
executor's fight ( shikei no tatakai )

A young high school teenage boy tamed and obtain the power of the world strongest sin by mistake , drawing the attentions of more sins which can lead to the downfall of humanity. The executors proclaimed him a huge threat to the world wherefor he is being enrolled in a prestigious executor academy to keep watch over him....

Kira_999 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Renji's regret , belial resurrection

" Levi we have to move now !! "

The basement quaked tremendously as they all ran towards the exit as fast as their leg could .

" get out of my way stupid!!!  " Yui yelled from the back as she overtook them running for her dear life.  Finally they got out through the exit,  and they were once back under the shadow of the moon .

" he.. he he  "

Trying to catch their breath..

Renji clutched unto the ornate box staring suspiciously at it..

" what's up with that look?  "

Shaking the worried look from his face,  Renji gave out a wide smile rubbing his neck..

" it's ermm nothing..  Why don't we get out of here guys ".

" I'm tired of this crap.. I'm going home "

" come back here Levi!!  "

Pulling him by his collar , Levi felt his life force coming out of him.

" hey Yui you'll kill him "

" hun you got problem with that Renji ? , perhaps you want to leave also?  "

" not at all I'll stay . "

Renji faked a smile knowing Yui's true dark side, he decided to corporate as they all climb up to the third floor of the school building.

Heaving a sigh...

" this is it guys who's going first ? "

Yui asked feeling excited, this is the final stage of clearing their thoughts and opinions about the supposed rumoured ghost in the basement.

" I'll do it " Renji volunteered..

Resting his hand slowly on the box, they gave each other the go ahead look . Renji opened the awaited box and found a wrapped soft matter in it.

" hun "

Unwrapping it the soft matter bounced on the concrete floor and the sight of it freaked them all out.

" ah it's a heart!!!! "

Yui squealed in horror as she jumped on Levi who's heart raced faster than a lightening..

" relax guys it's just one of the science project our school has been using for long, and I think it was probably placed in the basement for safe keeping "

Renji assured picking up the heart while giving out a calm smile.

" stupid our school has never used a heart as an experiment before !!! And get off me Yui!!! " Levi cried with a shaky voice..

" oh my my you're so heartless Levi, asking a girl so rudely " Yui replied

" speaking of heartless don't forget you dragged me up here!!! "

" you say what!!!? "

Levi and Yui soon got heated up facing each other with an intent of fight..

" relax guys "

" shut up!!! " Levi and Yui chorused together..

" yeah O....ok "

Suddenly a dark ominous aura spreads round the entire school.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable

" Yui , Levi you heard that sound? "

Renji asked looking alerted , while clutching tight unto the heart.

" no stop hallucinating Renji and let's go "

Levi replied giving a blank look on his face.

" by the way throw that trash away it wasn't what we hoped for... There is no ghost " Yui said rather looking serious.

" clack clack clack clack "

The sound of their footstep echoed through the surrounding as they made for the stairs .

" yui " Renji called calmly stopping closer to the window.

" hun! "

" I've been wanting to tell you something "

Yui turned around staring deeply into his eyes.

" I ... I think I.. "

" hey stop wast-"


A red liquid drips down from the window glass..

What just happened.. With a shaky hand Renji touched his faced, feeling a hot liquid matter, no this isn't any kind of liquid , it's blood. But whose blood is it...

" YUI!!!!!!!!!! " Levi screamed as Yui's head rolled towards the feet of Renji.

A huge monster popped out from the ground beneath them, it's mouth drooled of Yui's blood and flesh.

" what's going on " still trying to comprehend the situation, Renji froze unable to move , while Levi let out a loud cry at the unholy sight of Yui's remnant and the terrifying monster who is as tall as double the height of twenty cars.

The monster gave out a terrifying growl as it eye is as red like that of a hot coal and it greenish and scaly skin, not to mention it's long and sharp scaly claws and tail.

Bringing his head downwards , Renji stared at the unconnected head of Yui, beneath him.. His eyes poured down streams of tears..

" no no no nooooo!!! Yui !! Yui!!! " Renji cried falling on his knees.

" ahhhh you bastard!!!! "

Levi charged towards the abominable monster head on. It swiftly swung it tail slamming Levi hard against the wall..

Renji gave out a deadly glare at the monster, dropping the heart he was holding.

At the sight of the heart, the monster charged towards him letting out a loud growl.

Renji moved his left feet a bit backwards gaining the stance of a martial artist .

" run Renji " Levi said like more of a whisper than words, as he still suffers damage from the slam.

The monster swung its sharp tail towards Renji. Having a heart of determination and all filled with rage and blood thirst revenge, Renji caught the tail tightly, not minding his muscles has been ripped.

Using his final strength, Renji could only think of one idea. He pulled the monster by the tail..

" clack clack clack " his paced increased as he broke through the window glass dragging the monster with him.

Coming down with full force

" ahhhhhhhhh "

Renji slammed the monster hard on the ground, the impact caused a deep crack opening in the ground, as waves of smoky dirt and dust covered the atmosphere.

The monster lays lifeless as its soon turned into nothingness. Collapsing hard on the ground , Renji screamed in agony and in pain, he lost his right leg in the process.

Of course he was expecting some fatal injury from jumping down a three story with a huge monster.

" Yui "

Crawling out of the deep hole crack, Renji felt a cold watery substance touching his cheek , slowly raising his head above his shoulder, another monster growled hard at his face..

" I have never feared anything in my entire life, the death of my parents nor that of my grandparents, have no friends nor companion, but then these two friends of mine have been with me over the years, I've been fighting my whole life, but fighting for what cause exactly? .. Finally in the end I failed, I lost. my strength wasn't strong enough to protect my friends . Forgive me Yui, forgive me Levi " .

Levi noticed a bright light surrounding an object...

Wait not an object it's the heart they unwrapped earlier....

