
Celebration and A Butler

Everyone headed over to the restaurant that had been reserved. It was a family run restaurant that was more focused on the feel of a family meal than an out on the town kind.

The Arc family, the Rose family, the Nav family, the Belladonna family and the Nikos family filled up one whole floor of the restaurant. The parents chattered while the younger kids ran around like their hair was on fire. The older ones grouped up in their own niches that talked about different things. One group was even playing games on their scrolls. It was crazy but it was a time many would remember fondly for a long time to come.

"Everyone quiet! Pyrrha is coming!" Honeydew whisper yelled at the whole group.

Silence followed as everyone got to their places. They all held the banners and confetti poppers ready. One person turned the lights off and waited. Twenty seconds later Pyrrha walked up followed by Nina. Nina was talking to Pyrrha about sponsors for her competitive career until she was ready to go to the Academies. So Pyrrha was unsuspecting of what she was walking into.

A split second later the lights flickered on and all the confetti poppers exploded covering Pyrrha in confetti and glitter. She had instinctually gotten into a fighting stance upon being surprised. Nina walked up behind Pyrrha hugging her and said in a soft voice, "Congratulations Pyrrha! Or should I call you Invincible Girl?" Nina pushed the stuttering Pyrrha forward, right at Jaune.

Pyrrha blushed upon seeing who was standing in front of her. She hesitantly smiled, "Hello again Jaune."

"Congrats Invincible Girl." Jaune said with a smile. Jaune stepped forward and hugged Pyrrha strongly. Pyrrha hesitantly returned the hug until she was squeezing Jaune as hard as she could. Jaune tapped out and stepped back as he brought his hand forward and pulled the string. Another explosion of confetti fell upon Pyrrha covering her hair in multi colored confetti. "Your hard work has really paid off! But you needed a shower." Jaune said in a laughing manner with a smirk as he turned to run.

Pyrrha looked at Jaune, who was turning away, in shock for a few seconds before she grew a malicious smile on her face. "You are so going to pay for that!"

What followed was an Olympic level chase that had parkour, near miss food fight and a cat and mouse event. Jaune and Pyrrha jumped off the walls, slid under the tables, flipped over seated people, spun, jinked, sidestepped and ducked in a constant manner for a full five minutes. Everyone present cheered for Pyrrha while no cheered for Jaune, not thinking he needed encouragement. After a while the others got involved and tried to trip up Jaune to allow Pyrrha to catch him but many of them couldn't do it. It was only when Honeydew reached out and horse collared Jaune for a second, just long enough that Pyrrha impacted Jaune's back and clamped her arms down not allowing him to escape.

"Hey! No fair! Cheating! I call foul!" Jaune cried out to everyone present but it seemed no one was on his side as they all looked away as if it had nothing to do with them. Jaune looked to his mother with puppy dog eyes and was met with a turned cheek. "Ah fine!"

Pyrrha cheered as she dragged Jaune over to seat and the newly open spot. She pushed Jaune there, this would be Jaune seat for the rest of the evening. If Pyrrha moved Jaune would follow to sit beside her. This game had been started by Maria when she was training Jaune about his situational awareness. And when the Arc's came to visit Pyrrha and Emerald had picked it up.

There would be a chase in an enclosed area and Jaune would have to avoid them all of a set amount of time without breaking anything. If he was able to escape he would be free of training for a whole day the next day. If he was caught though he would be forced to sit with and endure everything that the person who caught him could put him through in the time they had with him.

Jaune saw this as torture when he was younger since his sisters would always work together to capture him. But after a while Jaune got so good at it that he instinctually avoided his sister's attacks. This slowly transferred to his other forms of training. Eventually Jaune found it extremely fun to drive his sisters crazy with his running away. But only one person he couldn't run away from no matter how hard he tried, his mother, caught him every time.

Since then anytime everyone was together there would be spontaneous chases.

Nina stood at the front of the table and tapped her glass. A few moments later everyone went quiet. Holding up her glass Nina called out, "Today we celebrate two things. First, the Invincible Girl made her debut! Being the youngest huntress-in-training to win the Argus Huntsman Tournament ever!" The room resounded in cheers as everyone called out for Pyrrha.

Pyrrha blushed at the praise from everyone. Jaune smiled as he poked Pyrrha in the side making her yelp and jump at the same time. Everyone started to laugh at her and Jaune's antics, as she punched Jaune out of the chair, all while he laughed.

