

One day, scientists caged a buck and a female wolf in an old, secluded lab. After one year of tests and failed experiments, they had finally gotten what they wanted, they had made a hybrid. With the fangs of a sabertooth, body and tail of a wolf, antlers and ears of a deer and blue and red eyes this abomination was their perfect creature, their machine. Three months after birth, the pup named Experiment 750 had attempted escape, resulting in his antler snapping in half and painfully digging through his skull. When a scientist found him unconscious on the floor he was rushed to the ER. They determined that he was in a year-long coma. 3 months after his coma, they started abusing him with knives, guns, poison, and shock collars, conducting tests. He had grown tired of it, he had to escape.

"They didn't fix the dent!" he realized. After hours of ramming the wall, he had finally broken through. "Haha, yes!" he bounded joyfully. After a week of forestry, he found a town where he saw a 12-year-old girl chasing her dog. He ran in to attack the girl but was shot with a tranquilizer by the father.

Later he woke up to the girl holding his shock collar and a muzzle in place. "Hey, I'm Jackie. We removed your collar but we can't remove the muzzle unless you promise to be nice, ok?" he nodded reluctantly so she removed it and stepped back. After being freed he snapped his jaws to set them comfortably, scaring the girl.

" My apologies, I'm experiment 750. I thought you would hurt the hound," he said after realizing her fear. " I won't hurt you anymore."

"Your name is Gadge and you are safe here with me," she claimed after calming down and thoroughly examining his wounds. "They'll never hurt you again."

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