
Eyes in the shadow

Aria stormrider, a teenage girl finds herself entrapped between dreams and reality unable to distinguish which one is real after all. Thinking it is just her subconscious mind tricking her,she tries to get out of the place but for every knot she unties, a new one forms

smalleyy_bunn · Sports, voyage et activités
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As I opened my eyes, I found myself trapped in a prison that seemed to be crafted from glistening ice. Transparent walls surrounded me and they seemed to glisten in an eerie light that bathedthe whole place. I wasn't alone; there were other prisoners each encased in their own crystalline cells, but I was the only one shouting for freedom. Somehow, I felt a strong sense of dejavu but couldn't grasp my mind on it.

I pounded on the icy walls with numbed fist, desperately crying out

"Please, someone,help me!" My plead echoed through the frigid labyrinth,but the others remained motionless.

From my peripheral vision, I could see a figure of someone besides me. I slowly turned my eyes to see a man standing, his eyes filled with worry and for a moment, he seemed both familiar and foreign. He reached out a hand towards me but quickly withdrew it as if the atmosphere held an unbearable chill.

"Who-who are you?" I implored , my voice quivering from fear and the cold

"It's-" "creaak" "are you still not awake?"

I couldn't hear his name as the sound of a door opening overlapped his voice but his name wasn't really what I wanted to know anyway. I watched as a masked man dragged a lady out of the cell. The sight of the lady sent chill down my spine. It would be an understatement to say I gasped. I stood numb unable to breathe for a few seconds until the man called out


"What place is this?"

I asked as soon as I came back to my senses.

The man seemed to have undescribable look for a second. It wasn't even a second-just a micro second but I could still see him giving me strange looks as if I was some madman but as I said, it wasn't for more than a micro second.

He soon opened his mouth and said "*********"

The f**k? My ears started ringing as soon as he opened his mouth and I fell with a resounding 'plop,' closing my eyes, desperately wishing it was nothing more than a dream.

But as I shut my eyes, the image of the lady flashed through my mind

She appeared incredibly emaciated as if she endured years of starvation. Her clothes were tattered and worn revealing pale almost translucent skin. I could see her cheeks scraped, exposing raw skin and her lips seemed to have lost their vitality long ago. I was almost convinced she was dead but I could still see her chest rising and falling as the man dragged her away.

As for her face...

F**k.What did her face look like?

I could vividly remember all the pieces of the puzzle but couldn't keep it together at all

Just as I wondered, I felt a hand touching me, rather a hand touching my neck.

It wasn't touching me..f**k it was strangling me. How the f**k did I come here?

As seconds passed by, breathing became even harder. Now, it wasn't a hand but rather hands that were strangling. Soon, I felt my body burning. I quivered my eyebrows and saw blur vision of my body... burning

This is a dream right? This has to be a dream.

That's right.This is a nightmare. Haha yes it has to be it. Did I fall asleep while reading mangas? 'oh?'

I snapped. That's right. I was in the classroom

hiii this is my first time writing a story so please do tell me if I need to improve on anything

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