
◇Am I Cursed?◇

Bright Sun set up spreading its positive vibe in the environment, with this Vibes cool breeze were also flowing together in the School of Werewolves, Where Werewolf kids from age 3 to 6 were playing on a Ground.

Sooting voice of Kid's Giggling, Playing, Hustling, can be heard, which gives satisfaction to elders, to see their kids all happy and enjoyable but as the sun started to set down and darkness of Peaceful Night started to cover slowly, Some unwanted things happen.

The kids which were Giggling an hour ago were all become froze in fear as they started to curse and blame one 5-year-old girl for her wrongdoing which was not her intention but in the eyes of others, she is already at fault.

Low sobbing left her lips as she got scared because of the crowd in front of her as they all were looking at her with disgust. With teary and red eyes that little girl slowly look up straight into their eyes to explain herself but before she could say anything a bunch of curse words was thrown at her…

"She is Demon… Yes, Don't go near her. She is Demon"

"What are you saying? She is our Lady, Our Princess, Don't say like that Alpha King will not spare you"

"But look at him, She killed him. I saw that with my own eyes, She emitted Purple Flame and soon it turn into Black" one boy said crying while staring at his friend's unconscious body on the ground

"She is not normal, She is not An Omega, She is Demon A MONSTER."

As these bad and unfilial words were continuously hitting her heart, which made her brain trigger against these werewolves in front of her and she lost control over her powers …AGAIN…

Soon her body emitted a Black glow as she shouted…


Hearing her growl Werewolf Teacher of school came running toward them, While the rest of them were forced to bow down in front of her because Princess's pheromones were way too powerful and dominant compared to theirs.

She slowly took her step in front of that boy, to make him conscious but before she could do anything one Warrior wolf came and hold that boy in his hand while sobbing hard and murmuring...

"What have you done My Lady? Now What I will answer Alpha King. How did you become Demon, a cruel Monster… Why did you kill this innocent life?"

Hearing Warrior Wolf's hurtful words, the princess broke down in tears, She couldn't believe that the People of her Kingdom is not believing her. They all were accusing her just because, She got some Unnatural Powers and because of this she is already guilty without any evidence, While thinking all this she just asked one Question in her cracking voice…



In Royal Palace~~

Jack holds his daughter tightly in his arm as she is continuously crying on his shoulder, Seeing her in mess Jack's heart shattered into pieces. He glared toward the Warrior Rank Wolf and asked in his Alpha tone…


Hearing this Question, Warrior Wolf's breath got struck, because no one ever saw her harming another kid. It is just a rumor because being an Omega and having so much strength it is kind of suspicious and her previous action were weird so instead of investigating they already assume their Culprit.

But now if Warrior Wolf and the rest of the teachers Deny their Accusations against her then their Life will end here. Because it is their fault, instead of claiming Ashh down, instead of giving her love and understanding affection they started to accuse her.

So to save themself from Alpha King's Anger, they decide to sacrifice their Princess's innocent soul.

"Ye…Yes Alpha King I have seen, even some of Werewolf cubs have also seen that she can release some kind of Black Magic." Warrior wolf said while lowering his head

but this is not the answer to Alpha King's question, and this reply made Alpha King more furious, He stomp his feet angrily and asked again...

"You should only open your mouth just to answer as much as I asked, My Question was, DID YOU SAW HER HURTING ANOTHER KID?"

Warrior Wolf slowly looked toward Princess's Crying figure and nodded his head hesitantly while saying…

"Yes, She is the One who hurt him"

Hearing this sentence, Ashh quickly turns her head toward him with a hurtful and stunned expression. Seeing her facial expression, They all can clearly assume that she is fully broken down from inside as more tears started to flow from her eyes.

Words got stuck in her throat because At the age of 5 she is facing Betrayal, Accusations from her people and as we know when our Own Men started to Accuse us, We don't even have the heart to explain it to them or to ask a question.

Here Ashh too understood all situations that are happening around her, This is the first stage or we can say this is her first step in the outer world that is full of negativity and Selfishness, She wipe her tears with her small hands and said…


Jack snuggle his daughter more tightly around his chest and said while patting her back…

"Don't worry sweety, Your Dad is here. Your Dad will settle everything. I know you didn't do anything"

Ash wrap little her arm around her Dad's neck and said while sobbing...

"Sorry Dad I Let you Down again"

Jack turned around and approached his throne and called out his Guards…

"Take this all Warrior(Teacher) wolf away from here and don't let them come anywhere near in this area where my Family will sense them"

Guards nodded their heads and started to drag all of the Warrior Teachers with them to send them away from this area but, They all panicked with this sudden action of Alpha King Because they thought Alpha will kill them after being taken away from here.

So they started to pledge…

"Alpha Please don't do this. We were wrong please, don't kill us I have a family to feed Alpha…"

"Yes Alpha, it is our fault. Please Don't kill us. We will zip our mouths and will not let this out in the future"

*Crying* "Alpha please think about our Mates. Please don't kill us"

Hearing their nagging voice Jack signals them to stop and march toward them and hold one of Warrior's chins harshly while saying…

"I am not inferior like you to make this type of vulgar decision. I am sending you away so that you could not spread any type of rumors against my daughter"

*Warrior Wolf hold Alpha's hand and said in a pleading voice* "Alpha Please believe us, Princess has some kind of Black Magic. She is not like Luna, Luna's pheromones are attractive and calm but Princess's pheromones are Aggressive, Dark, and cold."

