
Chapter 13


3rd POV*

Their usual life has returned. Shiki is now reprocating from the emotional damage she obtain. She is trying her hard cope with the loss of SHIKI. Of course Lawrence was there on her side to help her.

She is gradually recovering and is returning to her previous state of mind. A month has already passed since they woke up, nothing has happened so far and that guy still didn't attacked them. Lawrence already considered that he must be creating a trap that will leave them with no choice but to accept defeat.

Lawrence is currently staring at the mountains of items laid infront of him. His whole bedroom was covered with different shining items making him wonder how they could even fit in. There was just too many for a person to count. 

Another thing that Lawrence discovered is that instead of 6, he can use 10 items to use on his pocket. All of the items will be effective even if he use them all. He took advantage of that and decided to use 9 hearts and 1 boots of travel.

The boots of travel was quite convenient to him as he could travel to any part of the world without restriction. That was the result of a conceptual boots of travel. Now he is getting curious to what wil happen if the boots turned level 2, he wonder whether he could travel to other worlds using that.

If Lawrence had to numberize his physical abilities right now then it would be.

Strength - B++

Endurance - A++

Agility - C

Mana - E

Luck - A


The convenient thing is that there is no cooldown on his inventory when changing items. In other words, he can change gear in the middle of the fight and wouldn't get penalized by it. He can simply change all of the hearts in Boots of travel making his speed faster than Achilles.

Also, items could be stocked on his inventory. If in Dota its not possible for 2 boots of travel to add another speed, here Lawrence can. He also saw another way to get money and that was by using Hand of Midas. He can spam midas to earn mountains of gold considering that he has hundreds of it on his bedroom. That is not counting the ones in the warehouse.

Though Lawrence will still stick with his way of finding money. He deemed it more professional gaining money from business and not hax. He almost has every item on Dota except for 4 items which are Refresher Orb, Aegis, Aghanims Scepter and Divine. Those four broken items are still not on his inventory.

He concluded that it must be because they are too broken that it will break the system if they become concept weapon. Imagine Divine becoming a concept weapon. Judging from the name, it wouldn't be a surprise if it sudden become a sword of Big G which is equivalent to Akasha here in this verse.

Next are the heroes, different from items who are constantly being poured at him, the heroes are more hard to gain. Then if Lawrence think about it more carefully, it is just and right that they are difficult to get. The reason? All of the spells has turned into Pure Type Damage. 

Meaning that no defense can shield against it, if it was casted on an enemy then they could only wait for their inevitable demise. There is no escape for them. Specially if Lawrence cast Rupture into a flying enemy, it wouldn't be a funny scene seeing a flying person dying within mere seconds of moving. 

Lawrence chuckled thinking about such scene. Rupture is also quiet special as he can cast it within a radius of 20 kilometers. That is huge enough to cover a whole town. "Master, Lady Shiki is calling you" Bea appeared at Lawrence's behind informing him.

"I see, a second" Lawrence closed the door to his room and went downstairs. There he saw Shiki sitting on the sofa with blindfold on her eyes. She seemed to have sensed his presence as she turned towards his direction. "Let's go, we'll train it" Lawrence said holding her hand and guiding her patiently.

Normally Shiki would complain being treated like a weak person however now she doesn't know why but she loved being cared by Lawrence like this. They did their daily walks on the neighborhood, the elderly seemed to adore their interaction as they sometimes cheer at them.

The people in the neighbourhood thought that Shiki encountered an accident and is being handled by Lawrence. Well their imagination is great and all however that scene will immediately change if they see what is happening right now.

Shiki is facing Lawrence in the same place where the previous SHIKI perished. She took off her blindfold revealing a beautiful yet dangerous eyes. "I'll not hold back. Prepare yourself" Shiki said as she dashed without even waiting for his response. The two started clashing causing sparks to appear on the air.

What they are doing is forcing Shiki to adapt with her new eyes. If they just keep doing this regime then it wouldn't be long before she can properly control her eyes. Lawrence parried a slow strike from Shiki, he then grabbed her outstreched hands before throwing the girl away.

The strength he used was considerable so Shiki being blasted to a bamboo tree wasn't a surprise. "Guh.. still heavy" Shiki commented cleaning the blood from her mouth. If before Shiki refuse to use her eyes, now she is using it to maximum output trying to adapt.

