
Starting a new life

it was dark, the man appeared in front of Error before he even knew it. The man stabbed Error and he fell, he was losing blood. His vision slowly faded, but there appeared before him. An Angel that descended from the sky, feathers everywhere, light coming from the sky. The angel pulled his hand out for Error, Error couldn't make it and fell unconscious immediately. Error woke up, gasping for breath, to only find himself in a bedroom and being small. It was day time, birds chirping, light shining through his window. Error lied back down in bed and thought about what just happened. Someone had come running, Error got off bed and was on alert "Young Master, are you alright?!" The guy looked like he needed some air and his face being white. Error was confused "State your name" The guy kneeled "I was assigned to be your servant, Jack" Error thought for a while "How can this be? A new life? Don't joke with me!" Error looked at Jack for a while "Show me where the bathroom is" Jack leds him to the bathroom. The mirror was there and Error ran for it, looked it in. He was surprised to find himself in someone's body. He touched his face, and pinched it to make sure it wasn't a dream "Ouch!" Error hair was brown, his eyes are white, his shirt is blue and his pants are black. Error heard foot steps



A man looked at Error "Error are you okay?" His face was white and gasping for breath too, same as Jack. Error was confused with everything. Error saw him having a beard and being old so he said "Father?" Father nodded and said "Let's go see a doctor to check if your fine" Error went to his bedroom and sat down on his bed "Everything is happening too fast, I need to calm down" Error closed his eyes and calmed down. Someone was coming for me again. I turned around, it looks like a doctor.


xXMR123Xxcreators' thoughts
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