
Erotic world:A sinful paradise

A young man reading a Erotic novel over 2 years with high expectations forgetting about the real world immersed in it till the end of the novel but not getting the the expected outcome from the novel,only to see the Dog ass Author, have written a worst death possible to the MC during the quality time with his harem members gotten killed by the final arc boss Demon God. Filled with rage he commented his rage emotions on it. But little did to know to find himself in the same Erotic novel he wasted 2years of his time and the worst part is that he was a pathetic side character only mentioned in first few chapters, finding him in this unexpected situation in this dangerous lewd world with unknown future what it held for him... . . . A/N: Hello readers welcome to this novel,sorry for any grammatical mistake or any inconvenience. Hoping you all to have a erotic and wet journey with this novel..... //:D Join discord server https:/discord.com/invite/fecuxNQd

Karma_Arc · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Ch-2: A familiar place

Prashant opened his eyes slowly, adjusting to the sunlight radiating from the window, brightening the room. As he looked at the ceiling, he felt confused. There was only a white-painted solid ceiling and a beautiful chandelier, which was normal, but not for him. Their house was made of wood, and the roof of the room he used to stay in was also old wood, making it look like it could fall anytime. His family didn't have much money to renovate their house. The last thing he remembered was suffocating due to lack of oxygen. To inspect the situation better, Prashant tried to get up, only to realize that he was in a crib made of wood, and the soft mattress underneath felt like an expensive bed. Furthermore, as Prashant tried to understand the situation, he raised his hand, only to see that his hand had become a baby's hand, surprising him very much.Before Prashant could do anything, he suddenly heard a mechanical sound.

[Welcome, host, to the novel "Slice of Life in Apocalypse," where your main quest is to change the novel's plotline and alter the fate of Lavanor from its end. Failure of the quest will lead you to death. Rewards will be given according to the contribution you have made after completing the main quest. The system will shut down after 20 minutes and will activate when you reach the age of 10. Are there any questions, host?]

Prashant, who had a baffled expression, stared at the series of incidents occurring infront of him. To confirm that he was not daydreaming, he pinched himself with his tiny hand, which couldn't cause any adult pain, except for a baby, including himself. As he pinched himself, he jolted in pain, only to see the place where he pinched had turned red.

"Am I really in this shit novel?" Prashant asked himself in his mind, to which, much to his surprise, he got an instant reply.

[Yes, host, you have been transported from your planet Earth to here, Lavanor, by #?#!#!?#!]

Prashant, upon seeing this, sighed, "So I have really been transported." But on second thought, he suddenly remembered something and asked, "System, in which timeline have I been sent? Does the protagonist already grown?"

[No, host. You have been sent at the beginning of the novel, and the protagonist is still an infant. He is 2 months old.]

Prashant sighed in reply, but again he got confused. "Then who am I? Hey, System, who am I really and where am I actually in this huge Lavanor?"

[Host, you are Riley Anderson, living right beside the protagonist's house in Caracas.]

"Fucccccccccck, that's all," Prashant thought in his mind upon knowing who he really is in the current situation. As he read the novel, there was a time when he enjoyed how the protagonist, Ntr, his friend, had a girlfriend, which the protagonist enjoyed. Then the protagonist was going to do it with his friend's mom, but he was caught, leading to a rivalry fight with his friend, in which He was badly injured; his dantian was destroyed, crippling him permanently. Seeing the condition, he forgave him and left his family. The boy is Riley Anderson, to whom Prashant has been transmitted. Cooling his head, Prashant thought of a question and asked, "System, can I have relations with the protagonist's mom while doing the main quest?"

[Yes, host, you can have relations with the protagonist's mom, sister, aunt, or anyone, but the quest must be completed.]

Hearing this, an evil smirk appeared on his face, though it may look cute to others. Prashant abruptly asked, "System, what's my age in this body?"

[Host, your age is 3½ months.] Without giving Prashant any time to say anything, the System rapidly began to emit bright light.

[Host, the time is up now. I will be deactivating. See you again in 10 years.]

Saying this, the System suddenly disappeared in front of him, leaving Prashant irritated as he did not get to ask any other questions.