and shield into place ready for a follow up attack.

Everyone stared at Jaune. The servants had appreciative expressions from his reactions. The masters stared on looking like they couldn't understand how the master had pulled the weapons out of thin air.

Scathach was the one to get Jaune back into a more clear minded state, "Jaune if you don't wake up we will be training three times a day for the next week."

And drowsiness was wiped out at that sentence. "Huh, what is going on?"

"You need to contract with Lancer right now! Before he returns to the Throne!" Scathach said as she pointed at lancer and the fallen body not far away.

"R-right." Jaune walked forward and stood before Lancer, Tama walked up and spoke into Jaune's ear. Jaune repeated all the words needed, "Heed my words. My will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny."

Jaune said as he held put his hand. as he began to glow with a ruddy light, "If you heed the Grail's call and obey my will and reason, then answer me!"

Vlad began to glow with a golden light his eyes closed as he sensed for his new master's magic through the Throne.

Jaune continued, "Obey me and answer my call! Will you share your destiny with me or not?"

"In the name of Lancer, I shall answer your pledge." Vlad spoke. He lifted his head and looked into Jaune's faceplate. "You shall be my Master and I shall be your servant."

With a bright flash the two were covered in light before the light settled down revealing a now solid Vlad and tired looking Jaune.

"Man that is draining." Jaune said.

Vlad was looking at his hands with an astonished expression. He had been summoned by Darnic for over a year now and had a constant flow of magic coming to him from day one. But Darnic had never had so much and such pure magic. It made it possible for him to fight and defeat Karna if they fought now. He looked over at the other servants of his new master.

He had come to realize the reason he had felt such threat from his new fellow servants from earlier. If they had this much magic behind them then they could have easily defeated the servants of the two factions including him even with his connection to the land.

Scathach was speaking so he decided to listen in to her speech, "--why we killed him. If he had completed that order then all of us would have been in danger. If you know Lancer's name then you would understand why that is the case."

A few of the servants understood while the masters of Yggdmillenia were close to losing their minds. Celenike seems to have completely lost her mind as she began to issue a command through the seals. The other Yggdmillenia masters tried to stop her by holding her down and covering her mouth.

Jaune looked at Vlad and asked, "Do you know what happened to her? She seems to have lost her mind. She seemed fine before Darnic's death."

"I think Darnic was messing with soul magic. It is likely he used his magic to mess with this whole family. I think when he died his tether to her jerked out a portion of her soul. This is only my supposition not fact though." Vlad said as he bowed slightly to his master.

Jaune turned toward Celenike, "Is there any way to heal her?"

"Only time can heal such a wound. Souls are ever growing things that keep growing with a person's experiences through their lives." Tama said as she looked at Jaune.

"So what should we do with her now?" Jaune asked.

"I suggest we go with the original plan and have Sieg take over Rider's command seal. He is a good fit for him." Tama said.

"Him?" Vlad asked as he looked at Tama before looking at Astolfo.

"Yeah. Hahaha. He is a crossdressing man." Tama said while laughing as she saw the expression of Vlad change. He had a surprised then a conflicted expression on him. Tama continued to explain, "He did so to help one of his companions who had fallen into depression in his time. To brighten his day with laughter he kept cross dressing until he found out he enjoyed it. And that was what she, or in this case, he wrote."

"I-I see." Vlad said as he tried to come to terms the kind of character someone must have to go through such a socially awkward hobby to help their friend. Vlad's opinion of Astolfo increased.

Scathach who had finished speaking asked the masters and servants if they would join them in fighting the divine beasts. After much deliberation the Black faction decided to join in even as Celenike was held down by a golem. Sisigou agreed only after he looked at Mordred. Mordred had a wide smile on her face as she thought of the battle she could get from the divine beasts.

"Hell yeah!" Mordred agreed to the suggestion. Sisigou just nodded with a smirk on his face.

The rest of the Red faction on the other hand was silent as they looked toward the priest. "As much as I would love to join this group. I can not agree. My wish will save humanity from the divine beasts if I am able to make it before they awaken. I will defeat them my way."

