
Chapter 83

Dota 83



Lawrence looked at the place he reached and had to commend how creepy it was. Town of Dunwich is indeed a place befitting of its infamy. Just standing at this place could make any person experience chill, well the town is one thing but the creature living at a certain place is the one that can bring horror to everything.

Finding it boring to stay at the spot, Lawrence started at the town and reached an inn. A good place to gather information. He saw that it was filled with people that has grave expressions on their faces, he got closer to one of them and asked a question, "Can you explain what happened here?" Lawrence also took some gold coins obtained from Hand of Midas and secretly handed to the man.

The man was stunned at the gold coins however his mind was quick to move, he immediately hid it afraid that others will see it. "C-Certainly..!" the man stuttered as his eyes glinted brightly. This is a huge hoard for him! Lawrence opened his ears at the words of the man as he patiently explained everything. It was a rollercoaster of emotions he presented.

Apparently, this town is being shrouded with terror right now. For reason that they always hear a loud sound every night while the cattle goes missing at morning. There were also creepy shrieking that one could not describe by human language. Everything fitted perfectly with what Lawrence read before, this place is indeed the setting for Dunwich Horror.

Since this is the case, Lawrence is surely interested in the hills where the stone formed like a crown. "How about the Whateleys? I heard they are infamous in these parts" proceeding with the main problem of the story, Lawrence asked this question. The man was visibly surprised by the mention but regained his composure soon.

"Whatever the case, don't come closer to that witch family. Getting cursed is the least you can worry about! In fact this whole scenario started with the birth of that cursed child Wilbur! Be careful man" the man warned Lawrence telling him the horror of the family.

Wilbur Whateley, a man born from a human woman and an Outer God as a father. No one know about this fact however many speculated that he is not a normal person. The reason for that is Wilbur growing much faster than a normal person, at the age of 13 he is already comparable to a middle-aged man living a hellish life.

The moment that child was born, he already assumed a revolting features. Despite having an albino mother, he was born with dark skin, goat like face and bulk of mustache. People initially thought that it was just another Whateley thing as they are infamous for their sorcerery. They only realized that it was much deeper when this phenomenon happened. Every night livestock would get missing while the road to the hill got eradicated. Trees were uprooted and large footprints were found on the site.

Lawrence continued asking more question until he is finally satisfied, he learned that it has been a month since Wilbur Whateley has gone missing meaning that he was probably killed by the dogs right now for trying to steal the accursed book Necronomicon. Thinking about that book, Lawrence got his interest piqued.

He will make sure to take it with him in case that he needs to meet with the other of his kind, perhaps also meeting his brothers and parents again. That would be fantastic. With information gathering finished, Lawrence started his feet at the said place wondering what the infant eldritch could present him.


=Kuoh Academy=

The moment Sona opened the door, she was greeted by the intense scene inside. There sat Rias Gremory, the Crimson haired princess and beside him was blonde man that has a face of a middle-aged man. He had a smirk on his face showing how confident he was. The peerage of Rias Gremory stayed on the side enduring the uncomfortable situation they are in.

The most affected by this is the brown haired man as he was literally biting a handkerchief while crying dramatic tears. Sona realized the level of situation and was about to apologize when Rias called out to her, "Sona? Please enter" she said with pleading eyes directed at Sona. It made Sona contemplate whether to intervene or just leave however before she could form a proper decision, someone already took a step ahead.

""Huh?"" Sona's peerage uttered this confused voice watching as Anastashia gracefully walked inside maintaining her dignity. She took the seat in the opposite side of Rias and the blonde man and casually gestured the others to brew her a tea. This action elicited various reactions from the people inside, especially the blonde man who has pride higher than any.

"And who do you think you are daring to seat in front of this Riser?" the man talked in 3rd perspective creeping out Anastashia who stared at him like looking at a garbage. "You're not worthy of knowing my name delinquent, now shut your trap as I inspect this woman besides you" Anastashia spoke with high tone that contained a lot of disgust as she gazed at Rias.

Of course with that, everyone froze in shock. The maid who was staying on the side also readied herself in case the worse happens. The words of Anastashia definitely dealt a huge blow on the blonde man's pride hence making Grayfia worry that this might turn bad. Not that she can't solve the situation but the thought matters.

Sona felt the blood rising to her head as she walked swiftly towards Anastashia, "What are you doing?!" she asked raising her voice at the woman who just shrugged. "Why the long face Sona? I am just speaking the truth, is he not a servant of her? He does not deserve my attention, judging from the arrogance he emits, this man is a loose thing" Anastashia spoke her opinion about Riser making the air more intense.

Heat started rising in the air and everyone could feel the change in temperature. Now, there is no doubt that Riser Phenex, the 3rd son of devil clan Phenex family has gotten enraged. Grayfia was about to fix the situation as the being who is the oldest here but sadly Anastashia was not done yet. "I mean, look at that face. It is barely acceptable for a creature, I wonder if he got bullied as a child. Did he even experience childhood? He must have a horrible face when born. In my analysis, this man is nothing but a heap of filth ready to stain the world"

Well that was the trigger. Fire erupted from Riser Phenex's body coating the whole room with intense heat. Soft furniture were burned without resistance and the fire is slowly creeping up to Anastashia. "Now this really angered Riser… face my wrath!" Riser shouted as the fire rushed towards Anastashia who merely did nothing.

The fire was about to devour Anastashia when Sona intervened and used her own Sitri Water Magic. The water collided with the fire turning it into evaporation. This action of Sona brought the animosity of Riser, "What is the meaning of this Sitri heiress? Do you intend to protect this woman for insulting my great clan? You should know the consequences of it" Riser asked trying hard to calm his anger.

He could not simply release it at Sona for she has greater standing than him. Both of them might be children of Noble Family, still the fact that Sona Sitri is the younger sister of the current Maou already speak a lot. He is already offending the Gremory Family with his action, he can't afford gaining more opponents.

Sona took a huge breath, "Unfortunately I can't let you harm her. She might be pompous but I still value her worth" Sona said surprising both Riser and Rias. Even Grayfia was stunned by the proclamation of Sona, this means that this woman held a value that could even force Sona to face Riser. "Hah, know your place mutt" Anastashia did not hold back and instead barked.

This lit the thwarting anger of Riser as the fire erupted again. Sona finally could not take it anymore as she slapped Anastashia in the head, "What are you doing?! Stop it!" Sona snapped forcing Anastashia to retaliate in kind. "Why, you dare to smack me!?" the two started bickering completely ignoring the presence of Riser who became more and more enraged.

Losing his patience, he ordered the flames to burn Anastashia and Sona only for it to be intercepted by something that shocked everyone in the room. "Hmm, unique flame magic but still pathetic. It pales in comparison to Lawrence's HellFire" Anastashia's voice was heard as they turned towards her.

There they saw the beautiful busty blonde creating a familiar magic circle in the air. To be exact, the Phenex Family Magic Circle. This time, Sona finally realized the reason for Anastashia's title that she mentioned earlier, "Grand Magus…"


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