

What happens when there's another person besides Mash who becomes a Demi-Servant? And that contractor is from Gilgamesh of all Heroic Spirits? You get this! There will be SMITE references for Gilgamesh/MC, considering I will be using an original NP since Enuma Elish will be later down the story. [Before we begin, this story is an experiment! My knowledge of Fate is limited. However, as I write this story, I'm reading Light Novels and FGO Manga and playing FGO. So don't expect this story to be anything special. After reading a lot of Fate fanfics, I had this idea, but I was ultimately disappointed by the lack of Demi-Servant MCs.] [Like most other Fate Fanfics, Harem is included, but probably no smut unless I feel it's appropriate!] I hope that this will get people to try this rare trope out!

SaurianMp4 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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32 Chs

Inner World




Being a quick battle, the Servants are still drained and taking time to themselves in astral form to recover quickly. Mars rested upon the Red Carpet, despite the pleas from Atalanta and Jeanne for him to sleep instead of working on a plan for future battles. His [Mind's Wisdom] was, in effect, blocking their voices. He was nothing but a statue. With his eyes closed and his aura collected, he ignored them. 

This was the first time Mars gave them the cold shoulder. He wasn't frustrated at them but more aimed at himself. He needed to be prepared. No one goes into battle without some plan and those who did end up winning by luck. Luck was a factor in battle and one that Mars had no obligation to trust. You can't trust luck. It'll eventually run dry like the desert. 




"Hmph. Now you're taking things seriously. I was wondering if such a thing was possible for you." 

Inside the dark void laid Mars's figure, sitting atop Red Carpet. 

"Gilgamesh. What would you do in this situation? Even with my ability, none of these plans are passing the simulation." 

"...You'd ask me about something so trivial? I'd cut your tongue, but I'm generous. Seeing Enkidu like that is displeasing." 


"Patience, Mongrel. Don't rush the process. If there is something I've learned during my time, it is always to expect the unforeseen. That is all the generosity you've garnered from me thus far."

"Another thing…those visions. Is that a part of your power? Or mine?"

"Ah! I wasn't aware that you could utilize that. No, I did. I didn't think you'd have trouble with such a small matter. Sha Naqba Imuru. One feature allows me to oversee glimpses of what has yet to pass. It's a constantly activated Noble Phantasm, but for you, it seems to be a warning." 

"Then whatever I'm seeing is bound to happen? That thing I saw where Atalanta is some Berserker is going to happen? Shouldn't I be able to change what I've seen?"

Gilgamesh went silent, and the inner world Mars found himself in began to light up, a golden ripple appearing. Its blinding light no longer fazed Mars, as he was used to such a show. However, he didn't expect a stunning figure to walk through. Pristine white skin, blond spiked hair, which was enhanced with their silted, crimson eyes, and last but not least, shining golden armor. 

It was Gilgamesh in the flesh…or spirit. The world around them changed, becoming what Mars could only think of as Uruk. The moment Gilgamesh manifested, his inner world changed on the spot. The sheer presence of Gilgamesh had control over his mind. It shows Gilgamesh's near boundless radiance and arrogance, changing up the place most likely due to it not being to his standards. 

"Very well then. I shall grace you with my very presence and knowledge," Gilgamesh walked past Mars, his armored greaves clinking along the way.

"How…did you do all this?" 

"You have a weak spirit," Gilgamesh answered quickly and fluidly, with no hesitation. "Allowing me to control your mind without interference is unsettling. Anyone equipped to break a person's mind could easily control you like a rabid dog. If I wasn't here, I'm sure you'd be under that witch's thumb."


"That Greek descendant of Helios. That Mongrel Of Betrayal. She was trying to pry into your mind for secrets only I can see and watch over. You can praise me when this is over," Gilgamesh sat on the throne he created, and to his left seemed to be a lady, most likely his advisor, from how she carried herself. 

"Medea…I see. That's why she was in my room that time."

Gilgamesh placed his head on his knuckle, staring outside into the spiritual form of Uruk, his gaze distant and longing yet covered with a shell of power and authority. Gilgamesh was not one to show such emotions that would have others think of him as weak. His ego wouldn't allow such a thing. 

"Why show yourself now of all times?"

"You wish to learn, am I wrong? I didn't save your life for you to carry yourself like a groveling mouse in the dark. You have the makings for greatness, to be the King of your future. The future that was taken from not only me but you. I made a vow that I would oversee this world until the very end. Earth is my garden, my treasure. Seeing the future as it is forced me to defy everything and sign a contract with you."

"I see. You're a great King."

"HAHA! It shouldn't take this long for you to come to such a conclusion," Gilgamesh diverted his gaze to the lady next to him. She was merely a doll. She wouldn't speak or even move. She'd stand there like she had done when he was alive. 

"Her name is Siduri. My assistant…and….nevermind. I've also been using Sha Naqba Imuru. What you're seeing is everything I see as well. However, you must not look at everything at face value."

Mars remained silent. In his inner world, his features returned to the time before his death. Azure-colored eyes, smooth long hair reaching past his shoulders, and a black and white tracksuit. It was possibly this way due to him being fond of such clothing. 

"Siduri seems like a kind lady."

"....She was. I've never rewarded her enough. I suppose when…forget that! Listen! You're going to have to remove that hesitation from your conscience." 

Seeing that Gilgamesh wanted to avoid anything related to Siduri, Mars silently accepted that Gilgamesh was having his own inner struggle. Even a King like him, with an ego as infinite as the universe, has times of regrets. 


"That's correct. Enkidu may be my valued friend, but they're not someone to take lightly. Our fights were always without a clear victory, despite them saying that I won. I will train you here to utilize Sha Naqba Imuru and my Gate Of Babylon to its fullest. I expect nothing short of a tireless pursuit to grasp everything I teach. I will not bother rehearsing these trials again. I'm not a jester. That is your job."

After that, the training in Mars's inner world has begun.


AN: A more of a Gilgamesh and Mars-focused chapter. Gilgamesh is a bit more mature here and a bit regretful as well. I wanted him to feel a bit more down-to-earth regarding Siduri, etc. 

Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Be sure to drink your daily dose of Water.

Thanks For Reading! :]

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