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Auteur: Daoist9qzRf6
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Lisez le roman Escorts 'girls in al nahda 0528604116 al nahda escorts service écrit par l'auteur Daoist9qzRf6 publié sur WebNovel. Escorts 'girls in al nahda 0528604116 al nahda escorts service...


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The Horrors of Life.

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Dikendalikan oleh iblis

Nama ku lyra chi,aku gadis dari keluarga Chi awalnya keluargaku adalah keluarga yang kaya namun karena ayah ku menderita penyakit jantung secara tiba tiba keluargaku menjadi bangkrut.aku bukan lah anak kandung di keluarga chi ayah dan ibu ku menemukan ku di bawah jembatan,namun keluargaku cukup menyanyangi ku.saat keluargaku bangkrut ibu ku yang terbiasa bergaya seperti dewa pun kehabisan uang dan akhirnya ibu ku menjual ku kepada seorang pria dari keluarga mouchi,dan ternyata pria itu adalah jong mouchi dia adalah teman kecil ku dulu dia menghilang entah kemana saat kami berusia 9 tahun.dia adalah pewaris tahta dari keluarga mouchi.namun dirinya di kendalikan oleh iblis,dia membawaku ke apartemen nya setibanya di sana aku yang terikat di letakan di lantai. Jong mouchi"hai lyra chi ,bertahun tahun aku mencari mu,dan akhirnya kau menjadi milik ku,aku mencintai mu aku ingin kau menjadi milik ku hanya milik ku,"(dengan tatapan yang tajam dan senyuman smirk) lyra chi"Jong mouchi ,lepaskan aku aku tak ingin menjadi pengantin mu ,aku ingin menjalani masa muda ku ,lepaskan aku" jong mouchi"haha,Tidaka akan ibu mu telah menjual mu kepada ku bahka tubuh mu Tak kan sanggup mengembalikan uang ku nona chi,jadi apakah kau tidak kangen dengan ku?apakah kau tidak rindu dengan ku?nona chi aku akan membahagiakan mu"(dengan mencekek leher ku) lyra chi"aaa lepaskan aku aa"(mencoba melepas cekekan Jong mouchi) joung mouchi"bila bicara pada ku buka matamu lihat aku"(mempererat cekekan nya) lyrachi(membuka mata)"lepaskan aku ,aku mohon" Jong mochi melepaskan cekekan nya kepada lyra chi dan menghantamkan lyra chi ke tembok,"bakk"lyra chi melihat ada darah yang mengalir dari kepalanya dan pingsan lyra chi"semoga aku mati dan bisa terlepas dari iblis ini"(menangis sebelum pingsan) saat tersadar lyra chi sudah berada di atas ranjang dengan tangan di ikat ke atas. lyra chi"apakah aku berada di surga?kenapa aku masih seperti di ruangan " (melihat sekeliling) Dengan tiba tiba joung mouchi datang Jong mouchi" sudah sadar kau nona chi,sekarang sudah malam dan aku akan mengetes sampai kapan kau akan bertahan"(langsung menindih ke tubuh lyra chi,seraya melumat bibir lyra chi ,dan tangan nya merobek baju lyra chi) lyra chi"tidak tidak jangan apa apakan aku,aku akan membenci mu"(menangis) seketika saat mendengar hal itu Jong mochi pun berhenti dan mencekek lyra chi. Jong mouchi"apakah kau tidak suka bersama ku," lyra chi" aku benci kau"(menangis) Jong mochi melepaskan cekekan nya dan tidak menghiraukan lyra chi,Jong mochi menodai lyra chi,lyra chi hanya menangis. part 1 selesai?maaf baru belajar

amelya02 · Sports, voyage et activités
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Fight Syndicate

"I'm new to the country... Not the fights." These were the cold words of a man with glowing green eyes under the raining dark clouds, as smoke was still burning in his cigarette while he was grabbing the arm of another guy stuck beneath his leg, begging for mercy. "Ack! My arm! My arm! Spare me! I won't come back! Spa-" *Crack* The sounds of bone cracking were deafening, and in the eyes of that man, his leg suddenly widened on the verge of popping out his skull, as at the same time, a grin covered the face of that man smoking cigerette. With a grin filled with deep and dark satisfaction, he coldly announced while releasing that twisted arm on the ground.  "Oops, it broke." "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! My arm! My arm!!!! You fucking monster! Why!?? Why!?! Uwaaah!!! I will fucking-" "Oye? Fuck, are you threatening?" The cries and screams threatening others went silent as fast as they had come. The next second, several more sounds of bone cracking were heard in a row as the burning cigerette was pushed right into his ears. "Ah! It's burning! It hurts! It hurts!!!!" "Should I have that thought before trying to start this whole situation?" He collected up his grey hairs falling on his face, and while pulling them back, revealing glowing, cold green pupils, he left the bloody night with a metal baseball bat in his hand and the man with a crushed arm on the rainy ground, along with a whole gang of delinquents all unconscious in the same night during the same fight against one man who was born a legend... And will die a god.  --- oh yeah btw, everything here is just shit I made up sitting on toilet seat, I mean fictional, it's fictional novel aimed towards realism, add it to your booklist, much appreciated cool dude, (fuck you loser for not adding this gold in your booklist, tsk thu!) ---

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The Heavenly Eye of the Void

In the enchanting world where martial arts prowess is passed down through generations, Lianna Feng, the youngest scion of a legendary family of warriors, eagerly anticipates her sixteenth birthday—the moment when she should inherit her family's extraordinary powers. However, destiny takes an unexpected turn, leaving Lianna as the lone family member without superhuman abilities. Undeterred by her lack of powers, Lianna rebels against her family's warnings and intervenes in a crime in progress. In a twist of fate, this audacious act awakens a latent power within her and draws the attention of Shadowblade, one of the city's most formidable villains. Now, thrust into the role of the city's newest hero, Lianna must navigate her newfound abilities, family expectations, and the looming threat posed by the vengeful Shadowblade. As Lianna grapples with self-discovery, she unveils hidden family secrets and encounters a mysterious prophecy that adds complexity to her journey. Training at the Elemental Pagoda, harnessing the power of storms, and forming alliances with Mei Lin and Byte, Lianna faces both physical and moral challenges. Meanwhile, in the shadows, the alliance of villains, led by the resentful Shadowblade, plots to exploit Lianna's weaknesses. The story unfolds with a symphony of action, intrigue, and the delicate dance between heroism and villainy. Lianna's journey takes unexpected turns as she confronts the ever-escalating plans of Shadowblade, unraveling the intricate web of alliances, betrayals, and dark conspiracies that shape her destiny. In a race against time, Lianna and her allies must reach the Chi Nexus to confront Shadowblade and his forces. The city braces for an epic showdown that tests Lianna's mastery of her powers, alliances, and the resilience of her spirit. The narrative weaves through themes of legacy, self-discovery, and the cyclical nature of heroism. As Lianna faces the consequences of her choices and triumphs over the dark forces threatening her city, she embraces her role as a mentor, passing on the wisdom gained through her extraordinary journey. "Legacy of the Storm's Embrace" is a captivating tale that combines martial arts fantasy with elements of suspense, self-discovery, and the enduring legacy of heroism. The story culminates in an eternal embrace of the martial arts legacy, ensuring that Lianna's journey resonates through the ages.

Empowerment_Echoes · Urbain
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