
Halcyon Days Pt. 2

Edit: 03/10/2022

Edit: 22/09/2022


It's been a few years since he made his astonishing birth debut, the great boy king of Uruk and a demigod. Even now, as he continued to grew, he surprised the adults around him by how far he went.

Gilgamesh, spent his days behaving as a curious child in a world of wonders as his eyes glint with cold calculating intent.

He was created to rule mankind as representative of the gods as a mankind.

They initiated their own obsolescence.

His duty was to mankind, his people.

He had seen their past , he lived in their present , he had observed their possible future(s).

He knew , based the person he was modelled on out of all possible alternatives, the person for all intents and purposes that he was , mankind everywhere, built itself into it's a utopia or ruin based on their own merits driven by purpose and merit.

Man's worth was in their actions and what they left behind.

Whether for its betterment or detriment.

Even if he had/took eternity itself to work with, trash would still be trash. Zero would still be zero.

He would Observe.

He would Judge.

Then he would get to work.

He needed first hand experience.

Simulations , theories all shattered when a curve ball was thrown.

All of creation needed to be collected , surveyed

and examined.


One can say history is largely explained by the impact of great people. Benevolent or Malicious.

Highly influential and unique individuals who, due to their natural attributes, be they superior intellect, heroic courage, extraordinary leadership abilities or divine inspiration, or simple determination shape the world.

If he is to shape the world or the [ World ] , he must first understand it.

Which is why one of his favourite hobbies was astronomical observation, especially the constellations that originated from the Chaldean shepherds.

The main reason one would watch them in this era is to predict weather conditions for farming.

One with such sight saw so much more.

What you can see is an Infinitely large universe far away from the sky , a innumerable amount of planets that shine in the light of the stars.

The vivid colors created by various astronomical phenomena, the light of the explosion caused by the death of a world that has reached the end of its life, the expulsion of breath as the stars born , and the mysterious worlds in the shadows.

This [ World ] is spreading to the end of the sky far from the land we are standing on.

And a glimpse of the potential underlying horror of the creatures living on the stars.

What to dream of and what to prepare for.


Everyone who ventures and sees me immediately kneels and looks at me in awe at just my physical appearance, my bright golden hair and dark, yet glowing red eyes seems both attractive and intimidating at the same time denoting divine heritage.

This was always somewhow shallow to him in comparison to his biological father.

Lugalbanda, was a tall, blond burly, hairy man with deep tan skin. Lugalbanda's body was covered with scars, and the biggest scar on his body was engraved by the White Titan herself.

Lugalbanda was the one who teaching him the ways of men. His training consisted of a rigorous workout regime to build up his body, usually involving all kinds of weapons that the men of Uruk were supposed to use in the case of an enemy attack and defense. While there haven't been any wars that had threatened their civilization greatly, it was something they still prepared for. Hunting was also another job they had focused on, but his favorite by far was working in the forges.

His specifications with the magecraft of this age ushered in an era of untold advancement in tools and weaponry.

Applying the possible ideas from the Logic of Man with Mystery removing the impractialites or "theoretically possible but practically impossible" was the starting point in change for the future.

He would spend most of his days in the forges, creating/commissioning weapons of his own design with the assistance of the smiths as he demanded the future brought into the present.

The fact that they went above and beyond his expectations and predictions made reaffirmed his decision.


To learn the knowledge of this country from the educator and to learn what is called a human ruler, he still take a tour of "father"'s work to the extent that he does not get in the way, and leave the palace and see people's lives while walking around the city.

How much frivolity they indulge when it can be used for something greater , how much drudgery they spend in and how much waste can be reduced as in comparison to multiple possible futures.

It's easy to see through with clairvoyance, but that leads to biased ideas and stagnant thoughts, under the assumption of knowing everything.

There will be new discoveries by touching it directly.


The importance of fieldwork.

His appearance was as always favorably received by the people of Uruk as "a King without doubts about anything and is full of curiosity."

Learning non-stop from the elder advisers, all about how to run the city. The crops and animals produced, who we mostly trade with, the alliances made , as well as the enemies. To learn about the people... his people living in the city, ranging from the civilians, to the army, to the magicians by name.

That is the task of a King.


There was not much of a difference between the temple and the palace. They were both Ziggurats or grand design, with the temple being only slightly taller. It had few windows save for the higher floors, which allowed the light to seep into the giant rooms within. By comparison, the palace was far more ornate with its gardens, designed reliefs, and vantage points. While he spent time in both, he made it a point to spend as little time as possible near a shrine for the gods. It was still the dedicated place to give speeches and hold celebrations.

He has seen the city of Uruk from a window inside the palace. I've spent time memorizing it, both the Inanna district and the Anu district, as well as just the homes, and marketplace. But walking through it surrounded by 4 men in armor made it seems like an almost completely different place clad in some basic clothing. Just a kilt made out of flax since it was hot outside and I was going to be training.

