
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
70 Chs

48. Disgusting truth




Birds Chirping~

" Hwaah "

at 5 am, I woke up and got ready for another academic day.

"Good morning, Master! "

Master was the perfect example of peace and harmony. Whenever I get stressed or emotionally disturbed, I just take remember my master. He is never stressed. Although eustress can bring more outcome and improve people, but it is too much then it becomes unhealthy for the body. 

Finally reaching the private training room, I heard the same demon who have tormented me before, greeting me.

"Welco-- Hmm? is that you Arthur?"

Again with this....



" What did you use? You look kinda better now"


Sighe....I didn't use anything.... is it really that much of a difference? Was I too ugly? anyway I feel very close to reaching D rank, but still that's not close to the main lead. Harold would have reached C rank by next week, and the others also followed him ranking up. 

' Grothias Maneuvers ' is truly a great martial art. Currently, I was hiding my gauntlets and kept them deactivated, so the professor doesn't notice them... if I suddenly punch and break through her S rank defense, I wouldn't deal a massive damage but still that would be extremely out of ordinary.

* Punch *

* Smack *

What I lacked the most for now, is the ability to keep up with the attacks. I might do a great job in fighting mages. However, If it was an assassin, I might not even be able to touch them....


After the relentless hour of practice, I went back to the class which was the magical control class.

Professor Amelia gave us a class about maintaining control over the difficult magical spells and after the class there was the afternoon break, where everyone is basically free to do whatever they want. For me, I was heading to the reading club and as I expected, there was the professor reading in silence.

This time however, he closed the book and actually looked at me, acknowledging my existence.

" You came back...."


" Yes, sir"

" Why then?"

Why? Isn't this the reading club? Why is he asking me such an obvious question?

" To read-"

" -Cut the crab"




" You knew that there were no merits in joining, and the library is there for you to read...."


Well...shit... I made him suspicious instead of gaining his trust....I should have thought of a better excuse...


" So... why have you joined? "

Should I tell him? He was a good sided character, but would he trust me?.... he now is more suspicious of me so I can't tell him the whole truth just yet....


" Sighe...."


"Professor....if it is not the club that I am interested about then what do you think is the reason?"


He doesn't have to say it. After all, I am just a student to him and he thinks he can just order me to leave without bothering him...


" Just ge-


" -I know about your ' Insight Quirk '..."



Since I can't fool him in the first place, I will just be honest. After all, he of all people grasped pique on how missed up this world was.....


His reaction was quite obvious. This talent of his was only mentioned briefly in the novel because it was related to some hidden truth. Thinking about it now, there were many things in the novel that were wasted without showing their true potential...

" What are you talking about? "

Hoo?.. feigning ignorance now? Since he isn't a bad character I will give him just an advice..I can't say everything now....


" It is too early for you to know, but I will say this. Hiding and running away is not the right way to avenge the saintass "


" ?! Wait! How did you know? no...Did that fucker send you!! "

!!! Shit! 

[ Activating Epic Grade Artifact 'Ring of Wisdom' ]

[ Calculating the duration of the effect…. ]

[ 30 minutes until the effect runs out ]

Phew.... to release such a terrifying killing intent on a student would be punished with immediate expulsion from the academy. I mentioned his secret so of course he would be aggravated. But this is too much.. was he in love with her or something?

" Calm down, I am not with 'them'. If you want to find out more then contact me privately. I promise you that not only will you avenge her, but also make a huge merit in saving humanity...."


" Humanity? Wait!! We're are you going?! I am not done talking to you!! Kid ANSWER ME!!!"

" Now is not the time... also... you need to lower your pressure othe-


" -What the hell is the meaning of this?"





Well shit..


One of the the most promising heroes. The one predicted to become the new SS ranking hero. Vice principal Patrick, a peak S ranker and the right hand man of the strongest mage in humanity one of the famous 13 SS rankers, Markus Alex.

" I will ask you once again... what is the meaning of this? "

Shit.... I didn't think it would escalate to this point...Professor Cris still seems to be in an agitated state.....I have to ease the mood somehow...


" vice principal?! Wow... It is my honor to see you in person!"

" Hmm? A student? "

" Yes sir! Sorry I am a new member in this club and I asked the professor to demonstrate something for me.... sorry if I caused any trouble...Haha?..."


"Hmm? Is that true? Prof, Cris?"

Please say yes...please.....come on.... let's not act stupidly here...



" Then excuse me, but please refrain from doing that again. We don't want another incident to happen anywhere near the academy... specially at this time...."


" Yes sir!"

Thank goodness he played along. If there was a person in charge in this academy that I want to avoid the most, then it is the vice principal without doubt. He is too strict with the rules that he would not only kick the professor but make it much more complicated .....


" Professor no matter what I say, you won't trust me. Think about what I said... you can just ignore my existence, and I can make a mana oath that I will keep your talent a secret...."




".....sighe.... I have a class after this break, so I will take my leave"





