

"Impossible, this isn't possible..." Wei Yu murmured.

She's dying?

He has not yet gotten revenge on this liar. How can she...

"Right, imperial—imperial physician, call the imperial physical!"

The shocked man suddenly sobered up.

He cradled her head as he carefully placed her on the ground before quickly tugged back the horse that nearly fled. A hideous red stained the reins he grasped.

Blood was pouring out from his palms.Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

He didn't seem to notice the pain and immediately carried her to the horse. After sitting firmly, he used a dagger to pierce the horse's ass.


The frightened steed charged frantically at an abnormal speed.

"You'll be fine.

"Promise me you'll be fine."

His limbs surrounding her were trembling, and not even the terrible drum of his heart could be muffled by the wind whizzing past his ears.

Branches and bramble occasionally dropped on their heads. Wei Yu only had time to wrap the person in his arms with a cloak before his handsome face was scratched.

"Royal Highness? Her Highness is back!"

Xiuyu had been pacing back and forth at the camp's entrance when she saw a red horse racing towards the erected fence.

"Hurry—hurry up and take this thing away. Her Highness is back!"

She quickly rushed over to welcome her.

The horse was on the verge of going berserk. It knocked over several piles of bonfires. When the time was right, Wei Yu jumped off and gathered the person before tumbling on the grass.

This series of strenuous exercises exhausted the man. The clothes on his back were already soaked with sweat. He was panting heavily, and his face had a faint shade of blue when he roared, "Where is the hell is that damn imperial physician? Drag him out for Ben Wang! Bring over the head of anyone who dares to waste a moment!"

Everyone was collectively stunned.

This gentle prince's current level of murderousness might even make demons give him a wide berth.

The physicians who rushed over were frightened by him. Every one of them had ashen complexions.

After a round of diagnosis, the group of physicians fell silent.

The situation was not optimistic.

It would appear that...the imperial consort's time was near.

What do you mean there were only three months left?

When Prince Wei heard those words, his vision darkened, and the imperial physician who came to report got sprayed with blood.

The old physician was downright terrified.

"Haha, a hopeless situation? Has my royal family been raising buckets of waste?!

"You bunch of charlatans, believe it or not, Ben Wang will cut off your tongues and feed them to the dogs!

"If you fail to cure her, don't think about staying alive! Every one of you will accompany her to die!"

His bloodshot eyes were dreadful, and the malevolent expression on his face was akin to a devil ready to rip someone's throat.

The young ladies who normally pandered to this scholarly prince were quick to hide away for fear that his anger would bring them untold disaster.

The physicians' mouths looked like they were chewing coptis. They had no choice but to do their utmost. In any case, no one the heavens wishes to spare will die.

The head physician tried to communicate with the prince who had lost all reason. "Your Highness, it is not that Chen has not worked hard, Her Royal Highness' physique is unique and bears the omen of an early death. Her body could have been cultivated provided that her mood was always stable. These matters have —have already been explained to His Majesty.

"However, Her Highness has constantly been absent-minded and troubled as of late. This had always been a dangerous situation. It would not have been a problem had she been slowly nursed back to health, but she happened to be extremely stimulated today. Unfortunately..." The white-haired imperial physician carefully glanced at the prince's pallid face.

Wei Yu staggered a few steps. He couldn't hold his ground and immediately fell down.

He urgently crawled to the side of the bed, grabbed her white fingertips, and pressed them tightly against his face.

"You will not die."

"I will not let you die."

He said these words over and over again.

It seemed that this was the only way he could warm up his cold heart instead of becoming a hollowed corpse.

The accompanying physicians looked at one another.

Your Highness, isn't this intimacy with the noble imperial consort a tad too much?

His Majesty's disappearance was also somewhat strange. Had it not been for his bet with the prince, he would not have ventured so deep into the forest. It couldn't be that...

Everyone exchanged glances, but no one said a word.

Wei Yu guarded Linlang all night.

He didn't dare to close his eyes for fear of missing any response from her.

Daybreak had almost arrived, and the shallow crescent moon was gently perched on the treetops. There was a faint glow on the eastern sky, like the yellow pigment on a beauty's forehead.

The fingertips of the hand being firmly grasped trembled.

At first, the man was dazed, then he revealed an ecstatic expression.

Linlang gradually regained consciousness. The first thing she saw was the canopy tip of a golden veil and deep purple tassels entwined around exquisite jewels.

"Water..." The faint voice was almost inaudible, but the person waiting by the bed immediately rushed out, nearly tripping over the dining table in the process.

