
Fake Groom: Marriage Of Convenience

Jing Xi got herself a fake groom in order to be the next CEO of her father's company.

Little_feelings · Urbain
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4 Chs

Chapter Three

Myeongdong Pedestrian Street,

In the car Jing Xi turns off the engine, and picks up her handbag that was sitting on the seat beside her.

She goes down from the car and inserts her key and once she got it locked she walks towards a white building, her heels clicking hard on the smooth road. Not far from it now she could hear the blaring hip hop music in the background, and she knows her best friend and her friends are getting themselves all drunk.

As she pushed the door open Jing Xi spotted Xin Xinrou sitting cross legged as she gulped down a bottle of vodka. All the girls seemed pretty drunk themselves and as Jing Xi's eyes moved around, she spotted Ying Bao chatting with a brunette, who she remembered rescuing from her violent boyfriend. She had gotten the bastard arrested for laying hands on the lady, and do her, any man who beats a woman is a coward.

"Hey baby, you are late. What took you so long to get here?" Xin Xinrou asked, and moving back, she tips the remains of the vodka into her mouth before swallowing it's content. She pushed back a lock of hair that had fallen lose down her face and waves one hand at Jing Xi before the dropping the bottle with the other hand.

Jing Xi walks towards her, and her expression lightened as she looked lovingly at her friend. She will not spoil the day for her friend so she won't make a fuss about Ying Bao, after all there are still other times to deal with her. "I have been busy." After a little silence, "Do you have anything for me?"

Xin Xinrou stretched her arms towards her, "I have myself. Obviously I am enough for you, right?"

Shaking her head, Jing Xi looked at her sadly. "It's obvious you are drug. Why this early? We still have more time to enjoy ourselves."

Xin Xinrou cocked an eyebrow, "Well you are about to get drunk yourself too, so it doesn't matter."

"It does matter, there's a saying that it isn't good to drink in the morning." Jing Xi commented, as she sat down beside Xin Xinrou. Her eyes moved back to where Ying Bao was seated and she found her staring at her. In order to make her feel her life was better, Jing Xi flashed her a smile before bursting into a laughter to an invisible joke that Xin Xinrou made.

"Are you alright?" Xin Xinrou questioned, her left brow raised and she winked at her. "Did you find prince charming?"

Jing Xi doesn't know why but the question made her laugh, it is funny to her to be honest. Is there any man who is a prince? This thought races through her mind, and she shakes her head at her hopeful best friend.

"No way, it's not bound to happen I bet you. There's no such thing as prince charming, Xing. I just got a heartbreak not quite long and I do not think I have time to mingle anyone else again."

Xing Xinrou grabs her shoulders, then made her to face her before reasoning with her. "Don't say that dear, there are men that are princes out there."

"No, do not preach that to me right now. You know out of the hundred men out there it's only one percent is a prince, and you and I know it's your groom. You and your groom has a very perfect relationship that I envy you of, and I know it's not for me. Counting all the things I have gone through in the past, you can tell more than anyone."

"Is it when mother was murdered or when Dad would watch his second wife maltreating me and remain silent, or is it when Feng left me for that slut?" Jing Xi asked, and her gaze moved back to where Ying Bao was seated. This time around, the girl seated next to her was watching them and she quickly nodded her head in acknowledgement but Jing Xi ignored them both as she focused her attention back to Xin Xinrou.

Xin Xinrou sighed, then placed two palms on the floor before getting up. She offered her hands to Jing Xi and she accepted it without a word.

Dragging her along, they passed several girls who were busy either getting themselves drunk or gossiping and former was the case.


"Why are we here?" Jing Xi asked immediately they are outside, as Xin Xinrou releases her hand.

Xing Xinrou raises one finger up, a light smile twitching at the corner of her lips. "We are here for one purpose, I plan for tonight to be fun. Since you are gloomy I came up with a perfect idea to make this bachelorette party good." She paused, and Jing Xi nods her head with her mouth pressed in a thin line.

"Let's infiltrate the men's party. I know this isn't right but I want us to do this, no one knows what those men are planning to do tonight. So instead of letting my groom have fun with another girl I better be that girl."

Jing Xi shifts comfortably to one side, a smile creeping to her lips and she nods her head in agreement. "But how do we go about it? What will happen if we are caught? Will it work?"

Xing Xinrou gives a light laugh as she snaps her fingers in front of her. She couldn't believe she was asking so many questions, the girl that she knows wouldn't ask questions in times like this, instead she would be providing a solution. But nevertheless, she had already thought everything through.

"One question at a time please. Come close let me tell you what the plan is."

Jing Xi moves closer and her friend whispers everything in her ear. "This is superb but don't tell me you just thought of this now, did you? It must have taken you a day to bring up this plan up."

"You caught me just right there. Yes, I thought about it yesterday, it was actually after I called you. So let's go and meet the other girls and know what they think about all of this."

Jing Xi nodded, "Sure, why not? I can feel the bubbles of excitement in my tummy already. Everyone's going to love it, I bet you they will."