
data dump

1)newborn/novice tier pokemon = as dangerous as wild dog of previous life [ level 0 to 10 ]Max potential of (Red) potential pokemon

2)intermediate tier pokemon = as dangerous as a tiger or lion of his previous life .out of every 100 novice 1 intermediate tier emerges

[ level 11 to 20 ]Max potential of (orange) potential pokemon

3)Advanced tier pokemon = could destroy a simple village & have a little control of it's own element .out of every 100 intermediate tier only 1 advanced tier emerges [ level 21 to 30 ]Max potential of (yellow) potential pokemon

4)king tier pokemon = could destroy a small town, a controller of a small area If in wild & have a middle level control of it's own element .out of every 100 advanced tier only 1 king tier emerges . [ level 31 to 40 ]Max potential of (Green) potential pokemon

5)quasi elite tier pokemon = could destroy a large city . a moving natural disaster if provoked. controls multiple areas if it is a wild . advanced level control of it's own element .out of every 100 king tier only 1 elite tier emerges .

[ level 41 to 60 ]Max potential of (Azure) potential pokemon

6)Elite tier pokemon = could destroy a whole clusteer of cities if provoked. seldomly found in wild . every pokemon of this tier under a trainer or in wild will always be under monitoring after there discovery . they are the master of their elements and extremely love lived.

[ level 61 to 75 ]Max potential of (Blue) potential pokemon

7) champion pokemons = transcended immortal powerful being massively capable of harming large area if provoked. they are the grandmaster of their elements and extremely love lived.[ level 76 to 100 ]Max potential of (Silver) potential pokemon

8) legendary pokemons = transcended immortal powerful being massively capable of harming region if provoked. worshipped as God by some . [ level 100+ ]Max potential of (purple+) potential pokemon

[quasi -> light -> normal -> deep ]



pokemon gym badges are also divided into 3 star ratings.

and for the pokemon trainers,

1)novice or F class =those who only started or have less than 4 single star gym batch or no energy synergy with trained pokemons

2)intermediate or E class= those who have at least 3 intermediate tier pokemons and 4 single star batch . normally lieutenants of league army or village leader etc. or minor energy synergy with trained pokemons .

3)Advanced or D class= those who have at least 6 intermediate pokemon or at least 1 advanced pokemon with 8 single star gym badge or 1 double star gym batch. normally captains of league army, city leader, gym assistants , basic level breeders , etc. they start to have a feint aura/energy to them .

or energy synergy with trained pokemons

4)king or C class = those who have at least 6 advanced class pokemon or 1 king tier pokemon. 8 double star gym badges / 1 three star gym batch. lieutenant colonel or colonel of league army , large city leaders , gym apprentices , intermediate level breeder etc. they learn about there aura/energy . mostly influenced by there pokemon elements . or full energy synergy with trained pokemons and formation of attribute core in trainer body

5) emperor class or B class = those who have 6 king tier pokemon or 1 quasi elite tier pokemon. 8 three star gym badges. brigader or major general or lieutenant general of league army depending on experience, Advanced level breeder , etc. full refining of attribute core.Average lifespan of 200+ years .....most of them eventually makes into champion rank .

6) elite or A class = those who have at least 3 quasi elite tier pokemon plus 1 elite tier pokemon. generals of regional league armies . elite 4 of region, head of various departments of pokemon league , gym leaders , evil organizations executives , head of various hidden clans , quasi master level breeder etc .the big shots.master of aura / force/element energy etc . pokemon type masters .Master of any attribute/types or equivalent . 400 to 500+ years of life expectancy in normal cases . most of them eventually makes it into the champion class.....

7) champion class or S/SS/SSS class = whose who have at least 1 champion class pokemon. they are said to be mosters in human skin . due to extreme energy/aura etc reserve they devolop & control there are said to be human form king class pokemon. and they age atleast 10× slower . like average lifespan of a champion class trainer is 500 to 1000+ years in normal cases . they are walking disasters . No matter low class or high class champion tier trainer is they are always respected, honoured , feared etc . they are regional heads , pokemon league army field marshals, some big clans grand elder , league heads , master breeders ,heads of poacher organizations etc . Grandmaster of any attribute/types or equivalent

8)Behemoths or EX class = it's a rumored class to mass people . also hidden to mass. those who have more than 8 champion rank pokemon or have at least 1 lesser legendary pokemon or equivalent . human form elite rank pokemon power . average life expectancy atleast 1000+ years . pokemon league head , pokemon league grand elders / ancestors /crop heads/department heads/Grandmaster breeders .Transcended of any attribute/types or equivalent .



professions ,

contains all types of professions from earth in addition to pokemon related special jobs .


According to league standard every citizen or people of the world are classified into grades .

For example :

1) F class = poor people at the lowest level of society without any redeeming perks to them . lives on the mercy and donations of league , rich peoples etc .

2) E class = normal people with basic contributions to society. like a shopkeeper, construction worker etc .

3) D class = normal low class office workers, F or E class trainers , basic level breeders etc . these are the basic units of league for proper governance. Includes low level grunts of various terrorist organizations.

4) C class = middle level office workers, low government officers , D and C class trainers . normal intermediate breeders . Normal martail artist with basic type powers . They have some privileges like staying in pokemon centers free for 1 week each months . Includes team captains of various terrorist organizations.

5) B class = high level officials , land owners, middle level government officers, B and A class trainers . type specialist intermediate breeders or normal advanced breeders , new martail arts masters with some efficiency in type powers . they have various privileges like staying in pokemon centers as they wish , get free treatments for them and there pokemons etc . Includes Executives of various terrorist organizations. sometimes low class terrorist organizations bosses also .

6) A class = head of departments , multi millionaire/billionaire buissness men , top class professionals, facilities owners , league registered elite trainers , generals of army , police commissioner et . advanced level type specialist breeders . VIPS or fugitives of league. terrorist organizations bosses .

7) S class = any quasi champion level trainer, grandmaster breeders , top fugitives of league, central league department heads , elite four , top clan leaders etc

8) SS class = regional current or former champions, champions , type specialist grandmaster breeders, grandmaster martial artist with master level type energy control and reserve , professors or scientists , current or former central league heads etc .

9) SSS class = pseudo behemoth class trainers , type specialist grandmaster breeders with own built peak class facilities, regional scientist or professors , grandmaster martial artists powers equaling a fighting plus there energy type dual attributed elite pokemons .

10) EX class = behemoth class trainers , type grandmasters( on everything related ) , mad scientists who modified there bodies to transcend their humanity , hermits, underworld God fathers/mothers , any grand elder of peak class clan ( need the required power for it ), Pseudo-Legendary pokemon nest guardians etc . Very few of such beings are all over the world. but it is guaranteed each region's atleast have 1 of them . there average lifespan is above 1000 years . hell they even look like they were at the age when they reached this class . Even if they are criminals according to leagues , the league will simply ignore them if they dont cause ruckus or wreak havoc