
Fairy Tail: Time Travel After Watching Fairy Tail

Story of: Fairy Tail: Time Travel After Watching Fairy Tail Does Fairy Tail have a fairy tail? This is a magical guild, and its name is Fairy Tail. Everyone in the guild must abide by three rules when leaving the guild: Article 1: Information that is detrimental to Fairy Tail will be used for life. Can't talk about it to others. Article 2: You cannot contact past clients without authorization to obtain personal benefits from them. Article 3: Even if the path is different, you must live strong. You must not despise your own life, and never forget your cherished companions in the past! After the protagonist travels to the world of Fairy Tail, he integrates into this big family in this world. The process of becoming stronger with your guild partners step by step.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs

Chapter 7

After walking for a long time, Elusha looked at the road ahead.

Take out the map and see how this place seems to have just been here.

Gray and Mira also poked their heads out, where to go now, or change Elusa.

"The magic guide four-wheeler sucks magic very strongly, I'll come Elusa," Gray pulled Elusa into the car, just trying to put the magic absorbing device in his hand.

Chen Zhe scratched his head, that Gray, I don't seem to understand the map, you come to recognize the way.

"I don't know the way! Then you guys were still discussing for so long, going around and around, I thought you knew the way.

"Leave it to me, turn left in front, go straight, turn right, go straight all the way, go straight through the valley in front, add up your horsepower, and cross the canyon in front."

Under Gray's directions, cross the last great plain.

Harugion was already in front of their eyes.

"We arrived at Elusa, Mira, Naz."

"Hurry up, hurry up, Natsu."

Naz: "No, I don't want to take transportation anymore." "Gag~

" In the port of Harugion

"If the intelligence is correct, it is that there are pirates raging in the port of this city."

Walking the path of Harugion is full of people who make a career from fishing.

Naz: "There are very few people here who have magical powers."

Elusa: "Harugion has been a port city that uses fishing since ancient times, and less than 10% of people can use magic here."

Chen Zhe observed the surrounding merchants, looking like they were living in peace and contentment, and did not look like pirates at all.

I can't help but ask, "This is not like a city with pirates at all

" Mira Jane: "Pirates, as the name suggests, go out to fish, and only thieves come out when they trade."

"If they all go ashore, it's not just pirates."

"Wow doll~"

There was a sound in the distance.

"What's the sound over there, let's go over and see, maybe something new will be discovered."

(I heard that there are guild wizards to defend our port, so we don't have to fear pirates anymore.)

"We are the Magi of the famous guild "Nose of the Giant". This time I came to receive your task list. to solve the problem of piracy. "

Our guild Giant's Nose will establish a branch in Harugion as a way to shelter Harugion.

"It seems that a few of us are late, and this task has already been taken by other guild members."

Gray: "Then let's go back and change the task."

Mira Jane: "It's all here, if you don't have a mission, it's better to play here for two days, this is a famous port city." Then taste and taste the food here. "

You can go out to sea and see if there is anything you can help as members of Fairy Tail."

"I'm Bora of the Giant's Nose Guild, and tomorrow night we will hold a guild ceremony on the sea, and everyone is welcome to participate at that time."

Pola? This name seems to be a little familiar, Chen Zhe doesn't know where he has heard this name.

Suddenly, I remembered something.

Pola, isn't it the person in Fairy Tail episode 1 who buys and sells women through seduction and sleep rings?

It seems that at this time, Bora was still a member of the Giant's Nose Guild.

The plot of the first episode of the anime takes place a few years later, and I remember that the introduction seems to have been expelled from the Giant's Nose Guild for some reason.

Chen Zhe already had a premonition that something was wrong, could it be that this time Bora and the pirates wanted to trade the inhabitants of Harugion as commodities.

"Yes, let's stay here for a few more days, play for a while, maybe we can help."

After Chen Zhe's insistence, several people finally agreed to stay here.

Elusa: "There is a celebration of this Giant's Nose Guild tomorrow night, and we will take a look at it then."

There are also free things to eat, and the most important thing is to go to the sea to investigate. Gray

: "I always feel that there is a problem with the people of this guild, obviously there are pirates in the port, and they have to go to sea to hold some kind of celebration, this is not a net muzzle."

Let's go find a place to stay, and then eat something, starve to death.

Harpy in Elusa's arms: "Love~"

So the few people first found a house to live in, and then fell asleep early after eating, after all, they were tired from running all the way.

Just when everyone entered the dream, Chen Zhe took out his mobile phone and watched it again from the first episode.

[It is forbidden to impersonate our Fairy Tail Guild Magi to discredit our Fairy Tail.] Seeing

this, Chen Zhe finally determined that there must be something wrong with this Pola.

In the anime, it is said that Pola was indeed a member of the Giant's Nose Guild before, but for unknown reasons he was expelled from the guild.

But no matter where you look at it, this Bora doesn't look like a good person.

Time passed quickly, and the first thing people who got up the next day was to go to the harbor to play, here as a port city, the sea is essential, everyone rests on the beach.

At the beach, Chen Zhe used his magic to show everyone a pair of sunglasses.

A complete set of beach supplies was also presented, and everyone lay on the beach and relaxed.

"Gray, bring everyone some ice, it's too hot, sure enough, it's hot on the beach."

[Ice Shape Magic Ice Shield]A

huge ice shield appeared above everyone's heads.

A chill came in.

[Change of Costume, Armor of the Celestial Wheel, Sword of the Celestial Wheel]

Elusa's Heavenly Chaos Sword cut Gray's ice shield into Xiaoice pieces.

Joined the crowd's drink.

Mira Jane took a sip of ice water, ah~ it was really refreshing.

Gray, it's true that the strongest squad of Fairy Tail brought you this time, one you and one Natsu, you can cool down with ice magic in the summer.

Winter can be kept warm with fire magic.

It's a great combination.

The sun soon went down and a huge ship came from a distance.

A group of people from the town had already arrived at the port, and everyone got on board after the ship landed.

Natsu, Gray, Chen Zhe, Elusha, Mira Jane. Several people also took the opportunity to mix into the boat.

As soon as I got on the boat, "gag~"

I forgot that there was still Natsu, and I knew that I would let him wait below.

With a bang, it was Elusa who knocked Natsu unconscious with a punch.

Chen Zhe used the arc magic of manifestation.


flew up with its wings while on the deck and stole sounds in the room above.

"Bora did a good job, this time so many goods will definitely be sold for a good price, and it will not be in vain that our Red Sky will train you to the Giant's Nose Guild."

"It is my honor to play for the president."

Pola: "The people of these towns really thought I was here to save them. The next time you wake up, you can only be selected as a commodity.

"Then when can I return to the guild, guild leader."

You first do a good job in the nose of the giant, what is the hurry, and finally arrange you to the nose of the giant. Don't do this a few times.

"But President, if you are discovered, it will be a disaster."

"I'm afraid that those guilds will banish you at most, and they have no evidence of your cooperation."

As everyone knows, all this has been overheard by Chen Zhe on the roof, and there are magic crystals that have recorded it.