
Chapter 154: Third Form of Combat – Spirit Arts

Chapter 154: Third Form of Combat – Spirit Arts

~Silva K. POV~

[December 3, X784]

After healing and questioning my life choices getting beaten within an inch of my life by Cana's dad calling her and Gildarts a bitch it took me time to recover.

Try to teleport the guy who crushes the Magic Circle.

Portal him away he crushes it to bits.

His <Crush > Magic is complete bullshit.

But bloody hell that bastard is strong as hell…

I can see why his Fairy Tail's ace made me question my life choices.

Although I'm glad Cana managed to get together with her father with the Guild talking up a storm about how she's related to him.

Frankly, I could've handled the situation better, but I couldn't because of the lack of time. I don't need a rogue Fairy Tail member focusing on the trial than their members for an important fight ahead.

That's the last thing I need.

It was why I tried to be forceful to resolve it since Cana will never do it unless someone provokes her but no one sane could unless they want to deal with Gildart's wrath bullying his little girl.

Totally worth it for the future.

Someone had to bite the bullet.

Ignoring that beatdown I took out the reward I got from Cana in the form of a simple Katana but with an amazing ability that could come in handy.

<Observe >.


Item: Kiriichimonji

Rarity Item: A

Type: Katana

Description: Kiriichimonji, like all other Shingu, was created four hundred years before the start of the series; the Emperor of that time in charge of their creation had attempted to create weapons that would surpass the Teigu, but failed.

-Inflicting Permanent Wounds: It has been stated that wounds inflicted using Kiriichimonji will never heal; regardless of whether the victims use medicines, bandages, or special ointments to try to mend and close the wounds, the cuts and injuries inflicted by it would continue to bleed. Otherwise, it has no other abilities.


Smirking at this weapon I would be someone's nightmare with this weapon ensuring my enemies won't be healing anytime soon.

Returning Kiriichimonji away into my <Requip > having some free time I began to take on a free quest this time around seeing I would need to come in the meantime.

Taking the time to leave my room I began to leave my apartment making my way to the guild to see if there were any job requests for me to complete.


Calmly skipping my way to the guild, I saw there weren't a lot of people like the last few days witnessing the old timers enjoying their time.


Turning my eyes towards the request board I saw there were no jobs to be requested I asked Mira at the bar counter for the jobs, "Hey Mira! Did the other members get all the requests again?"

She turned towards me and smiled replying to my earlier question in a cheerful tone, "Oh! Morning Silva and yeah. These guys are in a rush till December 8 for that special day. You know yah big lug."

Right for the S-Class trials.

I sighed as Mira waved me over to come over whispering a hint of surprising me with the news to my ear, "Yup. But as thanks for getting Lisanna here's a tip in advance. You are one of the few selected for the trials so I suggest training but be here for December 8. Got it big boy?"

Surprised of letting me know I smiled thanking her in a silent whisper not having to worry if qualified or not in a thankful tone, "Thanks, Mira. I owe yah one. Now I have something to do before December 8."


Before I knew it, I got a small kiss on the cheek surprising me as she giggled explaining her actions to me, "Consider it a reward for sticking to your words. You promised to help my family be reunited just consider yourself lucky enough to date me and I'll consider it. Very lucky man since I turn most guys down. See you later pretty boy."

Leaving staring as she swayed her hips I was flabbergasted at her actions leaving me baffled.

Not going to complain but I think she gave me the go-ahead to date her and if I'm lucky I could practically make her mine.

Sadly though I'm not interested in the dating game that much nor am I one of those horny shitty harem protagonists either.

Turning around and seeing some of the older members' eyes widen at our interaction I guess rumors are going…

Son of a bitch she played me, didn't she?

Oh, Erza is going to be pissed by the news and that minx just wanted to stir up trouble, didn't she?

Well played my demoness rival, well played indeed.

I'm lucky that Erza isn't that sociable or knowledgeable in relationships.

Exiting out of the guild trying to train again I was stopped seeing Mini in front of shocked seeing her here asking in a neutral tone whispering, "Your… Mimi, right? Why are you here in Earthland?"

To this, she straightforwardly replied to my question while viewing my body approving of my muscles apparently, "Hmph! Good, you have good muscle form as for why? My lady Selene-Sama requested your presence seeing you have free time."

Great the Moon Dragon wants to see me. Better see what she exactly wants.

Agreeing but leaving in a discreet way from prying eyes moving around Magnolia Town carefully I see the <Aqua Aera> jumping straight in no question asked.




That's going to get annoying getting wet each time you go through the portal.

Exiting out from the portal with Mimi following behind already seeing Selene taking a sip she gestures for me here in a light tone, "Very good to see you so soon Silva. You must be wondering why I called you here yes?"


Curtly nodding at her claims, I replied to her question in a curious tone remaining cautious of her no matter what, "I'll admit I'm curious for the purpose of summoning me here again. Didn't expect it to be this soon though?"

She nodded in agreement with my words exclaiming the purpose of my visit here again, "Of course. The purpose of discussing about here is to train you obviously this world's form of combat. Tell me have you heard of the term Curse Power or Curses before and not the magical ones used for spells."

Blinking a bit caught off guard I answered regardless to her question in a curious tone, "You mean the ones that Zeref demons use, right? I've heard of them before."

She raises her eyebrow at my words but disregards it continuing her explanation to me of a third option to be used here in this world of combat, "Impressive to know that much. But no. In this world Elentear they don't use Curse or Magic Power to use Magic or Curses. Instead, this highly concentrated world of Magic is called Spiria the fuel used to create our form of fighting style... named <Spirit Arts>."