"And second we celebrate Jaune's good health and his birthday!" Nina called and a second cheer echoed out. After a while Nina spoke again, "Now let's have a party!" A third and more resounding cheer shook the building as everyone began the celebration.

After that the night was a blur full of joy, laughter and smiles. Celebrating good health, accomplishment and the future.

The following day was an equally enjoyable affair. The group descended upon the fair that was happening alongside the tournament. Many of the stalls were plundered by the Arc clan and the Nikos clan. All of the physical competitions were obliterated by the Valkyrie family that showed up that morning.

In one instance Nora was competing on Ring the Bell. Fake spitting into her hands Nora grabbed the handle of the rubber mallet lifting it up with such ease that she nearly fell over trying to overcompensate for the expected weight of her normal hammer. The game owner looked on with a smile thinking he was going to make an easy lien as, from his view it looked like Nora couldn't handle the weight of the mallet, even if the opposite was true.

Nora stood there for a few seconds before an evil smile came across her face before she quickly hid it putting on her innocent girl act. "Hey Mr. If I break the bell can I take all of the giant toys?"

The man laughed at the little girl before him and said, much to his later regret, "Girl if you can break that bell with your skinny arms I will give you all the money I made so far today as well as the giant stuffed animals."

Nora smiled as she looked over to Ren and said, "You heard him right? Right?!" Nora was vibrating in place.

Ren wiped his face in exasperation. Still covering his eyes Ren spoke up. "Yes I heard Nora." Ren turned and said to the man, "I am sorry in advance."

The man got a sinking feeling as he heard these words. Looking over trying to take back his words the man could only watch on in horror as Nora lifted the mallet with such speed and ease that the man knew he was doomed.

Nora screamed out, "Yay!!! New members for the tea party!!!" Then Nora swung.

To say the Ring the Bell stand exploded was to put it lightly. As the mallet hit the lever the metal bolt holding it in place sheared in half. The striking pad sunk into the ground half a foot along with the mallet. Nora who was still holding onto the hammer pushed herself up to do a handstand on the handle. The metal piece shot up like a bullet so fast that it pulled off the metal pole off the wooden back, but not before the metal piece hit the bell crushing the metal dome into a pancake, which made Nora drool thinking about pancakes, as the bell flattened it, along with the metal piece, was pulled off the stand to shoot into the sky and disappear from sight.

Nora settled onto the ground before she spun and curtsied to the stunned faces of the surrounding people. The man who owned the stand whimpered. As if that was the signal, the stand fell apart into multiple pieces in different directions. Nora happily swung her arms at her sides as she hop-skipped to the stand holding all the giant stuffed animals. Nora swept up all the stuffed animals and marched over to Ren.

"Lets go get pancakes! I'm hungry!" Nora said as she walked forward clearing the way with her stuffed animal airbag.

Ren shook his head and turned to the man who was on the ground, bowed and turned away following the mass of stuffed animals. Ren didn't wait to get the money the man offered. Nora even erased that part of the bet from her memory as soon as she heard she could get all of the stuffed animals.

Besides the man would need it to buy a new Bell stand.

Similar situations were happening all over the fair. Each time the stand owners would watch in horror as their money makers were broken forcing them to pack up and leave. Before long the stands stopped offering opportunities to the culprits. So before even half the day was out tens of stands were put out of business.

While the children were all playing and enjoying themselves the adults went to a central location which just so happened to be a restaurant that had closed their branch stores to expand their work force for the tournament and fair, so they were able to handle the large numbers that came through.

The group of families including; the Valkyrie's, the Arcs, the Nikos, Qrow standing in for Tai who was still teaching at Signal, the Nav's and the Belladonna's.

The Belladonna's showed up late last night due to an important process in the MDF and the formation of the government that came up last minute. They were able to see Pyrrha's last fight but they were not able to get to the box seats before it was over so they just met everyone at the restaurant. Toady Blake was being dragged along by the Arc girls as they caught up. They said she would have time enough to spend with Jaune during the training camp as she tried to escape multiple times.

The adults were all talking about the training camp. It took a while for Odin, Thor and Sif to ease the parents, and uncle in Qrow's case, worry for the training camp. But after Odin listed the number of trainers and hunters who would be going on the trip, the mental burden of the families eased tremendously.

"So how long will this training camp go on for?" Ghira asked Odin.

