
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

67. Is she okay?

Harold's POV:

" Is that Zen?!! " 

Zen? How did he end up like this? Did he fight the dungeon boss? Is he even alive?!

" Zen!! Are you alright?!!!"

* Silence *


Shit! Is he really dead?!


" Check him, Ana! "


" O-okay! "


If he is dead then we might get into some deep trouble with his family.... Now that there are witnesses, I can't just ignore him. Seriously, how did he end up in this state?


??? Another student? I have never seen him before, but this is good.. maybe he knows what's happened in here


" You student with the red eyes..... What happened to Zen? "




?? Why is he not answering me? Did I of-


" -Hey you! Why are you not answering him? Didn't you hear wha--wait!! I have seen you!! You are that trash from the train station!!! "


Trash? Him? What exactly did he do? maybe she is over exaggerating...just in case I have to ask her...


" Trash? What do you mean, Sophia? "


" - I saw him bullying a poor lady in the train station! This trash even threatened her and did not apologize to her! He even was looking at me weirdly like a pervert! "


Bully? Pervert? Tsk.. is he one of those stupid young masters from a noble family?

Thinking about it now he could be Zen' underling and now maybe he is protecting zen? Or did he betray him while fighting? 


This is going nowhere... I need to confirm whether he is the same person that Sophia has encountered...


" You.... is she saying the truth? "




Still not answering? Can he even understand what-


" It's none of your business... I'm leaving "


I see.... maybe Sophia isn't exaggerating. He indeed seems like a trash. Still I can't let him leave


' Unsheathing my sword from its scabbard ' I warned him


" Where do you think you are going? "


I wanted to have a peaceful conversation but it seems like that would be impossible.

" ..... "


why isn't he getting ready to fight? Did I scare him...no... is he confused by my sword? Why is he staring at it seriously like that? No way! Did he figure out its grade?!

" as soon as I saw you in the train station I wanted to beat the hell out of you "


It must be a misunderstanding... all I can sense from him is just D rank... although that is considered as good in the the first year, but there's no way he can tell that my sword is a legendary weapon.

" Sorry, but I need you to answer some questions, otherwise we might use force on you. This situation seems a little weird. Right Livi-??? Hmm? What's wrong Livia? Why are you sweating? Are you okay? "


Is she shaking? But why ? Also what's wrong with her pale face? Is there something I'm missing? 




Hmm? Why is she not answering me.... She looks like she is looking at a ghost.


" Do you really want me to fight? Livia? "


Livia? Did he just call her by her first name? Does he know her personally? But why would Livia not tell us beforehand? 



This expression!! she is definitely scared of him! no way...why would she be scared? No.... there must be a reason. Is he from an elite family? Or could it be that he is blackmailing her with something? If what Sophia just said was true then-

" I-I-I Think we should calm down and leave him alone! We shouldn't waste our energy since we still don't know how strong is the dungeon boss! "


She chose to leave him alone? but why? Is he really blackmailing her? 


" Haa?! You think will break a sweat against this trash?! You!! Where do you think you are goi- "


" -Stop it Sophia, Let's follow what Livia said for now "


I still don't know who he is, but I will make sure to find out later... for now... I will just follow what Livia wants. After all, I still owe her my life in that practical dungeon class....


" YOU TOO?! "


Sighe... I guess I will have a hard time calming her down...






Livia's POV:


Shit! Shit! Shit! 


' Do you really want me to fight? Livia? '

Did I piss him off? I have never seen him that angry urghh! crap! 


' Never approach me this carelessly...'


l-let's calm down. Surely he won't hate me just because of this!


' be careful Lily.... you are the smart one here so try to find out '


N-no way! Did he figure out that I'm digging intel from him? Did I just lose such an important figure?! No way.... 


' Sorry Lily, the association refused to show the body... still they said the criminal was actually an A ranker '


He even defeated an A ranker at such young age wich is unheard off, just how terrifying would he become when he grows? And also that green haired kid... just what is the relationship between them? Are they in the same group?

' Hoo? I see now..... so the Sylvicous are sticking their noses in my fun now? '


Sylvicous? Wait.... Zen Sylvicous?! No way!!!! Did Arthur really do that to Zen?!

B-but why?! Shit did I end up seeing something he didn't want to show? Is that why he was angry?!

" Livia? Are you okay now? "


Harold... this idiot.. if he just let him go without investigating, then I wouldn't be in this position in the first place..


" Yeah..."


" I'm not going to pressure you, but just know that if you need help. You can rely on others "


What is this idiot talking about? Help? You were the reason why I'm in this situation. Tsk... I can't outright just say that, Arthur said this guy is important for some reason...


" Sure, but anyway... how is zen doing? Is he fine? "


" Ana just checked him. Even though he sustained many injuries, somehow he is doing fine "


Hmm? Wait... was Arthur doing something to him? Shit did I really interrupt an important moment?!

" He is waking up!!! "


"" !!! ""









Hi dear readers :) hopefully everyone is doing great ^_^ unfortunately I have an exam next week so I will have to stop writing to prepare for the exam. Wish me luck <3

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