

Auteur: Miriam_Nondo
Contemporary Romance
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Lisez le roman FATE RECLAMATION écrit par l'auteur Miriam_Nondo publié sur WebNovel. ~what goes around, comes around~Adrien was confused, what did he mean by "I am tired of pretending"?Was there something between his young brother and wife....And why wasn't she saying anything? He loo...


~what goes around, comes around~ Adrien was confused, what did he mean by "I am tired of pretending"? Was there something between his young brother and wife....And why wasn't she saying anything? He looked at her with questioning eyes. What was really happening? "Ellen, what's the meaning of all this? He asked in confusion. "Adri-enn.....Huh....adri-enn-dr-ieen," She shivered and stammered in words. "What! Why are you acting like you don't know?," Amos laughed irritatingly. "All girls are mine and all books are yours, " He added. "What! what are you trying to insinuate? Ellen! What does he mean?," Andrien asked in annoyance. This was really playing with his tempers, he felt so furious all of a sudden, how could they destroy his wedding like that? ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ Ellen is the girlfriend to Andrien but his younger brother Amos manages to seduce her because of his natural aura of a bad boy unlike Adrien who is a humble nerd. Even their features differ cause Amos is literally more attractive than Adrien on face but on body they are both perfect, actually that's what people thought yet Adrien is 100% more handsome than Amos but only when he removes his classes which he has never done in front of people unlike the family. Ellen enters into a side relationship with Amos yet she is still dating Adrien, she get shocked when Andrien presents her to his family in a surprise dinner and their relationship becomes serious, something that she never expected yet she has feelings for his young brother. On their wedding, Amos comes drunk to interfere with it and Ellen runs away with him.... Adrien remains broken and goes in a place far away. Amos and Ellen get married and build their families forgetting the past but as they say "what goes around, comes around" and that's what is called karma. Karma mostly works to next generation to teach the concerned person a clear lesson and that's exactly what happened to this couple in their next generation. But even though Karma is strong fate is stronger and where karma is, fate is also there to smoothen things.

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