"Depending on how well they do it can go from one month to three. Now I know this is long time but the skills we will instilling into them will greatly affect their future endeavors. They will smarter, faster, stronger, much more knowledgeable about their semblances and the world. These are the kinds of things future hunters will need and want if they want to survive." Odin said stating a fact.

Every adult nodded their heads at this. It was a fact of life for a hunter. If they did not know their environment and how to survive it could endanger their lives. So this camp was something that all parents wished for their future hunters to participate in. And knowing such powerful hunters as the Valkyries were leading them made them excited for their kids, even if they worried for them at the same time.

"What do you plan on teaching them?" Qrow asked. He had heard of and seen the Valkyries work before. It was...extremely brutal and efficient. They were the ones someone called in when they wanted a grimm horde dealt with. And considering the number of grimm hordes that appear yearly the Valkyries were always working and paid extraordinarily well by the kingdoms.

"We will be teaching them basic and advanced survival techniques. Where to find and obtain water/food, tracking, trap making, weapon maintenance, grimm studies, squad tactics and team building exercises. And of course hand to hand fighting specially devised for grimm." Thor explained with his thunderous voice.

"We will also go into proper gear and outfitting management for hunting trips for team finances. Aura control and cultivation will be a major focus for them. Exploring their semblances will be our main focus so we allow them to understand what they need to work on in the future to get the most out of them. After that their skills with weapons will be developed around all types so they will never be without a weapon." Sif said after Thor.

"That is quiet a bit to crunch down into only a few months." Nina said as she looked around for support. A few of the other adults nodded.

"I can assure you ma'am. We are very good at training warriors." Odin said with an easy smile.

"Oh I am not worried about that Mr. Odin. What I am worried about is if you wear out the kids. They will need plenty of down time to absorb this knowledge." Nina said as she looked right into Odin's eye. "Pyrrha has been working too hard. She needs some time to relax or she will burn out."

"Do not worry Mrs. Nikos. We will not be wholly focused on their training. We have designated days for them to relax and enjoy time together or alone as they like. Trust me when I say the Valkyrie family knows how to have a good time." Sif said as she side eyed Thor who just smiled with a knowing grin.

Before anyone could come up with an idea of what those words meant Thor roared in happiness, "A feast!" The waiters were bringing out an extensive amount of food for the adults. The adults all chuckled at the joke.

"Now. A toast to the first Valkyrie Hunter Training Camp. May it be the stepping stone the young need to grow stronger!" Odin called out. A chorus of cheers rang out as everything was settled.

Shortly after the kids all showed up and descended upon the food left out for them by the staff.

Near the end of the feast Emerald got up and left to go to the bathroom. Turning into the building Emerald walked out the staff entrance and met Shakespeare in the alley. Emerald looked back with untold emotions filling her eyes.

"We must go child." William said softly to Emerald as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

Emerald shook her head freeing herself of the emotional turmoil looking out with a resolute and clear gaze. "Let's go. Set up the fake. By the time they figure it out I will be long gone."

William looked on with a complicated expression. With a wave of his hand a realistic imitation of Emerald appeared and walked into the restaurant. William followed Emerald out of the alley way to their self imposed mission. And if he saw tears on Emerald's face he wasn't one to say.

The celebration ended and the families began to separate. The kids would go with Odin, Thor and Sif to the Valkyrie estate where they would prepare for the trip. A trip that would be much different than any other they have ever experienced.

Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, Nora, Blake, Ruby, Yang and Emerald were the ones to be going on the trip. Weiss was still training with Scathach to control her semblance and all its variations so she could not go. They followed Odin, Thor and Sif to the bull head that would take them to the estate. As Emerald was walking past Odin squinted for a split second but quickly ignored it. Walking down to the base of the hatch he called over one of his men, "Find the real Emerald and see what she is doing. Keep me updated on everything. Should she come into danger save her. If you find an opportunity, learn what you can about the situation from her."

The man he called over was actually one of the deep cover agents Odin had in place in all of the cities of Remnant. He filled the role of a Valkyrie Mercenary branch location staff. But on his off time he delved into the underworld to keep Odin informed. The man nodded before he headed off the tarmac.

Odin looked on with his one good eye before he turned and walked up the hatch into the bullhead. He had noticed the imitation when it first appeared but he didn't do anything about it as there was no time. Now he could do what he wanted with his subordinates.

