
Fate And Love

An ancient love story of two love birds. Could it be a forbidden love? or is fate just testing out luck? read and find out!!

Cathy_Martins · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter Three

" I...love...you," Yuri said in tears looking at Jisoo. " I...love..love..you..too" Jisoo managed to say.

" Please return to me," he said in tears as she slowly closed her eyes.

" our...love...will..never..die.I will come...back" she said in tears. she died.

" No!!!!" he cried out. " don't leave me, I'll be alone. I love you, please don't leave me!" He cried.

" I'll look for you, I'll wait for you, I'll protect you and I will never not stop loving you, I promise". he vowed looking at her.

In tears, he gave her his last kiss and a glow of magic from his soul entered her mouth and rested in her soul. As this happens, a bright light shined through Jisoo's body.

" I will come back my love" Jisoo's words echoed in my mind. It sounded as if she was next to me whispering in my ears.

" My love awaits me, he needs me" the strange voice continued.

I forcefully opened my eyes to see the person talking next to me, but there was no one in my room.

" hmm, strange" I said to myself. I closed my eyes trying to sleep and trying to forget what I saw and heard.

But I kept on having the same dream every night, hearing the strange voice in my head.

" I will come back my love, he awaits me, look for him". The strange voice always says every night I had the same dream. This gave me sleepless nights thinking of what the strange voice meant.

" You need to visit a therapist, I'm sure it's all in your head". Rose said as I explained it all to her as we went to the Department of English the following week.

" but it sounds so real, I can't sleep well at night anymore". I said.

" that is why you need to visit the therapist okay?" Rose said looking worried. She held my hand trying to encourage me.

" Okay, Okay ". I said smiling.

" This flower is so pretty!". A little girl said as she picked out a rose from Seoul Central Park. As she admired its nature, a tall figure walked up to her.

" what a pretty flower you got there, little one" The stranger said. The girl looked up to see a handsome man smiling at her.

" Yes, it's very pretty," she said smiling as she showed him the flower.

" But life is just like this flower," he said looking at the flower. " you live out your youthful days as the rose blooms". he added. " but slowly dies as it reaches its old days and finally fades away, carried by the wind".

when he looked at the girl who was happy before, but now is sad as the flower slowly shrink and turn dark. He realized what he had done and gently collect the rose from her hand. placing it on his right palm and place the girl's right hand on his palm.

" But this little rose still has a long way to go before it fades, it deserves a second chance to live". he said that to the sad-looking girl.

He looked at his hand where the rose was placed, and magically, the rose slowly circled the little girl's wrist as it turned to a beautiful rose bracelet, it's fragrance smells as a freshly bloomed rose.

" wow!" The girl exclaimed. She marveled as she watched the rose magically circles her wrist.

" Do you like it?" he asked.

" Yes! very much!" she said happily. " Are you a magician?" she asked.

" umm, something like that". He said brushing his shaved jaw.

" Thank you mister" she said bowing at him.

" you're welcome. Now go, it isn't proper to be seen talking to a stranger". he said. She quickly hugged him and whispered in his ears.

" whom you seek, will come back to you" she whispered. He was shocked by those words and he looked at the girl who smiled at him.

She placed her right hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat.

"Your heart awaits the day it will reunite with its love". she added. " love is patient, even a mountain god must wait for his love to return, even if it takes him a thousand years ".

" a love that deep, can only be referred as true love". " don't worry, your years of waiting will end soon".

" who are you?". he asked looking shocked.

" Your love". she said. A luminous light glowed in her as she changed to a young lady.

" My love, it is I ". She said. This time, he was more shocked at her sight as he keep on questioning himself if this was real.

" listen, I don't have much time". she said

" look for me, find me, protect me" she added. Saying this, the luminous light inside her body consumed her and he couldn't her clearly.

" find me, my love". she said.

" wait! wait!!" he shouted.

"Master? master! master! " Lee said shaking a man who was lying on a luxurious bed.

The man forcefully opened his eyes looking worried from a nightmare.

" Master is everything okay? you were shouting in your sleep". Lee said.

" is it her? did you see her?" he asked looking worried.

The man nodded. He have been having the same dream every night for months, but this time, it felt so real.

" She's alive, she has return". he said looking at Lee who smiled as those words came out from his master's mouth.

" finally, an unfinished love tale will begin again". Lee said.

" will I recognize her? " The master thought deeply. For centuries, he has looked for her. Some look-alikes that he have met in the past didn't have the luminous glow in their soul that he gave to Jisoo. Worried that his high hopes might be for nothing, he closed his eyes back to sleep.

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