
Even A Saiyan Can Be A Fairy

Ever wonder what it would be like if a saiyan was suddenly put into the world of Fairy Tail, Join Time Patrol Saiyan, Tato, in this grand adventure where he finds himself in another world. A world filled with magic and wonder, a place with crazy strong people, and equally crazy magic wizard guilds, this world, is the world of Fairy Tail. With his memory wiped of his home world and his powers reset to 0, Tato will have to train and fight his way back to the top. Tato will also face rising emotions to some of the beautiful yet powerful ladies of this world, will his heart be won over by their love? Is there only one spot open in his heart for one special person, or will there be room made for more? But peace doesn’t always last, evil lurks behind the scenes and people in high places will stand in Tato’s way, and he will have to befriend some strang people from a powerful wizard guild to get where he needs to go. Will Tato be able to transcend back into the realm of the gods? Come and see why Fairy Tail is number 1! ——— Hey everyone CountrySaiyan here, and just wanted to let everyone know that this series is going to now be my secondary work. I will still post chapters but it’ll be slower now due to my new original, “Iglecion- I Hate My Life!” I ask that you all check it out and I’m even getting a book cover custom made for it so please support it if you don’t mind! Thanks!

CountrySaiyan_30 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

Crisis Averted

Tato quickly comes up on the village and lands. He doesn't see the other wizards around anywhere and he's puzzled to know where they are. 


Tato looks up to see Happy carrying Lucy and they land beside him. They must've came in a different direction than him, because he never saw them on his way to the village. 

"Did you see the other wizards," he asks.

Lucy shakes her head.

"No, we thought they were already here." 

She looks around. 

"I wonder where they're at." 

"In any case, we need to prepare for them," Tato says. 

The two inform the villagers of what's happening and they agree to help them defend the village. 

Tato keeps watch, while Lucy devises a plan to trap the enemy. What she came up with, though, was a little lackluster. 

"There's no way they'll fall for that," one of the villagers says. 

Tato agrees with them, there's no way anyone with a brain will fall for such an obvious pit fall trap. 

It wasn't long after that one of the villagers spotted someone coming. 

"Miss Lucy! Somebody's coming!" 

"Open the gates!" 

They open the gates at her command to find that the person, who was coming, was Natsu and he was carrying Gray on his shoulders. 

"Natsu! Sttooopppp!!"

Natsu stops just short of the pit fall trap and Lucy sighs in relief. 

"Lucy, why did you tell me to stop," Natsu asks. 

He looks down. 

"Hey, what's this?"

He takes a step onto and falls into the pit, Gray with him. 

Everyone facepalms. 

"I can't believe it," Tato says in misbelief. 

Everyone runs up to check on them and finds Natsu free of his ice prison, but Gray is hurt pretty bad.

"Gray got roughed up pretty bad by that ice guy," Natsu says. 

They get them out of the trap.

"Someone get some medical supplies," Lucy cries out.

The villagers rush to Gray's side and start to take him to a hut to treat his wounds, but one of the villagers spots something flying in the sky. 

"Hey, what is that?" 

The villager points up at it and everyone looks. When it gets closer, they see it's the giant rat that they had faced before, flying through the air and it's carrying a huge bucket with it. The three wizards from before were aboard it as well. 

"Holy shit! It's the giant freaking rat," someone screams. 


"I didn't know that the double poison jelly took so long to make," Shelly says.

"Doesn't matter, we timed it perfectly, those wizards had time to make it back to the village," Yaka says. 

"Anyone who stands in the way of the Cold Emperor and his plan to revive Deliora must die." 


A small drop of green jelly comes out of the bucket and heads for the ground, the only problem is it's headed straight for Lucy. 


She holds out her hand.

Natsu dives and tackles Lucy out of the way and the jelly hits the ground. When it made contact, it was like acid, burning a hole in the ground. 

"Oh! That ain't good," Tato says. 

"I knew that stuff was deadly," Natsu says, "I could smell it." 

The villagers begin to panic because they realise that the wizards have a whole bucket full of that deadly jelly. 


"Hideous," Yaka says, "Who would've thought that the moon drip would turn these people into the horrendous monsters." 

"They look like demon children from Deliora," Shelly says. 

They fly for another moment. 

"Angelica, will you do the honors," Shelly says. 


The giant rat slings the poison jelly from the bucket and it covers the entire area of the village. 

'It'll destroy the entire village!'

Tato springs into action. He starts running towards the center of the village. 

"I need everyone to get to the center of the village right now! Natsu help any stragglers, hurry!" 

Natsu sprints off rapidly and starts helping people to the center. 

Tato positions himself and looks up, the jelly is getting closer by the second. He smiles. He jumps into the air and flies closer to the jelly. 

Tato thrusts is arm and hand forward. He quickly charges up his ki and a blue ball of energy forms in his hand. 

"Big Bang Attack!"

The blue ball is propelled forward into the jelly. 

A huge explosion is caused when it meets the jelly, causing a hole to appear in the middle. The jelly is dispersed everywhere around the village, except the center. 

Natsu dives, just in time into the center with everyone else and he saved the chief from being melted by the jelly. 

Yaka, Shelly, and Toby look on at what transpired. 

"He dispersed the jelly," Yaka says. 

"What kind of wizard is he," Shelly asks. 

The smoke clears and everyone begins to look around. Tato lands and sees that his plan was a success, even though the village was destroyed, he saved everyone in it. 

"Bobo's grave is still standing," the chief says, shocked, but relieved.

The standing rock, that was made as Bobo's grave, was virtually unharmed. 

"The Cold Emperor ordered us to eradicate the village and its people, we were just trying to make your deaths painless, but since it didn't work, we'll have to resort to bloodshed," Shelly says. 

The three start walking up on the aftermath to confront everyone. Bobo's grave was standing in their way and Yaka disrespectfully kicks it over. 

Tato glares angrily at them for their utter disrespect, but also at their lack of care for innocent life. 

"50 villagers, 3 wizards, shouldn't take more than 15 minutes," Yaka says. 

"You ready," Natsu says. 

"Yeah," Lucy says, reaching for her keys. 

The chief growls. 

"How dare they! They kicked over Bobo's grave! Such disrespect! I'm going to kick their butts!"

"Hold it chief you can't go out there!"

"Just calm down!"

The villagers struggle to keep the chief contained. 

Tato hold out his arm in front of them and the chief stops and looks at him. Tato glares angrily at the three wizards. 

"Don't worry Chief, I'll make them pay." 

Gray struggles to get up.

"Let me help." 

"No," Natsu says and knocks him out. 

The villagers take Gray and they all retreat out of harms way. 

"We're not leaving until everyone is dead," Shelly says, "Angelica." 

The rat flies off, with Shelly in her arms. 

"We won't let you get away with thisssss!" 

Lucy screams at them but ends up attached to the rat's foot. She flies with them for a good distance and is freaking out.

"Hey! Get off," Shelly says.

"Huh, I wonder if you're ticklish."

Lucy starts to tickle the rat's foot and it works because the rat stops spinning her tail and beings laughing. 


Lucy and Shelly start screaming as the rat begins to crash land. 

Tato turns his attention back to Yaka and Toby, who remain. 

He sees Natsu out of the corner of his eye. He quickly thinks for a moment and realises that Lucy will need help and Natsu is better off going after her. 

"Natsu go help Lucy! I've got this."