Barefoot as nobody in this era really seemed to wear anything on their feet. As I walked through the market, all the noise seemed to dim. People stared at me, ranging from little boys and girls, to the oldest of them all in worship.


Coughed Ali-ellati, trying to get my attention.

The other man, Awil-sin, was just a regular soldier.

"Ah... I was staring, I was just wondering why you felt strong." He stated.

"No, no, no my King, please do not apologize to me. You may do whatever you please involving me, I did not try to imply any-" Ali rambled on, and it did not take long to annoy me a bit.

"Enough." He tried to placate him, and it seemed to work for the most part, as he calmed down a bit.

"Right, thank you my Lord. You are most generous. I was merely trying to tell you what we are going to do about your training. From what the elders have told me, you are above us in almost all aspects. So we will not be focusing on strengthening your body, we will merely be training you in the art of weapons. We have people who are incredibly efficient in all weapons, so you will be training in a very large amount of weapons. I myself specialize in swords, so that will be working on until I feel you have a good grasp on it. Do you have any problems with that my king?"

"No, I see no problems, and I must say, I am rather excited to learn how to wield a blade." He confessed, and the smile on his face told me he was just as excited to be teaching him as he was to learn.

"Good, you will learn about the equipment soldiers wear, as well as standard weapons with the elders later tonight. I shall get you a wooden sword so we can start teaching the forms." He exclaimed as he left, and he was a bit disappointed that I was only learning forms but it did make sense so I didn't say anything.

It didn't take him more than a minute to go fetch a sword, since he probably ran, and bring it to me. It was wooden as he said, but it had a curved blade.

This is the wooden version of the sickle sword. This is the primary weapon for most people in Sumer, so you should learn every strength and weakness about this blade if you meet someone in combat using this." Ali explained, which made me take a close look at the sword, wondering what weakness it could have.

"We will be doing this for 1 watch , and then we will practice Hand-to-Hand combat for another watch." He said as he led me over to a pillar of rock.

"This rock is very hard, and it will let you get used to the way your sword will vibrate when it meets the blade of another. I will show you the correct stances first, and once you learn them decently, we will have you practice on this rock."

He told me as he moved my legs into a stance.

For the next weeks, to let him move his body into stances that he told him would let me both strike and defend if needed. It took all that time for him to be satisfied.

"Now, when you hit this rock, I want you to restrain the amount of strength you are going to be using. If you use to much, you will break the sword on the rock. The vibrations sent through it will also be a lot worse. So start easy and work your way up." Ali explained as he listened intently.

The first few hits on the rock were a bit disorienting. The sharp 'thwack' of the wood as it met stone was very loud and being so close to it was a bit annoying but it faded quickly. The vibrations were a different matter. He got used to them very quickly thanks to this body.

Feeling your hands and arms go numb and then back to normal so fast was a strange feeling, and took a while to get used to, but after 40 minutes of hitting the rock, it was getting a lot easier. The skills gained from it made it all worth it though.

Originally when finally ready , it was about how to swing a sword and a simple driving lesson, but a soldier who played the role of a teacher who was impressed by the speed of Gilgamesh and the strength that does not suit a young body is doing a mock combat in a match style.

The overwhelming strength, the speed that cannot be matched by human reflexes, and the observation of movements of a skilled warrior are captured instantly.

A child who defeats large, well-trained adults. 

As a result, he accidentally obtained the title of " The Mightiest In Uruk "

To even kill the beasts outside the city.

While not an exaggeration, and a perfect assessment for one such as himself, it would still require evidence to back it up of course.

So that there would not be any contention by the people's beliefs.


He seemed like a regular person besides his looks. He was paler than most people in Uruk, likely from being inside the district for most of the time, but still had a good tan. His hair was a very dark, as was his eyes. He was also very skinny, as I could see very clearly since he was also only wearing a kilt around his waist.

"My king, how good it is to see you. Not many people get to meet 3 kings of the same kingdom in one life. Please, come sit." He beckoned me over, to a pillow sitting on the floor.

"Thank you, and yes, it is very unique to do so, given how young people die." I commented as I sat down, watching him kneel to me in a show of respect.

"Indeed. Well my Lord, seeing as you just started training today, we will just going over the aspects of magic. How people access it, and how they utilize it."

As Baqqanum explained all the details of mystery and how the gods gave us the One Tongue, to let us cast our magic faster by giving the world a direct order of how you want the magic to work.

Merely being the strongest mortal in Uruk wasn't enough for him.

He had to be the best.

That was the only acceptable option.


Without the luck of the modern days' personal convenience, after all my training is done, their little choice to do anything but train at night to ease the boredom, or read.

Sneaking around the castle for a while to try and find something do, or stargaze.