The trip was uneventful even as everyone was excited and talked nonstop. The ship slowed before it landed at the Valkyrie estate. The group filed out and followed Odin even as Thor and Sif headed off to another location.

"I will tell you this training period will be a little different than you all expect." Odin said as he walked down into a specific hall. The others besides Jaune all looked at one another in question. Odin opened the door to a specially made room. Inside the room was filled with runes that covered the walls, ceiling, floor and the door they passed through. Other than the one door there were no other entrances to the room. Inside the room there was a circle of rune carved stones that formed an open portal.

Beside the portal, on one side was a pile of bags and on the other was a dapper dressed man. He had white gloves, a vest under a jacket with a pocket chain with dark pants. The man had sharply cut silver gray hair and a neatly trimmed beard, along with a ramrod straight back that gave off an impression of gentlemanly posture.

"Who's that?" Ruby asked no one and everyone.

"That is the gentleman butler Zelretch." Jaune got in with a smile before Zelretch could respond. Odin's booming laughter filled the room.

Zelretch's mouth was open to respond before he was silenced by Ruby's zooming up to him and looking up at him with sparkling eyes. "I've never met a butler before! I've never seen someone so well dressed either! It's nice to meet you Mr. Butler! Hi I'm Ruby!"

"Yang nice to meetcha!" Yang called out with a wave.

"Nora! Are you a noble?!" Nora said as she held up a victory sign.

"Lie Ren. Mr. Zelretch." Ren bowed to Zelretch.

"Blake Belladonna. It is nice to meet you." Blake said.

"Pyrrha Nikos. Sir Zelretch." Pyrrha said as she looked on confidently.

"Emerald old man." Emerald said as she looked on with tired gaze.

Jaune smiled as he looked at Zelretch. He had been informed by all of the heroes of Zelretch's procilvities so he had been told, in no uncertain terms to make his life a pain in the ass as much as possible, so Jaune just looked on with a smile as Odin put a hand on his shoulder to hold himself up from laughing so much.

"Oh that was so worth the wait." Odin said as he wiped his eye. "Thank you Jaune."

While everyone was wondering what was happening Zelretch leaned down and grabbed Ruby by the back of her hood and lifted her up with ease. "You are an odd one I must say. That is a very peculiar...eye color."

"Thanks! My dad says they are exactly like my mothers." Ruby said even as she tucked up her arms and legs as if used to this treatment.

And in truth she was.

Due to her fascination with the weapons shop in Signal she had been sneaking in even though she wasn't allowed. Each time she would be found picked up exactly the same and tossed out the door. It happened so many times that the weapons master had to allow her to create her weapon or they would never get a moment of peace. Since then Ruby had her own area in the weapons workshop. She had actually just finished creating Crescent Rose.

"And I am not a butler, as much as Jaune would have you believe." Zelretch said as he tugged his vest with one hand. "I am a mage."

"A what?" Blake asked intrigued.

"Hahaha your funny old man!" Yang laughed.

Ren and Pyrrha stayed silent as they squinted their eyes at Zelretch.

"Ohhhhh, so you make people disappear and pull bunnies out of a hat?! Sweet! Show me a trick!" Nora said as she teleported to Zelretch's other side. Her eyes were filled with stars as well.

"I am a mage! Not a magician!" Zelretch said angrily emphasizing mage.

"Ehhh? Same difference?" Ruby and Nora said at the same time as they looked at one another.

"No there is a huge difference!" Zelretch said starting to get truly aggravated.

"I don't know about that. Magician comes from Mage so it would be the same in one sense." Blake stated with a flat tone.

Zelretch turned to look at her with eyes that smoldered with suppressed anger. "You want me to show you the difference between a Mage and a magician?" Not waiting for a response Zelretch turned and activated his power. A kaleidoscope filled the interior of the rune covered circle.

Ruby and Nora started clapping as they oohed and ahhhed at the portal. Pyrrha, Ren, Blake and Yang started to get serious expressions at the appearance of the rainbow portal in front of them. Emerald looked on tiredly.

"Now you annoying kids go through there. You will begin your training there. I will pick you up when you are done." Zelretch said as he walked to the other side grabbed Ruby's bag pushed it into her hands and tossed Ruby through the portal.

Yang instinctively rushed after her sister through the portal.

The rest all turned to Jaune and Odin, they both nodded with no sense of danger.

