
fairy tail: tundra wolf

died while playing a guild building fan game and end up in that very games world what else to do then become number one follow Leon as he leads his guild to be number one

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chapter 4: dungeon part 2

I quietly watch as Lu broke the teleport stone and disappeared from the dungeon I began heading deeper into the dungeon where I came across a large chamber with the last 10 remaining goblins on this first floor the chamber wasn't really big per se it was more of a long corridor so I simply released a roar that I added a little bit more magic than needed to cover the entire corridor and freeze it all over. I slowly walked on the ice as I received a notification.

"You have leveled up to level 2."

I nodded my head the very first level you just did 100 experiences. For level 2 to go to level 3 it would take 200 experience and until level 10 it will only go up by 100 additional experience. After level 10 to go up to level 11 without additional 100 experience goes up to 200 Per level. But anyway I continued deeper into the dungeon when I reached the end of the corridor I found a staircase heading downwards so I entered and began walking down the stairs. The second level of the dungeon contains 19 goblins and six of those goblins are elites and one hobgoblin Which was just a higher evolution line of the goblin. Also on the second floor of the dungeon also contains two guaranteed d-rank females and 5 F-E rank females. If it wasn't for the tutorial for the dungeon basically giving him exactly the number of teleport stones for all the women in this dungeon including one for himself he probably would have to escort them all the way out of the dungeon. Anyway I shook my head as I come across a small cavern with 13 goblins and looking down to them I instantly blast them with a roar sadly for goblins and their elite variants they have low magic resistance pitifully low so the point where most magical attacks can kill one if you can put even a bit a d rank mages magic reserve into it or even a half of it. In the case of the half of the max reserve of the d-rank magician you would have to hit somewhere vital like the chest or head. But anyway these were the non elite goblins which their magic resistant was even more pedophile. I jumped down to the small area as I looked over to 2 cells 1 containing five women in the other containing 2. I know that my head as I looked around for the monsters that were left which I smirked as I saw a third cage though this one seems to be much more like if it was meant to be a door. I walked up to it and secretly peered into it seeing six of the goblins asleep and the hobgoblin sharpening a sword. A hobgoblin is worth 20 XP. An elite goblin is worth 10 with this knowledge I release my breath attack in through the cell door hitting all six of these enemies and freezing them solid all together I just got 80 XP which I smirked at as I head over to the captured women I pulled out teleport stones and tossed them to the fives obvious civilian women and spoke to them.

"Names Leon I'm the guildmaster of the tundra wolf guild and those Stones I throw at you are teleport stone break them and they'll teleport you to the front of my guild walk inside and hang out in it until I return so I can bring you to a safe village"

I said this as I saw the five women immediately jump at the five teleport Stones I launched at them each one breaking it in teleporting out in a flash of light and so I looked at the two mages who are just beginners. Knowing that magic typically runs in the family I looked at the two and spoke.

"Have a younger sister named Lu?"

When the girls perked up after hearing her sister's name as she jumped towards the bar and looked at me dead during the ice seemingly hopeful.

"Yes I do have a little sister named Lu. How do you know her?"

Hearing this I nodded my head as I toss them both a teleport stone as I speak.

"I rescued her from goblins on the upper floor. She's currently waiting at my guild if you want you, Lu and whoever this other chick is can join and I could probably teach you better control your magic. Just like I told those five women to break the stones and you'll teleport."

As I said this the older sister looked barely 13 which is probably why the goblins took her deeper and she was approaching c-rank in the terms of skill of magic surprisingly. Burdened care as both of them nodded and teleported away with The Stones I began walking to the entrance to the last floor of this dungeon four three which is a significant skill jump having 20 goblins all of them being elites and two hobgoblins and one boss. A significant leap but there is guaranteed in the bosses personal bed Chambers to be at least four d-rank mages and one c rink. The boss is a goblin chief which if you were to compare it to strength where goblins were d-rank monsters elites were d-rank+ and hobgoblins were C-rank the goblin chief would be c rank+ but given I am the strongest being in this dungeon they won't prove to be much of a fret because they wouldn't be able to really hurt me physically. As I walked into the final chamber which is a big-ass corridor and beyond that corridor is a large chamber by the end of this dungeon you were guaranteed to be at level 4 because the mobs leading up to the boss will get you to level three and the boss itself once upon kill we'll get you level four. So I blitz the corridor leading to the boss room by relieving a overcharged roar down the center of the hallway which to my surprise went past the whole and strain to the chamber freezing the floor but given the chieftain would be on his throne he wouldn't get hit by any of it. But as I walked through the hallway all the torches were already blown out when I froze the corridor over so all the chieftain could hear was quite literally the footsteps of something walking towards him.

