
Eternity Unknown

Eternity What creates a difference is never ordinary. What gets affected becomes unique. Like attracts like. But it’s been long since something has fascinated me, since it felt real or beautiful. I and anybody else have no idea what I am… no supernatural entity defines me perfectly, I drink blood yet love and can digest food, I shapeshift yet remain sane to sense, I cast magic yet there is no sacrifice. But one thing is certainly common… I do not die. Immortality A boon or a curse depending on the day and mood I am heaving. An angel or demon depending on the feel. It’s me who rules here. And no one can defy me. It's Lilith

Daoistqi2Lpk · Urbain
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3 Chs

His morning


My morning starts early. A cup of tea and the entertainment industry news Is my go-to morning routine.


Flashing cameras, fake smiles, shooting, commercials, fans, money, fame. I have it all, a lot more than most have in this world.

Yet I am not happy, maybe because I don't have anyone to share this happiness with.

My life has been bland for as long as I can remember, and I am sure it's because of my petty childhood dream.

To find true love. To genuinely like someone, even if they don't like me.

I have tried dating, people around me, other celebrities, high school friends. Still never have I ever truly liked someone. it's always been the same, constant and monotonous. Then a break up in less than a month.

I don't know what type of person I like, because I have never met the person I like.

Or is there even going to be someone like that?

The new movie I am shooting, the reading was today. I knew I will meet Ms. Lilith today. She was the nation's love. And this will be the first time they will be working together.

He was the first to arrive in the script reading room, a completed script was placed in front of each seat. He was excited.

The acting was the only place and thing in his life which gives him a thrill, to become someone he is not. To escape reality and portray the emotions and actions of someone else. That's why he had started to act too. Many people think people become celebs because of fame and wealth. It might be the case for many, but it wasn't for him. He already was financially comfortable before he became an actor and the fame… if meant he can't travel or go anywhere without people recognizing him. this fame had cost him his privacy. But still, he got to act.

He could show his lifesaver, that he was alive and well.

My silent subconscious told me that everyone was here and seated, they were late. But it didn't matter, he liked how they will try to move fast with the reading because of it, not much small talk will be there.

An ice-cold hand grabbed his right hand, there was a moment of surprise, but he calmed. The woman staring at him from the side was the lead actress Ms. Lilith. She apologized for coming late, yet the apology seemed like a cocky joke. Her hand was pressuring his, an alluring smile, and her eyes challenged... resist if you can.

She was trying to seduce him, to get him smitten to her looks and charm.

He indeed was affected but by something else.

He was back to himself as he shook her hand from his, the script required his attention more than the extroverted lady beside him.

It was going in a blur… the day. Everything was as he had expected.

Till he saw another side of the female lead, the Lilith no one knew.