"You can trust him. Even if he is a bit odd." Odin said to alleviate their worries. "Plus this is a very important location where you can learn more about your aura than anywhere else in this world. Your trainers are on the other side and will meet you all shortly."

"Yay! Field Trip!" Nora vanished as she ran so fast.

Ren sighed as he walked over picked up Nora's and his bag going into the portal.

Blake followed along a little slower, Pyrrha followed behind her.

Emerald walked forward but was stopped by Zelretch's hand. "Not so fast Shakespeare. It will be so much worse if they think I lost the girl. I'm not letting you do that to me. Plus there has been enough poking at my situation already." Zelretch said as he glared at Jaune and Odin.

Jaune had a confused then worried expression as he looked over at Emerald. "What does he mean? What is going on?"

"Sorry, my most illustrious host. My charge has gone on a mission of self discovery, danger and intrigue. She must away herself to protect those she looks upon as the moon looks upon the earth. A shadow of the night has appeared to cajole our companion into the dark of the night. For this reason I have fallen upon my sword in an attempt to save her. For I shall protect and guide her in her time of need. Through dark and shadow shall we play our part ever protecting our core of light." The Emerald image said as it spoke in Shakespeare's voice.

Jaune's expression went through a multitude of changes. Confusion went to worry, back to confusion to comprehension, from comprehension to anger.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Jaune yelled at Shakespeare. "I could have helped her! Why did you allow her to go into danger?!"

A wind blew into the room, the ground rumbled, the room heated, and the humidity increased as Jaune glared at the Emerald imitation.

William stepped back with sweat pouring down his back. He may have played this out a little too much. He did not want to see Jaune again until he was calm, even then he wanted to be very far away.

"She is doing something important. We need her where she is." Odin spoke up as he gripped Jaune's shoulder suppressing Jaune's instinctually use of magic. "I have been trying to get into a certain group for a long time but have never gotten one of my Valkyrie inside. This is the first time I have gotten someone in and we need to know about this group and their plans. If we don't know anything we can not prevent or plan for contingencies for their actions. William will look after the girl, and I have someone tailing them now so she will not be in danger. Think about it Jaune. Her skills make her uniquely qualified for this mission."

Jaune paused as he thought it over. His emotions were in a roiling mass. Omega spoke to Jaune in his mind trying to calm him down.

'Father. Listen to Odin. I have gone over all of the information in your mind. All the things you have picked up along the way. Emerald is the perfect spy due to her unique upbringing and semblance. Besides she is smart. She won't let them manipulate her. Odin is right that there is an organization in the background and we need information. If you ask Gramps or Jacky I am sure they will watch over her for you.' Omega said.

It was only the last suggestion that really eased Jaune's mind. Turning to the side Jaune called, "Gramps, Jacky can you come out here for a moment?"

"Contractor what is thy need?" Gramps said as he appeared standing with his hands on the pommel of his sword.

"What's up big brother?" Jacky called out popping out of the shadows as if she had always been there, and knowing her it was likely true. Since the first time she called Jaune her brother she hadn't really gotten over using it any time she could. It filled her heart with warmth as it reminded her of everything Jaune had done for her and her many selves.

"I need both of you to go and watch Emerald's back. She is being forced to act against her will by an organization we know nothing about. I need to know she is safe. And someone must keep Shakespeare in check so he doesn't get up to his tragic story building." Jaune took a breath to calm himself before he asked, "Will you do this for me?" Jaune gazed with serious eyes as he looked at the two.

"Oh woe is me. There is no need to worry over such things I would do no such thing for my disciple." William said through the Emerald imitation.

Jacky looked up to William with deadly eyes. The imitation gulped at the look. Jacky knew all about being forced to do something against your own will. If Shakespeare did cause such a terrible situation Jacky had a few daggers that would be willing to lodge themselves into his vulnerable parts.

Gramps looked to Jacky knowing exactly what was going through her mind and nodded, "We shall do thus Contractor. Thine will be done." Gramps would be the one leading, keeping Jacky and William from killing each other as well as obtaining all the information he could about the situation.

The two vanished into the shadows already on their way to Emerald's side. Both were sensor type servants so they would be able to find William without trouble.

