
Ethereal Life

An old half-assed programmer, taken out by the wind, falling into a black hole and resurrecting back to his young man self in a pond. Journey new life in this new world filled with various fantasy colors and strange powers lurking around on scene. Being alone in the grassland, with various supernatural unknowns. The primitive life will teach him to work hard amidst his lazy personality to achieve his ideals and lifetime goals! He will built tall walls, grand castles, take in wives and concubines, as well as have countless descendants to govern his ideal country. Trust is an issue while adaptibility is a way! He who desire longevity and worry free life all his life. Would he sacrifice power for life or is it the other way around. If you can't survive three chapters of prologue, why bother to continue? Just skip it to chapter 4! 1 Chapters everyday. Maybe more if I'm in the mood, and vice versa. For faster updates, please vote for me thanks. Or if you have some change their please support me in my GCASH: 09455977813

I_DontWantToDie · Fantaisie
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73 Chs

Ethereal Life, Chapter 3: Prologue

"Goodbye, everyone. Let's meet again if there's a next life." The man holding the camera spoke softly, like he was talking to a sleeping child. Afraid that the slightest pitch of his tone might break this wonderful and heroic mood.

The crew did not turn around. Instead, they laughed and said carefreely, "Hahaha, what are you talking about? Are you going to die?"

"Don't take me along with you, man." "I still want to get a good sleep after this."

"Hey, hey, hey. You go sleep on your own; I'll go and take the cameraman with me to take pictures when we reach Jupiter's orbit."

"I'm afraid we might not have enough time for that. Those who want to sleep, go and sleep already. At least, rest for a few more seconds."

"Are we going to become super Saiyans after this?" Looking at the incoming heat shockwave from the engine pulsing, they all smiled wryly, their sweat sticking closed to their skin as their suits turned orange and brown and black due to heat.

Bang! Phewshh~ 

"Cameraman, make sure to take the shot where we look good, okay?" Then there was no then. The large screen in every underground city had captured the last scene where the crew was set ablaze, standing heroically in front of the engine propulsion, before the camera turned blank.

"It was a nice capture. Salute!" Every person in the world right now felt their eyes still pouring out tears as they immediately saluted the highest glory a hero could received.

And the whole world escaped from its orbit. Starting its journey towards searching for a new habitable planet.

"We will find home."


At the same time, one of the crew members bodies was pushed out of the ground by the tremendous shockwave. Even the mountains reached their peak and flew off for a while before falling back and creating new terrain.

Like a garbage-used burger paper being hit by an unlucky breeze. One lone crew sorry body went flying out of the sky and went into the vacuum space. It arrived before the intersection between the former positions of the planet and the moon.

The loss of gravitational pull towards the earth has caused the moon to deviate from its path. Bringing along with it the unlucky body flying around in space.


Then a ripple happened in space. Like how water suddenly causes mini waves and a small whirl around it after an object leaves its place. A black hole with a ring of light spinning around appeared like a mouth and swallowed the unlucky corpse and the moon before vanishing like it never happened.

Ring! Ring! Ring! 

On Earth, the whole main control system was in turmoil because of what the space radar had captured. A scientist zoomed in on the picture and saw, "A black hole actually appeared for a bit and swallowed the moon! This is...".

A big discovery!

Suddenly, he zoomed more to the left as he noticed something. His eyes widened as he blurted out in disbelief, "No...way."

After that, the people in the main control room fell silent.

Year 2076, February 15, Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.

The Earth has left the solar system. Many people who had now grown old in the main room smiled at each other. While the people living underground are boisterous. "Of course, we oldies are the only ones who know why we're happy."

The surface has started to cool down since 2005. Now many rangers who wore anti-heat and anti-cold suits can be seen riding their vehicles on the surface. To scavenge and also to see the current state of the planet. "Sir, we have received a report that a hailstorm is coming."

Volcanoes erupted, earthquakes became more frequent, tsunamis became common, and snow became the norm at the equator. At the same time, a world devoid of life started birthing strange plants and vegetation. "Is this adaptation? How horrifying!" 

Year 2100, September 27, Monday, 7:00 PM

An asteroid flew past the earth. Many researchers gathered and came up with an idea. They sent their latest spacecraft and let it land on the asteroid. In there, they found many resources they hadn't seen before. "Could this black, heavy thing be dark matter's crystallization?"

