
Eternity Fantasy

A boy named Zeix who is failure in his life one day jumped from a bridge to end his regrets but for his surprise he was transported to a fantasy world

Zenki_Rai · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 12: A Certain Dragon Master

Zeix sat in a room on a plank chair, facing the person who claimed to be the dragon. "So, how did you survive?" Zeix asked.

The person replied, "Well, I am a superior dragon, of course, so I have some great powers. Before the stone hit me, I barely managed to send my fragments away. They were supposed to heal me, but the damage from your attack was so strong that my fragment could hardly manage. Still, it found a way to heal me somehow, and here I am."

After listening, Zeix replied, "Is that so? Then what do you want from me?"

The person responded, "Oh, about that—I want to be your servant."

Zeix exclaimed, "A servant?"

The person nodded. "Yes, you are the first person who almost killed me with just a stone, so I acknowledge your strength and want to be with you to become stronger."

Zeix pondered and asked, "So what benefits will I get?"

The person answered eagerly, "Oh, I will help you in your work or even in your battles. If you want money, just ask me—I can sell my cave ores to make money for you."

Zeix replied, "Hmm, let me think."

The person begged, "Ehhh, don't think—just make me your servant. I promise I will be a help!"

Zeix stood up and replied, "Very well, then. If that's what you want, you can be my partner."

The person shouted with joy, "Yayyyyyyyyyyy!"

Zeix said, "Well, let's go outside. They are holding a party tonight; let's go and help them."

But the person replied, "Wait, before that, let's make the contract."

Zeix asked, "Contract?"

The person explained, "Yes, to make me your ally, you need to make a contract with me."

Zeix replied, "Is that so? Then let's finish this quick."

The person drew a circle and told Zeix to stand in it. Zeix went and stood in the circle. The person bit his finger and let a drop of his blood fall into the circle, then said, "Master, you also need to drop a little of your blood."

Zeix replied, "Okay," and bit his hand, letting a drop of his blood fall.

The circle started to glow, and both of them began to float in the air. The person said, "Master, today we are making a contract of bond. Will you accept me as your ally?"

Zeix replied, "Ahh, yes."

The light turned red, and the person said, "You can provide me a name or skip it."

Zeix thought for a moment and then said, "Your name will be Flitz."

The circle covered them with a bright green flash, and the contract was complete. When Zeix looked at Flitz, he appeared more human and cooler than before.

Zeix said, "Woahhh."

Flitz replied, "Master Zeix, I, Flitz, am ready to help you."

To be continued...