A little of Jaune's worry fell away knowing Gramps and Jacky would do as he asked. He turned to Odin and Zelretch not able to say anything as he would lose his composure if he did. He was angry more angry than he has been in a long time. These two knew about Emerald's situation and didn't say a thing. Even if Jaune could understand their reasons it didn't mean he would forgive them for tricking him like this. And once Jaune saw William again he was in a world of hurt.

Having nothing nice to say Jaune didn't say anything. Nodding his head Jaune walked forward grabbed the rest of the bags and walked through the portal.

'I really need to hit something soon.' Jaune said to himself in his mind. Omega didn't respond as he knew Jaune would take some time to get the frustration of the situation out of his system.

The two adults watched as the young hero walked through the portal. Seeing he was gone the two released a breath.

"Do you think we could have gone about it another way? And your reason for sending away all the servants?" Odin asked.

"There would have been no other way to get him to go." Zelretch said as he waved his hand closing the portal. "If he knew he wouldn't have gone through the portal. We do not have the time for him to worry about Emerald and her mission. He needs to learn to compartmentalize and see the situation from an outside perspective. If he does then he will be far more capable of dealing with the wars to come."

Zelretch turned and looked at Odin before he began pacing. "I was told that the servants needed to gone for the kids to gain their powers. Without all the servants drawing upon his aura reserves Jaune will be able to supplement them with aura/rieatsu. My friend will give them Fullbringer powers first which will modify their current semblances giving them more powerful abilities. After they get a handle of that, Jaune will share his aura to activate their Shinigami powers. It is from that point things will really begin."

"I see. It is a good decision to give them both powers in such a way." Odin nodded. Before he asked about the first answer. "Yes he may have fought but he would have eventually gone. Especially after sending The Old Man of the Mountain and the little Jack the Ripper. So why have we not told him about Salem? I mean he will find out anyway soon. Especially if he still goes plans on going to the academies to update their systems with the Magni's programs. Ozpin will contact him." Odin asked as he turned to Zelretch.

"He is not ready to deal with such a situation. It will be too much of a burden on him. He is focused on fighting beasts, that is all he has faced up to this point. He is not ready to fight a thinking enemy head-to-head yet. Not alone at least. For now he needs to build up his forces. His friends are a key point that must be as strong as possible to survive the future. If they do not survive Jaune will be harmed or even worse take a wrong turn." Zelretch explained. He sighed. "We need Jaune's forces."

"What has happened?" Odin said his voice going flat.

"They have gone to another verse. One that is filled with many god level beings. They have made contact with a currently locked up prisoner. If she is able to escape and aid them or receive aid many verses will be lost to their machinations. They do not know who they are messing with. We need Jaune to go there and counteract her machinations. That is why I agreed to allow the children to follow along with him and grow stronger. With them here we will ease the burden and the inevitable counter attack that is coming when Jaune will not be here." Zelretch explained.

"Which one did they go to?" Odin asked. When the gods of the Norse Pantheon traveled through the verses to find another home they came across many different worlds. Odin made sure to keep information on each one, just in case. He had an idea of which one Zelretch was talking about and he hoped it wasn't that one.

Zelretch turned to look at Odin and said, "The Shinobi verse."

"Oh. Well, shit." Odin said as he rubbed his beard. It really was the one he thought of. "I see what you mean." Odin's brows came down as he thought of the world they had passed by. A world filled with fighting. But the fighting was human against human on the world. Outside of the world powerful god like beings played political games and had never ending clan wars. This world was a nexus where all the different powers attempted to plant their flag. Each failed in one way or another. But the closest to accomplishing the feat was the world devouring clan.

As much as Odin would have loved to enter this verse to fight the world devouring clan he knew at the time they wouldn't have had a good time since they would have been detected before they could set their feet on the ground.

Plus the Norse Pantheon on a whole would much rather have wars with monsters over humans.

It was what they were bred and raised for after all. Protectors of humanity.

For that reason they descended upon Remnant.

"I can see why increasing their Aura/Soul power is important but do you have an answer to strengthen their bodies to a similar level? There is only so much you can do with Chakra, with an uneven amount of spiritual energy like Reiatsu and Aura." Odin asked.

Zelretch smiled as he held up a singular piece of gold. "A certain verse that I have a fondness for that has not been touched by our enemies. At least not yet."

Odin widened his one good eye and started laughing. "Aye. That would be a perfect location to do so." Odin said his mind laying out the plans that Zelretch had just shown him. "For now let's see what they pick up in this Shinigami world."

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