The best choice is definitely to avoid eye contact and still be cool. From all the K-dramas and the Comic books…and a bit of the dating sims I got this in the bag. I stop abruptly, and say "Charm me."

But she spoke first. She fast walked over and pulled my white collared shirt close to her while closing her eyes. "I heard you broke it off from your girlfriend?"

"My WHAT?" I'm as shocked as a mom finding out her daughter started dating at 7 and has had more than a dozen boyfriends at 15.

"Look." She opened her eyes and to my astonishment, I was taken back by her big brown eyes. "The whole school is talking about it… and I know this isn't the right-"

"Okay! Stop right there sweetheart listen to me the rumors about me and that girl aren't real. And also she came onto me, Kay?"

My next option is,

•Discreetly walkway and think about life

•Tell her the truth and get embarrassed and emotional

•Be cool and calm tell her and say goodbyes

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