This training is only possible because Lawrence has no lines of death whatsoever, and that is a shocking thing. The lines of death that Shiki perceived all came from the ROOT itself, so when there is nothing placed on Lawrence, it could only mean that he has no records in Akasha.

It would have been shocking for Lawrence if he wasn't aware of his true origin, but now that was just a slight surprise for him. If Shiki fought with normal person or even a magus, then the result could only be the gruesome end of the opponent. Being cut by Shiki is equivalent to dead anyway.

"Dodge" Lawrence said throwing a casual kick that caused the wind to protest. Shiki immediately rolled on the side barely avoiding the fatal kick that could have ended thw fight. Shiki gritted her teeth before changing her tactics. While sprinting towards Lawrence, she cut off the bamboo trees on the surroundings.

It resulted of the bamboos falling to Lawrence's spot hindering his eyesight. Shiki moved faster than before trying to take advantage of Lawrence's blindspot. 'There!' Shiki thought crouching a little and slashing at his thighs causing blood to spill. 

"Woah" Lawrence commented staring at the wound on his thighs. It should have been impossible for Shiki do hit him as the skill Blur already turned into a Noble Phantasm. Nothing will ever hit Lawrence unless it is a Divine Entity or Beast. The only reason Shiki was able to was because of the thing hidden on her ears.

"I kind of forget that I gave you that thing" Lawrence said as he watched Shiki take something on her ear. It was a small stick which grew larger when she uttered the word 'Grow'. It was a yellow and red pole designed with dragons circle around it. Right it was the MONKEY KING BAR.

The item that turn every attack into True Damage hindering evading abilities useless. And just like his other items, the MKB also turned into a conceptual weapon becoming a real weapon of Monkey King. It has the same capability of being able to grow and shrink at ease.

Shiki didn't respond and just carried the MKB on her left hand and the dagger on the right. She then continued her assault making use of her full surroundings to atleast gain advantage against Lawrence. She constantly grew and shrink her MKB slashing some parts of the ground breaking his balance.

The fight continued for 30 more minutes until Shiki was finally exhausted. She was panting the ground as the lines on her eyesight are turning blurry. "Fuuh, your talent is really insane. You managed to adapt to 203 of my moves today. I won't be able to use them in the future" Lawrence complimented her talent.

"Was that sarcasm?" Shiki asked with Lawrence scratching the back of his head. Its normal that she think that way because if her talent help her adapt to 200 techniques a day. His talent helps him creating thousand of new techniques daily. This is the result of tens of talents being forced into single body.

Lawrence gave his hand to Shiki who just accepted it. "Are you satisfied for the day? Should we return already?" he asked tilting his head. "Wait, let me try something" Shiki said stopping Lawrence. She focused her concentration to what happened in the fight and tried controlling her emotions. She then imagined that a trigger was on her mind, she pulled that trigger off.

Shiki opened her eyes only for it be clear of the beautiful mystic eyes. Lawrence was taken aback by how she just casually turned it off but nonetheless he still congratulated her. "Nice, you managed to control it" he said patting her hair. Shiki also has a small smile on her face at her achievement.

"Here, take this. Its my gift for you" Lawrence threw something at Shiki. She catched it before staring at the new unknown thing. She nodded her head thinking that it must be a new item of Lawrence, she is already anticipating to what this item could do so she turned her attention back to Lawrence.

"Eat it" he gestured to her which Shiki followed. She has no qualms on eating it as everything Lawrence has given her always taste good. Shiki ate the gray fruit with wings like texture and waited for the effect to show itself.

Upon seeing that nothing happened she tilted her head in confusion. "What does it do?" She asked checking her body out. She really can't feel anything. "Try hitting me with MKB" Lawrence gestured her to hit him. Shiki didn't even hesitate before striking him with MKB. 

The moment her hands moved, she felt an unusual feeling of her hands moving faster than usual. She widened her eyes when the initially 1 strike turned into 4 from how fast her hands move. "What..?" She gave a dumbfounded voice not knowing what just happened.

Lawrence grinned when he saw that, fresh reactions from Shiki is really a delicacy for him. "The thing you ate was called Moon Shard, it heightens your hitting speed by many times. That is the reason why your hands turned blur just now" Lawrence explained eith Shiki just stood there dumbfounded. 


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