Reading is interesting since due to access to the writings , including those of the past kings of Uruk.

In the early days and use of writing, it's main use however is that of record keeping. While it it is good to know the exact assets one has , and that it furthers one's evaluation with it safely store in the royal vault until he is ready , there was not much else.

A couple of the kings wrote some advise on a stone tablet or two for the next king. Not many see tho.


Passersbys and shoppers turn to see Gilgamesh walking down the main streets of the city.

It never gets old to there eyes.

The golden hair that shines like sunlight, and the crimson eyes that prove that you have inherited the blood of the gods and the facial features that promised a beautiful work of art in the future . .. The appearance of them dressed in silky white kilts with woven patterns that canbe said to be a kind of work of art. It is a gift of the gods of Mesopotamia.

It makes gave him a feel sacredness, a unapproachable status , a beauty from afar and above, among them . The figure grabbed the hearts of the people.

"The King is also enthusiastic about politics, and although he is a child, he is so stronger than any adult."

He didn't know where it came from, but all the rumors that spread were positive for the people.

"When the king of this country inacts his rule in the future, I'm sure he will make Uruk great."

The people of Uruk had bright hopes for the future, seeing off the golden-like boy's back as he passed the street.

In spite of his mortality , but because of his seemingly inconsequential actions and behaviour they truly adored him like a god, with the same reference as any Divine Spirit but only with respect and admiration instead of fear.

Interesting ...


One day he wanted to tests a theory he has.

"Your majesty! Please return at once!"

"Your majesty!"

"Zakiti, have you seen where his majesty has vanished!?"

"King Gilgamesh!"

With a tiny chuckle, the golden-haired king ran out of the bright interior of his palace into the warm, Babylonian night. A golden necklace of radial design adorned the top of his bare chest as the warm air brushed his pristine skin. The luxurious fabric of his khaki, regal wrap flapped as it occasionally clung to his running legs.

Cuneiform text and golden accents raced along its edges, reflecting brighter than the rest of his garb in the bright night.

Though he ran at speed, his newly invented sandals made little noise against the brick of the palace's upper balcony.

Though the young Gilgamesh's terraced home was leagues taller than most structures in his kingdom, it was made of roughly the same materials. The carefully sculpted brick and stone formed the flat edges of the countless buildings in Uruk. Square in design, the structures were easy to make for his people. Though some had aesthetic variation, like cloths, awnings, or several floors, they were simplistic and served their primary purpose. Everything under his rule had purpose to be followed, but he always permitted room for some freedom.

Even the child king himself loved to escape from his own responsibilities to enjoy himself.

Even though in the end this was to further prepare for the path in enacting on those responsibilities.

"Where does he always go!?"

"Guards! Find the king!"

After a few key turns, jumps, and climbs, he had finally reached his personal perch. He sat casually atop one of the tallest support columns for his terraced palace, but out of prying eyes from all except the far away temple. With a smile, he continued to catch his breath as he brushed some of his loose, unspoiled hair to the side. Quietly, and with a content smile, he gazed around him at the kingdom he owned as it began to tuck in for the night. Under the glistening stars of the heavens, the night would soon fall quiet and the sea of torchlights would extinguish.

Many lights would remain, including his palace, but not enough to hinder his view at night. He slowed his breathing and fell quiet, allowing himself to fall back onto the flat brick of the roof. His breathing slowed, and his smile remained, while he appreciated the warm brick against his back. Quietly, he stared up at the night sky towards his favorite object to gaze upon. With a smile, he liked to pretend that the moon was smiling back down at him. Even as footsteps walked around the tower's balcony around him in a hurried search, he relaxed quietly.

"He's not here! Check the throne room once more!"

"Why does he love playing these games at night?"

"Your majesty? Where are you?"

There was plenty of room for him and several others to lounge, but he never thought to invite anyone to his secret spot. This was his own personal escape where he could appreciate the moon and stars of the heavens. It calmed him, and gave him a sense of tranquility he relished. To lie beneath the stars, with the gods likely have stopped watching, as was a daily occurrence for the youthful king.

Just as planned.

Out here, among the countless stars that twinkled above, he could relax and wind down for the night.

Its only drawback was how lonely it made him feel.

Within the throne room or among his people who loved and served him, he was constantly in good company. The people of Uruk were hardworking and brave, and he was happy to be their king as he come to find. Though he was often surrounded by many, it only served as a small distraction, and an occasional reminder, of how isolated he was. He would /did rule with efficiency and kindness, and they praised him for it, but no one truly understood him.

Gilgamesh stood above them all as king, part human, and mostly divine. He ruled as he saw fit, but he also did it alone as he must.

There would never be anyone who could truly listen or understand him.

