
Chapter 1: So Called Best Friends!

Friend is a very beautiful word a much better. When we get in trouble some people or single person comes up to you helps you out then after some time they get in trouble you saved them. Time passes we get closer times passes we share our thoughts time passes we text, chat a lot. Even sit together. Time passes we become closer a lot. The more we spend time together the more we get closer. Even there comes a time when you promise each other that you will always be together. Our bond gets stronger day by day. We say to each other we will be always together. But my dear friends Allah mentions in Quran (16:96) everything has an end even though how much you try it will and it have/has to end. I didn't say that you go and break every friendships but at least try not to be with those who don't value you, respect you and your thoughts indeed I can say is that don't be those who indulge you in activities which have a horrible end. Having a best friend is one of the most best part in our life. we share everything literally everything there is no secrete between the two or three. It takes a lot of time to build this amount of trust, feelings so that we can share this and that with them. Can you just imagine how much time will it take to break everything. Let me tell you it can hardly take only one wrong misunderstanding and everything is gone. I told you this because it was my case. It hurted a hell lot, remained in my mind forever and ever even though how much you try to convince them nothing is gona change. Its the end. And now a new time period will start. In past they were reason for your happiness but now they are reason of your sadness, in past they were reason to support and now you have got no one but yourself. Most of teen i.e. teenagers get depressed cause they don't have any one to talk with. Cause talking with them had became a routine it was like a drug to talk with them continuously for days and nights. And now you are alone no one is with you it. In past they saved you from all the troubles but now you have to deal with them alone. In past they were reason to give you new hopes but in present you got no one but your mom and dad which were always with you. In past they gave you a value and when they are gone you lost had lost your own value. They gave you a past full of memories but in present it will hurt as much you had enjoyed that moment together. Let me tell you my story and what was my experience in all of this and what role did someone else played which entirely changed my whole life. Beginning in 2020 I founded new friends time passes we became closer 1 year passes we become more closer and there was a time when we both were happy with each other we texted each other a lot like a lotttt. And then recently on 22Feb/2022 I got a message exactly on 10:54 Pm. Its over. we can't be friends anymore cause I think so we can't be together anymore. You know how much bad, painful, heartbreaking it was. To be honest as a boy we don't cry but at that moment tears dropped right down from my eyes. I tried a lot to convince but the answer was same. We were friends for more than a year and only 2 months were remaining from our 2 years of friendship. You know what's the biggest thing that I regret is that once I remember a date it never goes out of my brain. I was depressed a lot but then someone came grabbed my hand called me duffer, stupid. And from that moment I got someone who helps me a lot. But every time I m scared to loose them cause presently I have got 5 friends who are really very close to me. I hope that all the things we have did together you must have enjoyed a lot. At last I can say to you guys is just a THANKS! for staying with me. But in my deep heart I know one day we will get separate so get read for that. Cause I know nothing is permeant except the memories we are having together. Cause the word Best Friend it self says in its last 3 letters that there is an "END".

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Salik_512creators' thoughts