As he said this the Hanging Gardens, which had gotten closer without anyone noticing, formed a massive tornado that sucked up the ground in the center of the castle. The grounds were torn apart before a hole was broken open. From below a massive sphere, with an opening with a beautiful sculpture of an angel within, floated up with the tornado like winds. The sphere picked up speed and entered into an opening at the base of the Hanging Gardens.

The priest walked backward as the servants surrounded him while the others watched the Hanging Gardens pull up the Greater Holy Grail. "Separate them away from the masters then kill them. It is the perfect time to wipe them out. Separate Avicebron from the others. He is the most likely to join us in our mission."

The servants reacted to the orders. They raced forward to knock back the servants of the Black Faction and create an opening. Karna swung his lance pushing out a wave of fire. The Black Faction masters and servants separated as they dodged the fire. Karna deflected a few arrows that came from the Archer of Black.

Achilles appeared before Frankenstein and swung his spear knocking her away.

Frankenstein was able to block the blow before it could split her in half. The result was her flying away instead of being cut open. She flipped in the air allowing her to land on her feet.

When she stopped she activated the mace that became an electrified sphere. Growling she crouched preparing to rush at Achilles but she was surprised by Achilles appearing before her already swinging his spear. She reacted as fast as she could and blocked most of the blow. What she couldn't block cut into her arm.

Now, one of her arms was hanging loosely, while the other held onto the mace. The arm that was cut had wires, muscles and bone evident from the open cut.

"You remind me of the creations of Hephaestus. Just a mannequin covered in flesh." Achilles shook his head.

Frankenstein roared as her madness began to take effect.

A second roar came from the side right as Achilles pulled up his spear to prevent the two swords from cutting into him. "We meet again."

"Shut up you lap dog. You have no right to speak. You know the threat we face as well as the danger they represent. Yet you still follow the orders of a master who only thinks for himself!" Beowulf said harshly toward the grecian hero.

The words hit hard upon Achilles pride and legend. "Damn you. It's not that easy to turn against your master."

"Yes it is, especially if you do not respect him. You just need to find another master." Beowulf said angrily.

As they spoke the two exchanged blows constantly.

Atlanta shot her arrows into the crowd of golems and masters. She hoped to finish this quickly as she had no stomach for killing children. And that is what most of the masters of Black were. After firing over twenty arrows the golems began to fall apart. Noticing a quick kill Atlanta fired her bow.

A moment later Celenike was pierced in the chest by an arrow.

Astolfo who was rushing to defend his master froze. Looking down he saw his legs begin to break into particles of magic. "Well crap. Seems like I'm out of the running." Astolfo said to Sieg.

"Will you become my servant?" Sieg asked Astolfo.

"Fine. Just know I am weak." Astolfo said after hesitating for a few moments.

Sieg just smiled as he began the chant that Jaune had completed earlier. They had already hashed out Sieg appearance on the battle field.

The two flashed with light.

Karna was kept busy with the golems that Avicebron kept creating. After separating him from the rest Karna turned to his new enemy. Vlad appeared before him and they returned to their fight. They had been looking forward to the rematch.

Avicebron was creating more golems when he heard the voice of the priest behind him. "Would you like to join me? I can give you the ability to finish your grand work."

"As long as I can finish my project I will join you." Avicebron said as he jumped ship quickly.

"Good." Kotomine said as he walked forward and changed the command seals of Avicebron. "Go finish your project. I have much to do elsewhere."

Avicebron nodded his head as he began to return to the castle after "saving" his master.

Chiron who had dodged the flames began a duel with Atlanta she had just finished killing Celenike and now turned her whole focus to fighting with Chiron.

Arrows filled the air as they exploded, shattered and ricochet off into random directions.

Mordred and Sisigou looked at one another, only after dodging and hiding behind a fallen golem. "So what do we do master?"

"I don't know. We are in a bit of a situation dontcha think?" He said as he smiled widely even as he pulled up his handheld shotgun..

"Hahaha. Good on you master! You have the blood of a warrior! I am proud to be your servant. Now let's go!" Mordred called as she rushed toward the most interesting servant on the battle field. The Lancer of Red.