Because of that, the earth's course deviated for a bit to mine the asteroid for its minerals. The researcher who received the mined stones tested them and immediately obtained positive results. "Once burned, they would release oxygen. This is a sky-sent gift!"

Year 2150, July 6, Friday, 12:01 PM

They flew past the nearest binary star system. No matter what, it is very dangerous to stay near the two stars that are going to explode in the far future. The planet left and speeded up to the next system. "Hey, how old are you now?"

Year 2155, March 02, Wednesday 5:00 AM

Five years later, they found a wormhole. It wasn't far, and it is estimated that the planet would hit it in three years. The higher-ups immediately gathered for a meeting and presented the researchers results. "Estimated to be connected near the Kepler-452b star."

The decision was made; they sent a Renaissance spacecraft first. Then, after a year, it entered the wormhole. All kinds of data pertaining to its mystery and danger were recorded. "One moment we're in some strange starry tunnel, then the next few seconds we're in the dark."

The spacecraft successfully came out of the wormhole. And the crew immediately saw a star system not far away. The spacecraft flew and successfully landed in Kepler-452b. "A bigger earth, we...found it."

The spacecraft collected samples and immediately flew back to space and entered the wormhole. Then it landed on the flying earth. The higher-ups for whom we're waiting were overjoyed as they cried tears of joy. "We found it! A new home!"

Because of this news. The authorities sped up the accelerator and entered the wormhole. At first, there were some mishaps as most of the electronics failed. But after a few minutes, the planet left the wormhole, and the electronic failure disappeared. "I'm coming!" 

Year 2558, October 3, Tuesday, 03:00 PM

A large-scale migration was initiated. All earthlings came out underground and were sent to their new home planet, Kepler-452b. They are given the mission to reshape the new planet into their home. "Earth 2.0, mother earth. We'll be leaving you for a while. Rest well and recover for us, okay?"

Year 2300, January 23, Monday, 11:00 a.m.

Planet Earth has entered a new orbit not far from Kepler. While Kepler-452b has changed. Many high-rise buildings and all kinds of technological structures were built. "Hey, did you hear? That big moon over there is actually our ancestral planet!"

In order to prevent global warming and various disasters from happening. The world government has started many reforms and laws. Technology rose by leaps and bounds, space elevators, a million-ton starships, and even the prototype of warp drives "We're going interstellar!"

Year 2500, April 22, Thursday, 5:00 PM

The space control department has discovered an anomaly in a not-so-faraway star system. The world government immediately sent a Renaissance to investigate the matter using their newest hyperspeed technology. "It's different from spacecraft that use dangerous warp drive devices."

Year 2510, June 5, Wednesday, 5:00 PM

The space main control receives the results. The world government was called. The results based on the data sent from the Renaissance spacecraft were unbelievable. "Hurry and send a mining spacecraft!"

Years go by, and the whole world continues to progress by leaps and bounds. Star portals, warping drives, and other kinds of unbelievable inventions Even the black hole wasn't spared; many probes were being sent to uncover its mystery. "Let's send some food. Maybe there's an alien trapped inside. Hahaha."

Year 3000, January 1, 02:00 AM


A start not far away exploded. It is estimated that in 100 years, the shockwaves will arrive on Kepler-452b. However, the people weren't afraid. Instead, they looked forward to it. "I wonder if our latest nanoshield powered by the new energy can withstand the star's explosion?"

Year 3100, January 1, 04:00 AM

The whole world shook, and the aurora in the sky showed itself around the world. The world has survived the impact. People jump around in joy. "I knew it!"

Year 3101, March 28, Tuesday 08:00 PM

The whole world celebrated the day when the heroes of the past saved the world. In front of their statue, people around the world thanked them for their sacrifice and for letting them see the light of their new world. "Thank you heroes!"

Naturally, the fireworks and banquet didn't disappoint the crowd. All kinds of past stories about the lives of the martyrs came out one after another.

A young researcher sat in the main control room on earth. The young researcher flipped open one of the files. "One of the heroes bodies flew off the planet and was swallowed by a temporarily formed black hole along with the moon."

That unlucky hero was an old half-assed programmer; he was Asian. His motto in life was, "If you can't do it, don't do it." He fear pain more than anyone.