
Where did that come from....

"I think you are misinformed..... there are only Six Demon Kings left.....The 7th Guardian, 'Shadow' took the 2nd Demon King, 'Arnus Edios' down with him and as for the protectors, they are more active in their training, patrolling and protecting the citizens since the death of Lord Shadow and the other guardians."

Zeyner reported as he calmly walked towards the psychopath as he analyzed the situation.

"And as a proof of the protectors loyalty to the city, you can see that I myself and 15 more protectors have come within seconds, in response to the commotion you are causing..." he stated as he counted how many of his men approached before him.

Shin walked past the commotion like it wasn't any of his concern and disappeared into a distance.

"Now let the girl go and surrender, I will make sure that your sentence is lighter."

Zeyner gave him a chance and waited for his reply.

"Me surrender...to you...!!! Sorry, but I have better plans for this girl."

"You want to try your luck capturing me, lets see you try, you take a step forward and she gets a deep open slit on her throat."

"What do you want?!!" A protector voiced his mind.

"Nothing much, just give me a horse and I'll go away with this girl....hehehe..." He giggled like any mad man would with wide open eyes filled with madness.

One of the protectors tried to step forward as he was laughing hideously, staring at the chief.

"I SAID DON'T MOVE....!!!!" He shouted as he saw the protector trying to approach him.

"You want her to die ha...." He shouted as he pointed the knife at the protector, who tried to move.

Zeyner riled up his energy and readied to slice his hand with the knife, which was now away from the girl's throat pointing at a protector.

This was a chance for him, which he could use to end this in a second. The chief was the most powerful protector in the city. He was a Rank-A protector.

As he was about to make his move, something unexpected happened. A jet of air pumped towards them out of nowhere. As everyone regained their stance from the unexpected strike of air and laid their eyes where the psychopath was supposed to be, he was no longer by the girls side...

"What happened, where did he go?" A shriek from the crowd.

"There he is..." A protected shouted as he pointed towards a man lying on the ground a few meters away from where they were.

Zeyner walked over and took a keen look at the unconscious mad man with a deep flesh wound, bleeding heavily on his right jaw.

"Was that you chief...?"

" No..that wasn't me." Zeyner looked around to see if he could find out what caused it.

"Look for anything suspicious that might have caused this to him." All the protectors started looking around as they were ordered by their chief.

"I don't think we need to look for long, sir." stated a protector staring at the ground.

"What are you talking about..?"

"Look at this sir..." He pointed towards a stone that was stuck inside a directions plate made of iron.

Zeyner approached it only to witness a heavily steaming stone which looked like it burned up because it was travelling too fast and was instilled with energy.

"Explain the situation to every protector patrolling in the direction the wind came from and tell them to immediately report, if they had seen anyone causing it or if they suspect anyone doing it."

"Yes Sir." One of the protectors left to inform the other protectors on the chief's command.

"Someone who can throw an energized stone at a great speed and accuracy from a distance we couldn't even see is in our city, sir, don't you think we should notify and warn all the protectors about this incident." Spoke the vice chief of the protectors, Izumi, a 22 yr old women who was considered as the second strongest in the city, despite her young age.

"Notify all the protectors...and I want you to take care of this case personally. Who ever the person might be, he seems to like the shadows in the city too much.... it won't be easy to catch him. Izumi....keep your guard up, or you might even get killed."

"Understood, Sir." Izumi had another look at the stone and where the mad man was standing, she had a rough idea where the stone might have come from.

"Take this man away and lock him up.....show him how respectfully we treat people, when they commit a crime." Zeyner smiled sarcastically as he kept his eyes fixed on the energized stone.

'I don't know who you are, but if you dare do anything stupid in my city....you might regret it.' These were the only thoughts running inside Zeyner.

Shin returned and managed to be just in time for lunch.

"This is the vice chief protector Izumi, is anyone here."

"I am sorry...We were having lunch, how may I help you?" Lia spoke as she was approaching the counter.

"I have some questions to ask..."

Chapitre suivant