Hearing this Jack leaves his chin and sighs heavily in tension because the truth which he wants to hide from everyone is coming out and he doesn't want to discuss anything about this so Alpha turns around toward his throne but before he could approach another Warrior Teacher to speak up.

"Alpha, Don't you think it's strange. Being an Omega, Princess Ashh can release Pheromones like Alpha and even her Aura is more darker and dominant than other Alphas. Why? Because she is cursed"

Hearing this, Jack glared at him to make him quiet but someone replies to Warrior's question in a stern voice…

"Her Aura and Pheromones are Strong and Dark because She is AN ALPHA"

Everybody turn to see the source of the voice and saw Beta of Werewolf world, Sid was standing there with his 2-year-old daughter. He approaches their kneeled figure and stands in front of them while saying with a Proud Voice...

"Did you hear what I said… She is AN ALPHA… 'ASHINA JACKSON PETERBERG' is her real name"

Hearing this the one who was present in the hall said in sync…

"Princess is SHE-WOLF"

*Sid nodded his head* "Yes She is. So think before you speak even we can't control her"

As this was nighttime so there were not many people in Royal Hall but Those who were present in the hall were amazed by Sid's sudden action. Many of them can't even believe what they just heard.

Warrior Teachers become froze after hearing this, they didn't even dare to open their mouths to another question.

*Jack turns his head to Sid* "What have you done Sid?"

"That's What I am asking, What are you doing brother. Ashh is in her perfect state where she will start releasing her pheromones. So it doesn't matter how much we will try to hide her. It will eventually come out"

"I don't want that. She is special and I want her to be safe and secure and lead a peaceful future" Jack said staring at her daughter who was sitting on his throne

Sid too stared toward Ash, He didn't say anything more and in the same movement healer of the Royal family, Jin came inside in royal hall with medical reports of that Boy who was found unconscious at Werewolf School.

Everybody looked toward him and Jin started to explain…

"That Boy's health is still unstable. He fainted because of his weakness from inside but the main thing here is, he was just unconscious but when Ashh release her dominating pheromones to shut others up, She forget about that boy and it affects his health very badly"

Everybody let out a sigh but Hearing this Ashh tears started to well up again, She stood up from the throne and said while weeping

"So it's all My Fault. Because of me, He is in Bad Health. *look toward Jack* I am Sorry Dad but it was not my intention to hurt him"

Jack stretched his arm toward Ashh, to let her come in his embrace, but she shook her head as no and said…

"No Dad don't touch me, I will hurt you too"

Jack's heart dropped hearing his daughter's painful voice, He stood frozen at his place but Sid started to approach her while calming her down.

"What are you saying baby, No one will get harmed by touching you, even 'Violet' also plays with you right did she ever got hurt by you," Sid asked as He lead his 3-year-old daughter 'Violet' to go near her cousin sister.

*Ashh hold Violet's hand and asked* "Uncle am I cursed? Why only I have these Powers. *crying* No one play with me… Why… Why do they all fear me?"

"Don't say Like that Sweety, Once we declare your identity Everyone will Respect you then"

*Ashh shakes her head* "No, Uncle I don't want that."

"Then What do you want my princess" Jack asked

"Dad I don't want to stay here. Let's go far from here where all people will play with me" Ashh replied

"As you wish my princess, *turn to sid* Arrange everything and note down today's date. I am going to seal her wolf now"

Everyone grasps hearing Alpha's command because sealing One's Wolf is a painful process. No, One will not receive physical pain but they will receive internal pain and No one wish to trap their wolf inside because the inner Wolf is a completely different personality in one's body.

And Shutting her Down means trapping her in one room for decades this will lead to an Aggressive Inner Wolf when it will finally come out.

Everybody started to Feel Bad, So they started to convince Alpha King not to do this to Princess even, Warriors Teachers started to feel guilty, they too stop Alpha from taking any wrong decision.

But Jack growls Loudly for Make them quiet…


*Sid started to panic* "Brother don't do this and even we have concluded that we will not seal her wolf then How can yo…"

"Sid I Will Not Let My Daughter Feel Disgrace In Herself. Her Powers are Given By Goddess herself But Because of This people She Started To Think She Is Cursed." Jack said with a heavy heart

"I know Brother but at least let Luna come back from…"

*Ash cut her Uncle's sentence and spoke* "I want to do it now. I am willing to Seal My Wolf just take me away from here"

♤♤To be continue♤♤

Jackson Peterberg: Alpha King

Emily Jones: Luna Queen

Sid Peterberg: higher rank Beta

Robbert Berty: higher rank Delta

Alice Peterberg: lower rank Delta

Jin Hale: Healer

Bella: Warrior

Betty: Robert's mate, Healer

Rosy: Sid's mate, hunter

Minister young: Former Beta

Charlie:Vampire Prince

Angela Hale: Alice and jin daughter

Kellan: Last Novel's main villain

lily: Kellan's Wife (Evil)

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