Mordred flashed with red lightning as she was covered in her armor. Raising Clarient she rushed to the battle field ready for the next opponent.

Vlad who was keeping Karna busy looked behind himself to the red flash and nodded. Spinning away from the interlocked spears Vlad made way for Mordred. Karna's eyes widened slightly at the switch-off that happened in a split second.

Roaring at Karna Mordred swung with all her might. The blow landed on the spear which bowed before Karna flashed away being sent tens of meters away. Mordred not wasting time flashed away with red lightning covering her armor.

Vlad watched the laughing Mordred put pressure on Karna like he couldn't before he was contracted with his new master. Returning to the three female servants and his master Vlad stood before Jaune and asked, "What is you will Master?"

Jaune looked up at Vlad pausing for a few moments he looked around the battle field and could not come to an answer. Chiron who had been watching over Jaune from the Reality Marble gave his suggestion.

"Jaune I would suggest you keep as many of the Black Faction in the fight as possible. Also make sure to keep an eye on Avicebron. His mania over getting his project done could spell another world ending event if it is concluded and not taken care of in a short amount of time." Chiron explained.

Jaune who was emotionally raw at this point was looking for anything that could keep him afloat and functioning at this time. Suggestions from someone he had known for almost all of his life was one thing he could hold onto and not second guess.

"Protect the Black faction masters and servants. Push back the Red Faction. We will consolidate our forces and see if there is any way to fix this mess. Someone follow Avicebron and keep an eye on him. He has no true loyalties, only his project and anyone who can make it a reality become useful." Jaune said to his servants.

Medusa, Scathach and Tama nodded. They flashed away. Grandpa Hassan stood behind Jaune ready for anything. Vlad was still looking down upon his new master.

"Yes Vlad? Is there something I can do for you?" Jaune asked.

"How do you know so much about us all? I mean the masters have never heard of you. You appear out of nowhere with a whole faction on your side. It is a near impossible thing but you are still here. Why?" Vlad asked.

Jaune looked to Vlad not sure how to answer. He knew he was brought by a god he didn't know who and was met by the butler...Magic Marshal Zelretch but beyond that he really didn't understand his place in everything. So Jaune was stumped on how to answer.

It was Grandpa Hassan who answered. "Zelretch."

Vlad looked towards the dark clothed servant and nodded, "That does make sense. That man has put his fingers in everything he can reach. And his reach goes very far with his unique magic. He even appeared in my time at one point. That was an interesting meeting. Felt like meeting a descendent of mine."

"Indeed." Hassan said with a slight nod. "Like knows like."

Vlad bristled at that comment. "What did you say?!"

"I imagine what Grandpa Hassan meant was that you must have met him after your feats were accomplished and your legend was beginning to take root. If that was the case your legend would have felt a connection to him since he is a vampire. Wait! He is? Why wasn't I told about that?!" Jaune said before ending in a rant at no one present.

Vlad raised a brow at the interesting actions of his master. 'He must be speaking with another servant who knows more about Zelretch.'

Jaune suppressed a shudder as he looked at Vlad and asked, "Does that answer all of your questions?"

Vlad nodded before he jumped onto his horse who had materialized beside him. He rushed away towards the battle following the three servants who had vanished.

Jaune slumped slightly. He had been putting up a front of knowledge and understanding to keep Vlad appeased at Chiron's suggestion. Now that he wasn't here Jaune released the tension he had kept up.

'Hey Shirou where are you now?' Jaune asked telepathically.

'I am coming up to the castle now. Chiron has already told me of the creation that Avicebron plans on releasing. I just hope I am not too late. In case I am then I suggest you get the other two sabers up here to help me. With them I think we can defeat the golem without draining all our masters.' Shirou said as he jumped again covering hundreds of yards.

'Got it. I will get Sieg and Mordred.' Jaune said as he sighed turning to the two who had made their way to his side.

"It is good to see you in such a better state than before. It seems Siegfried's wish has turned out well." Jaune said to Sieg with a smile behind the helmet.

Sieg felt the sincerity of the words spoken to him, "Y-yeah it has done me some good. I am healthier and more robust than I was before. Wait...you were there?"