As I enter the chamber I covered my body and mostly ice even though the chieftain couldn't hurt me I was taking precautions because this wasn't a game it was an actual real life situation so I took precautions and thanks to ice dragon's scales the skill I'm currently using which is a defensive skill which creates a armor of ice on the body. In the description it gives me additional magic resistance high Frost resistance added onto my already high Frost resistance which as long as the skill has magic powering it I am effectively immune to ice-based elements attacks. It also gives me an armor rating of 50. Which is pretty good for the skillet level 1 when it's at max level level five it will give me an armor rating of 300 though by that point I would have better skills for increasing my defense. But this skill, unlike the others, will stack so it's something that will always get used. The goblin began doing its typical boss rant.

"Filthy human you dare challenge me to slaughter my tribe. You'll just be meat for me to eat. As long as I'm alive I can always repopulate my tribe with stronger goblins."

Hearing this I decided to just attack him when he's ranting so I secretly charged up a overcharged roar and with a quick stop on my feet launched myself to be about three feet away and released it freezing him solid and outright killing I wasn't like a stupid protagonist who would lit the per enemy rant on and on unless it benefited me Nor would I lit them transform because I'm not stupid ending the fight quick and easy would be the best outcome. And just like that I got the notification of reaching level 4. Which made me happy because it gave me One step closer to level five which would give me my first skill upgrade point which as the name suggests let me upgrade a skill by one level or I could choose to add an additional effect to the skill. Such as my ice armor I can either upgrade it to get an increase armor rating and what it already offers get an increase or I could add an additional effect of adding ice element damaging aura around which would damage anything around me with minor ice damage either one is good but of course my first upgrade point is going to my claw attack and of course I'm going to get and add the effect of draining stamina with each attack so when I fight someone stronger than me I can drain their stamina while I beat the crap out of them.

Are shrug as I looked at the other notifications I ignored which most of it is trash items such as minor MP potion minor HP potion. Basic materials scrap or rusted weapons but I did get 1 rare item. Which is a guaranteed item from the boss and I pulled it up.

"(rare)Necklace of the goblin chief: effect increases mana recovery by 5% and increases mana potency by 5%."

I automatically equipped it because mana recovery is self experimentary but mana potency is something that entirely increases the potency of your attacks meaning they'll do more damage for less magic used. As I shrugged my head towards the gobbling chief's personal room as I entered I saw five women who are in their late 20s chained to a bed by their necks with a collar. As I walked in they seem scared for a second but then saw I was human.

"No speaking names Leon guildmaster of tundra wolf guild these are teleport Stones they'll teleport you to my guild Hall stay there until I can take you back to civilization or you can join it's really up to you."

I said as I broke the collars around their necks and handed each one of them a teleport stone and they broke it immediately after nodding their heads disappearing and ending up at my guild house I stretched as I looked at a chest in the room. This chest is where you obtain your first piece of epic equipment and this will be the only time in the game that you would get epic equipment from a standard dungeon. As I opened the chest I smirked as I looked and it was one of my favorite types of items. Rings were my favorite because they were typically only very few enchantments that would actually prove useful. From my character and a ring was always the item that would have these enchantments as I picked it up I got a notification.

"(Epic) ring of frostbite: effect increases ice element damage by 20%. Increases speed when in cold climates by 15% increases attack speed by 15% in cold climates."

I smirked as I equipped it immediately after all this was one of my favorite rings to get and it's mythic version the ring of blizzards. Basically did all of this but instead of 20% it was 75% for the increase in ice element damage. For the increase in attack speed and standard speed it was 45%. It also gives a side effect of nourishing ice-based bloodlines per se like an ice dragon slayer. It would basically just increase my base parameters by empowering the bloodline I obtained when I became a dragon slayer. But I shook my head lightly because that is a long way before I attempt a wild dungeon at bare minimum for the lowest level wild dungeon I would need to be level 30. It'll be a long while before then with the last teleport stone I crushed it and appeared in front of my guild when I heard the chattering of people inside my guild. I nodded my head as I began to enter and what grade me was, a child flying into my arms.

Lu:"thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!"