
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

57. Dark elf




Arthur POV:

" So that's her...."


Riu.... Her story in the novel was another sad one....






{ In a long time ago, 


There was an elf who was despised for her dark color, she was chased away from her tribe due to her terrifying darkness's attribute. That's why the elven tribe agreed on using a teleportation artifact to remove her existence to another far away planet to make sure she doesn't return somehow. Dark elves were known for their abilities with dead bodies, killing her might not be enough to get rid of her existence.


That's when the elf 'Maya' found herself on earth. She fell in love with an honest pure souled villager who didn't care about her origins or color. She finally felt peace in her life and that's when..... they ended up conceding a child....


It was supposed to be a happy change in their lives, but nothing goes as expected. 


The child was born with an extremely higher darkness attribute, much more than her mother's. If that was all then it would have been a bliss, but the child for some unknown reasons loves burning things up....


'Riu' was found out by the other villagers, and that's when all hell broke loose. They discovered that the mother had some strange ears, and by a rumor to another, somehow she was called a witch. 


The mother Maya was being hunted down by the villagers, although she could kill them all but she didn't want to become the evil they claimed she was. 


So in a desperate attempt, she sealed her child away to not witness what would happen to the parents.

Unfortunately for the mother, the child was a genius of a millinia. She couldn't break the seal, but with a weird spell she transformed into a soul and returned to her parents... and what she saw broken the child's heart... both of her parents were hanged on a wooden column and beneath them was a raging endless fire.... strangely the child enjoyed watching the fire growing as it burnt both of her parents..... }



Should I kill her? I don't think there's hope for her to side with humans after what she has been through, but why do I feel like something is missing?

" A-Arthur? C-can we leave now? "




Well she didn't expect finding a sealed soul so that's an expected response.... wait...soul?

" Livia... can you make us have a conversation with this soul "

" Hmm? Yeah b-but I don't think that would be wise.... the soul is already showing signs of corruption "

Do I really have no choice but to kill her with what I brought?.... wait! Maybe I can use the fact that I'm a vampire to persuade her?....hmmm....there's no problems trying it out...

" Please link me to the spirit "






{ Evil....I am evil... my mom is a witch....I'm also-



{....Who is that.....Please.....run away...I am evil...}


Is this Riu? 


{ You...How do you know my name? }


Riu? I'm like you....I also have darkness attribute 

{ You....Yes I can feel it...but we are not alike... I am evil... please stay away from me }


Riu, You are not evil. I know you and your parents, Your mom isn't a wit-

{--LIER!!! }


"Cough! Cough! "


" H-hey! Arthur! Are you okay? '

" Y-yes.... don't worry "

Shit... her scream alone almost knocked me out....how can I convince her? she is so sure about being an evil....


Just why is she so sure tho...


' strangely the child enjoyed watching the fire growing as it burnt both of her parents '

....wait a dam minute....impossible....there's no way right? No way you are doing this to a child, you damn satanic of an author


'strangely the child enjoyed watching the fire growing'....


I remember takin a class in psychiatric.... And something similar to this was actually a personality thing.... was It pyromania?

" Livia... can you conjure a fire spell "


' staring back at me in confusion ' she replied


" Yes? "


" Please do so and link me again to the spirit "


" Are you sure of what you're doing? What the hell is going on here? "


Sighe.... I am also confused of how a child soul can be this terrifying....


" Just do it please "


" Fine...."







Riu...I am sorry... please hear me for a second...




You are a good kid Riu.... do you think you are evil maybe because you love seeing things burn?

{?! H-how? Who told you? }


Riu.... you are not bad.... you have a special interest called 'pyromania'...you love your parents, the only reason you felt good watching them in that fire.... is because of your interest in fire... I am sure you love them.. right?

{ Pyromania? What? Are you lying? }


No...here...look at this...


[ Fireball ]


* Glow *


What do you feel when you look at this fire ?



Yes... see? You enjoy watching the fire.... it's not bad... you are a good person and not evil your mother ms. Maya also was a good perso.... 







Rui's POV:

" You are a good person not evil "


T-this I remember... m-mom told me that back then


' Riu, no matter what everyone says... to me... You are a good person and not evil '


{ I am not evil....my mom isn't evil? }


" Yes, you just have darkness attribute like me.... we are not bad Riu..."




I am not bad? R-really? I-I'm Good?

[ Crossing Gates of the Undead Realm ] [ ??? ]


[ in progress 91% ]


' Riu, remember this... be strong... don't let others make you feel bad! You are a good girl! '

[ in progress 84% ]


' Daddy! Look it's burning!'

' Oh? Riu? You like fire? You will definitely become a great fire mage ! Come here you little cutesy! Nyam nyam! '

' Hehehehe! ' 

[ in progress 42% ]

' Ouch!'

'Hey! Be careful! Riu... it's okay to like fireworks.... but please be careful... you are a kid so please don't hurt yourself '

[ in progress 26% ]


" Riu... please don't become evil... your mom and dad will be sad if you do"


[ in progress 8% ]


{ Yes! Thank you, Stranger! Riu likes you! }


[ in progress 0%....]

[ Cancelling the spell ' Crossing Gates of the Undead Realm ' ]