"Yeah, he was with his servants in the forest at that time. They are the ones who made my faction turn back from attempting to take you back. In fact that old man right there was the one to tell me which direction to go." Astolfo said as he looked at Hassan.

"What? Really? Why?" Sieg asked.

Jaune looked out toward the battle field and the direction the beasts were sleeping. "At least someone needed to have their wish completed before all is said and done." Turning back to the two confused people Jaune said, "Now Sieg you have Siegfried's heart which also means his power is within you. That means you can manifest his spirit onto yourself. Turning you into Siegfried for a short time. Now knowing that I wish to ask for your aid."

"What?!" Astolfo yelled before he stood with his harms out wide in front of his master. "You will not drag him into this fight! He doesn't need to be here."

"But he is here. He wants to make a difference in whatever way that may be. That is why he showed up on this battle field and released all of the homunculi at the castle." Jaune said.

Sieg was astonished after hearing he could transform into Siegfried and that Jaune had known he was releasing the homunculi in the castle, but seeing the dark shape of the Assassin he realized how he had known. Sieg looked down onto his hand where his unique command seals were present. He looked back up into the face plate of Jaune. "What is it you need my help with? You have so many servants who answered your call."

Jaune sighed as he responded, "I don't have the energy to supply all of my heroes with enough for a long battle or to release their full power for long. That is the whole reason I needed to ask the factions to join me. If I did then I would likely enter a comatose state after releasing them all, that or death. I have too many people waiting for me back home to die here. So I need your help. Will you give it to me?"

Sieg looked on with a conflicted look on his face. "First tell me what your monsters did with the homunculi on the battle field."

Jaune couldn't help but smile at this, 'At least he has his priorities straight.' Jaune thought to himself. "They are all safe. I sent them to the castle I have confiscated as my own. They are being healed and taken care of by the ones you released and my last remaining servant. She is getting them situated while protecting them from any threats. All the homunculi who fell on the battle field were kept alive until my grimm could pull them from the field. Though I am sad to say that I could not save them all. Those that have passed are being laid to rest in the forest. I will bring you there when we don't have a battle on our hands." Jaune explained even as his voice hitched. It was so slight Sieg didn't notice it but Astolfo who was a servant did.

Astolfo became even more interested in this master and his background. From his reaction it seemed like he had not been a part of the reverse side of the world for long but that seemed impossible with him having so much power in his hands. Curiouser and curiouser.

Sieg who had been silent for a little bit lifted his head with a steely expression on his face, "I owe you for saving my fellow homunculi so I will help you. What do you need?"

"Great! I need you and Rider to go to the castle and prepare to deal with Avicebron should he be planning on unleashing his Noble Phantasm in the middle of this chaos. If he succeeds his creation will become a threat similar to the divine beasts. My saber and Saber of Red will help you to deal with it." Jaune said.

"Huh? Isn't he on the Black Faction? Why would his creation become a threat to his allies?" Sieg asked. Astolfo had a concerted expression on his face.

"He is a man driven by his dream. To create his dream he will use and discard anyone to achieve it. That is why I need you to be there in case he has actually turned. If not then you can work with him to get some golems created to reach the enemy base in the sky." Jaune said even if he knew the likely truth.

"Understood. We are. on our way." Sieg said as he turned to Astolfo o who nodded and let out a whistle. The cry of the hippogriff resounded as it came into land in front of Astolfo. The two jumped up onto its back and flew off.

"I hope this works out. If it doesn't then we will lose even more chances to defeat the divine beasts." Jaune said to himself.

Grandpa Hassan looked on with an experienced eye.

During war anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

Hello Fellow Readers!

Been a bit. Had a hard time determining where to go with the story at this moment. There are so many ways that it could go. Finding one that didnt break the story or make Jaune broken(mentally or physically) or overpowered was hard.

I think this direction is for the best. As much as I would want to add more magic and noble phantasms to his long list of abilities it is just not possible at this time. But soon. Soon Jaune will gain a few that will be game changers but they will also have limiting factors to keep his growth constant rather than broken.

Well anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time on Fate/Remnant!

Thanks for reading Fellow Readers!

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