"Here, the water's here." He was holding the teacup as he watched Linlang lower her head for a sip like a beloved newborn animal.

His expression eased. "Be careful, drink slowly, don't choke," he said warmly.

Unexpectedly, the person's movements stiffened.

She slowly leaned back to maintain a certain distance.

There was a trace of sadness in Wei Yu's eyes.

The imperial consort's pale but indifferent face had a light touch of ridicule. "It turns out that I am not dead yet. Many thanks to Your Highness for the grace."

He was silent.Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

Only after a while did he speak up with difficulty, "Do you, know your own..."

"Know what?"

She turned her face away with some impatience, unaware of how frightfully pale her complexion was.

He did not know why he couldn't carry on.

Ignorance was also a kind of happiness.

As a result, he quickly sorted out his expression and spoke seriously, "Come away with me. We'll go somewhere no one knows us and restart a good life."

More importantly, he will take her to see famous doctors. Even if it exhausted all his wealth and his entire Prince Manor, there was still the second half of his life.

As long as...she gets better, he will not ask for anything else.

The world was full of wonders, and there was no shortage of genius doctors. Wei Yu did not believe he wouldn't be able to find someone to heal her.

"What are you saying?" Linlang widened her beautiful eyes.

Only recently did this person want for her to live a life worse than death.

"I'm saying— "

He closed his eyes.

"I have loved you for a long time."

Even though I was deceived, even though I was hurt, I still want to hold you in my arms.

I want to marry you. I want you to live well.

I want to give birth to a large group of chubby kids that follow me around all day.

So, can we start over again?

This time, this green plum will cherish what matters most.

I will not lose you again.

"Would you, trust me this one time?" he said with deep affection.

Linlang's response was—


With a blank expression on her face, she overturned the teacup, letting it fall to the ground with a crisp crack.

A refusal with no leeway, one of indifference and cruelty.

Wei Yu knew this would happen, but he couldn't help but feel pained. He suffered over her attitude towards him, and he suffered over their estrangement.

And all of this was his own making.

He slowly squatted down, picked up every piece on the ground, then wrapped it in a handkerchief.

He worried that the servants would not be thorough enough. She shouldn't get injured.

"You just woke up. I thought you might be hungry, so I asked the imperial kitchen to bring some food over." He tried to ease their relationship with a smile.

"Are you being kind so you can do something to the food and poison me?" Linlang sneered, "A fox wishing the chicken a blessed New Year?1 The hypocrisy!"

Wei Yu automatically filtered out her poisonous tongue. "Then lie down first and get well soon."

As soon as he spoke, he lifted the curtain and walked out.

His movements were quite fast. After a short while, he brought a steaming bowl of rice congee for Linlang. He stirred it several times, then scooped half a spoonful to blow and offer it to her. "It's not hot, try some."

The woman staring at him suddenly showed a sweet smile.

Wei Yu didn't have time to be happy before his chest was scalded by the congee poured on him.

"Apologies, the hands are slippery," Linlang said viciously, "After all, whenever Ben Gong sees the prince's face, there's a particular urge to vomit. There's simply no appetite. Oh, others may call this 'feeling sick at the sight of it'."

Normally, if anyone dared to disrespect Wei Yu like this, he had dozens of ways to humiliate them to death.

He took a deep breath and smiled mildly. "It's no matter, my ugly appearance might have frightened you. I'll have someone else wait upon you, is that all right?" If she doesn't eat, more problems will arise.

"No, Ben Gong likes Your Highness' service." Linlang smiled as she said, "I might get accustomed to it after a few times."

What else can he say?

Wei Yu accepted his fate and brought another bowl of congee, but Linlang found a reason to splash it on him.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that she was playing with the prince, but the person in question was cooperating.

One was willing to fight while the other was willing to endure. It was strange, but harmonious.

However, this harmony was soon broken by a message.

——His Majesty, who had been missing for a long time, returned with a woman in his arms.

Linlang's soup spoon clattered to the ground.

"You mean to say, His Majesty...brought back a woman?" she asked Xiuyu in a daze.

"Your Highness..."Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

"Oh, it's fine. I'm fine. His Majesty already treats me well, what more can I ask? After all he...he is the emperor." She pretended to be calm, but her eyes had already turned red.

Just when Wei Yu walked in and opened the heavy curtain, the imperial noble consort happened to face him.

A pair of eyes met.

Tears suddenly trickled down her cheeks.

As if she couldn't bear it anymore, she burst into loud sobs.

The man slowly clenched his fists and a murderous glint flashed at the bottom of his eyes.