Raising an eyebrow at this I have heard of this before from the manga but never explained into great length or full details about it.

Raising her hand towards Mimi standing by kneeling upon entering she told her to explain to me how they work sipping her sake, "It would be a bore to explain everything about them. Mimi have our dear guest here be notified of Spiria and <Spirit Arts>."

Mimi saluted in understanding worshiping her in a loud voice, "Aye Selene-Sama!!"

Happy I think I just found your counterpart here.

Regardless Mimi informed me what Spiria and <Spirit Arts> are in more detail. Spirit Arts are the main form of combat utilized by those who can gather Spiria.

And what is Spiria exactly?

Spiria is the term used to refer to particles that Spirit Arts are created from.

Like Ethernano and negative energy and emotions that power Curses, Spiria is the magical essence that a Mage uses to create Spirit Arts techniques and spells, implied to be stronger than Ethernano in the form of a 'power'. It's known for parts of Elentear to be rich in Spiria.

Differing from Magic and Curses, Spirit Arts is a different attribute that was created by Spiria, an attribute that became developed in areas of Elentear. Magic or magical weapons cannot affect any Spirit Arts, instead, only Spirit Arts can counter one another.

At least from their perspective but it seems like they don't know that Enchantments can mess with their abilities.

Wendy showed this when she was boosting and/or dispelling-type abilities Enchantments have been shown to be able to intertwine and act in unison with Spiria to destroy and counter against Spirit Arts, such as Demons' Parade's ability to morph humans into Yokai and being reverted with enchantments that mold Spiria in the manga.

Good thing I remembered that.


Pausing at this I decided to interject Mimi's explanation going into specifics of creating abilities or are taught in a curious tone, "Wait a second…! When using <Spirit Arts> do you get your ability by birth, train a certain ability or do you simply create your own?"

Mimi listening to my interjection smirks slightly jabbing her thumb at her body showing off her body happily flexing her muscles, "Heh. The little man impressed by my words of <Spirit Arts> huh? But in a way yes. But you need to manifest spirit energy to employ Spirit Arts, being composed of Spiria. Like Magic Power for Magic, one must first be able to gather Spiria, and then after the variant levels of Spirit Power one can attain depends on the specific user as well as the level of "discipline" one puts onto their own craft."

My eyes sparkled at the thought of creating my own ability…

In some ways this kind of sounds like Nen from Hunter X Hunter but what if I create an ability from my Spirit Arts to fuel my Curse Power since we all have that power just never using it…


I'm so going to think of using that idea to create my Spirit Arts but before I could ask if they have a book of it Selene first responded in a neutral tone, "Mimi dear please see if you could gather a book revolving around <Spirit Arts> for our guest."

She saluted and dashed off in agreement, "Aye! Selene-Sama!"


She's certainly – 



And back in literally a few seconds…

Not bad.

Handing me the skill book I soon see the pop-up screen informing me about me absorbing it in front of them since Selene already knows I didn't hesitate to do so.

[You obtained the skill book 'Spirit Arts Cultivation.' Would you like to learn this skill?]


[You have learned the skill <Spirit Arts>!]

Feeling a new sensation, I began to use my <Meditation > skill immediately disregarding everything else testing out the new form of power within the air.

The spiria…

I feel it and the 'power' Mini was talking about…

It feels amazing and potent…


[By harnessing the Spiria of the environment a skill to gather and convert them into Spirit Power has been generated!]

[Skill: <Spiria Cultivation> is learned!]

[<Spiria Cultivation> LEVEL UP!]


Soon I lost focus of my concentration hearing Mimi yelling in shock opening my eye at her reaction, "Ahh!! No way!!! You managed to master <Spirit Arts> and <Spiria Cultivation> within seconds!!! Impossible!!! It takes years to create and refine such practice…?!!!"

Selene merely giggled as I stopped what I was doing deciding to quickly check my new skills.

Skill List.


<Spirit Arts> (Passive) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: Spirit Arts are a third type of fighting essence outside of Magic and Curses, given it's made from Spiria in the surroundings using Spiria the magical essence that a Mage uses to create Spirit Arts techniques and spells, the stronger form of a "power" for Mana.

-Increase Spirit Arts/Mana Damage by 1%

-Increase Spirit Arts/Mana speed by 1%

<Spiria Cultivation> (Active) Lv.2/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: By gathering and cultivating the magic particles of Spiria converting them into Spirit Power needed to create Spirit Arts the easier you can control or produce Spiria from the surrounding area or within your body.

-Decrease MP Cost to Mana/Spirit Arts skills by 0.25%. Every level up increases the percentage by 0.25%.




Listening to Selene clapping at my achievement she praised me for learning a skill that took other spirit art users' years to create while I mastered them in an instant, "Fascinating. You truly are different from other humans I met and a fast learner. In time perhaps you'll even surpass me but before then you'll even surpass… him."

Spitting out in disgust I already get she means Acnologia.

But if were on the topic of her helping me out I spoke to her getting her curiosity gazing at me as I spoke, "In that case… would you perhaps help me get stronger say… raiding the Gold Owl Guild of their Alchemy Books?"

Her eyes glinted amusement considering the possibility before she finally responded in a neutral tone, "Perhaps… after all, they are remnants of the Gold Dragon Viernes an enemy of mine… I'll consider it but seeing you can manage your own training… be gone."






Landing down on someone cushioning my fall -!

Slowly looking down I see Gildarts glaring at me clenching his fist coldly responding, "I see... you have the gull to ruin a man's booze and sandwich. How long do I have to teach you emergency food."

Ah hell no!!

Not again!!!!




All I see is darkness after the first hit to my face courtesy of Gildart's fist fainting on the spot.

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