With a sigh, as his smile had faded with the solemn thoughts, Gilgamesh stared up at the moon. Its fullness reflected in his red eyes, and he felt himself drawn to its simple existence among the stars. It was larger and brighter than the sprinkles of light that surrounded it, and its majesty was undoubted in the celestial sea. He was drawn to it far more than he thought, as he sent a soft smile its way. Slowly, he lifted one hand off of the warm roof, causing some of his golden bangles to clink together. His smile grew sad and yearnful, but his arm only raised further.

That small hand reached out towards the moon, with a small, hushed wish upon his lips.

On this specific day, among the 12 constellations in the Uruk, in the age of gods he was born at the time it was to act out the pinnacle of astromancy.

Fascinated by the brilliance of the stars, dreaming of infinite possibilities and power at the end of the vast universe, with a thrilling and longing for its brilliance. When it was connected into a pattern for a circuit , he reached deep into himself for the connection always there, with a ring of golden cuneiform and inacted a mighty command in the One Tongue.

"̵̞̝̦̔͂͊̓͝F̵͍̬̤͐̀̇̃l̷͈͖̺̻̫͂́o̴̭̪̓̒w̷̰͉̾͗ ̶͎͉̩͎̈́̽͝ͅǐ̸̞̭̦̐̚ͅn̸̮̩͊̑̄̿t̴̪̠͎̭̽̾o̴͕͕̫͝ ̷̨̛̛̖͙̞̍ḿ̶̦͊̌͝ẽ̴̡̳̞̙̘̔͆̚̕ ̵͔̫̲̖̃͆̎ͅå̶͖̽n̸̨̟͕̮̳̂̋̍̕d̷͈̋͌͆ ̴̰͖̪̗̼̓l̸̮̤̆ȇ̷̙̬̤̅̈́ͅt̶̖̤̞͎͆̋͑͐̌ ̷̧̙̿̅͌͘͘ͅb̴̥̀̈̓̎e̸̲͔͐ ̷̡̳͍͐m̵͈̞͊̎̋ǫ̸̛̘̲̯̻͛̉͘͝r̶̗̣̟̾̆̕e̷̠͑̊̈́͂ͅ ̷̤̄t̴̘̥͈͌̍̀̄̔h̶͔̝̿̎͝͝a̷͕͐̍͜ͅǹ̵̢̹̠̄͐̇͝ ̴̲̬̦̝͛͊̓̆͂t̶̛̙̱̚h̴͙̎͒̑ẹ̵͙͕̈̋͗̉̽ ̸̡̐́s̷̲̼̾̆̅̂͜u̸͈̪̚m̵̖̬̾͒̽ ̴̡̈́́̂͊̚ǫ̵̥̺̭̲̃͝f̷̧̤̳͕̠̂͆̈́̕ ̶̠͑͝͠m̴̨̱͚̟̯̃͛̔̊̈́y̵̤̼͛ ̴̭̔̐̋p̴̼̰̰̋̍͜a̷̬͓̦̓̓̿r̴̡̲̥͓̐̾́̂̕ͅt̴̢͍̜̜̋š̷̨͖̣͉̩.̶̢̦̼̦͌͛͋̕͠"̴̧͙̥͎́́̊̆

He is a wedge that connects gods and humans.

However, the current personality obtained by continuously observing of the very existence of the concept of human beings, and the model of one , is closer as possible to that of man.

His body and power are divine.

A Desire is born.

The [World] bends.

The sky erupted with a golden glow all over his body.

The power of the stars that shine in the great universe, inherent in the small body of the human.

'We are are all made of star stuff.'

The earth began to shake with the atmosphere with power.

The epicenter is Gilgamesh himself.

The light was gradually bleeding out at first, and gradually the light emission began to stabilize, the mountains became quieter to match it.

He repeatedly closed and opened his hands and looked down at his whole body. As far as I can observe, it is not a normal kind of magic or mystery, but beyond.

The gods did not intend for this power. So to speak, it is a product created by chance in the design process.

However, as a result of thorough investigation using clairvoyance and practice in combination with his in born power power, it is clear that the content is not disadvantageous to oneself, and as we investigate, the diversity of this power I was interested in.

The strengthening of physical abilities, destruction of matter, reproduction of natural phenomena such as raw Ice and literal thunder, the realization of matter, and anything that interferes with space and soul.*

This power will become stronger as you study and learn the control method. He had not fully grasped the potential of this power, but the fact that he felt the unknown part was great.

Gilgamesh looked at one hand near his face, a blazing golden light all over his body.


Keystone Of The Gods - Linchpin Between Heaven and Earth

Rank : EX

Born/created more god than man with the blessings of most of his pantheon. This was further boosted by his inborn connection to the Root of Akahsha and the belief of the people to Authorities of all those same gods that made him.


* Note Gilgamesh has shown to be able to do this as an adult with the GOB. Here he can just do without it.

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