After getting close to the mic Leonard started talking to the audience that strangely turn very quiet, as if waiting for a noble degree.
" Greetings ladies and the gentlemen.." Leon greeted warmly and instantly all the female species held their breath quietly thinking.
" oh! even his voice is so sexy!" their drooling eyes glue to his handsome face all the time.
"...I would like to thank you all for this chance and your precious time, actually I know everyone must be curious about me, ...speaking of myself I'm just a precious son of my mother and my lovely family, a husband of one beautiful woman and the only grandson of one wealth old man.."Leon said looking at his grandfather giving him a playfully look making the old man laugh softly and so did everyone
this boy! old man Black thought inwardly and couldn't help but feel proud, it must have run in the family they were all carefree.