
The scars make that make you beautiful

{Amida Arca POV}

damn I was reckless. On my mission and then I heard rumors about The CUPID organization. A group of girls that go around helping people on earth. They say they heal people and can cure many disease and heal scars and stuff, but I hear that they are all strong women and anyone who came against them were messed up mentally or disappeared. I hear they have a bunch of money too but less than 20 members

I was going to go there to see if they can hire people maybe the girls will be able to go there instead of hard labor of the Peinnutz Company. The Peinnutz Company is a all girls freight company. Long distance freight company business is where 'those' runaway women would end up. It was one of the worse destinations. They work for dirt cheap. and had to take jobs that men were scared away from, which I escort them whenever I can.

We were attacked by the Pecker pirate group. I attacked them and killed some of them but there were too many and I had to lead them away, so I stole one of their goods and they chased me then I destroyed their money and pissed off. Luckily their piloting skills weren't that good but I was out numbered and I made mistakes which caused my to get injured. I hope those kids got away.

I open my eyes and look around I dont seem to be in the pirate set up because there I would be raped or worse the girls may still be in danger I have to complete my job...I don't want them to suffer.

I try to get up and look my injury is bandage up

"hey try not to move."

A beautiful girl puts her arm on my shoulder

"I have to go I was doing a escort job"

"You mean the one for the Pennutz company don't worry one of our sisters received a distress message from your machine and went out to complete your mission.

why would they do that? Who are they? I look around I see 3 of them are dressed in either short skirts or shorts one is dressed in a maid outfit.

"I'm sorry fo....Oh there was a boy who went out in space is he alright?"

"Oh Eros hes having....oh hes coming right now"

"Yo sorry for the delay I was entertaining Rose" the girls all smiled...what does he mean by entertain?

"oh so your the girl from before you really are a looker."

"oh your a charmer but your too young for me maybe in 10 years"

"oh I'd take you up on that..."he gets serious and sits in front of me...is he playing a game or is he there leader theres no right?"Anyway lets introduce ourselves this is Calca and Renner they are the leaders and vice commander of CUPID and this girl right her is Sasha she is our doctor oh and this cutie right here is one of Lust maids. I am the heir of the Lust family Eros. Everyone on board is my family oh I am the only male in CUPID just keep it a secret ..but like I said were family so its different."

"WAIT DID YOU SAY YOUR CUPID and what do you mean Lust family?"

"huh you heard of CUPID but not Lust family?"

"..yes " I kind of sat up they seem different from what I imagine and why is he talking instead of those two?

"oh your wondering why he is talking instead of us well first why not introduce yourself"

"ohh yes I am Amida Arca"

"Amida huh beautiful name" the boy named Eros says

"what do you mean" the girl named Calca asked

"the name comes from the name Amitabha which stands for immeasurable light or a paradise so I'm guessing... ok I got it means to find a paradise whose hope it is to bring all beings into it. perfect for a woman who is protecting girls unfortunate. Arca means valuables. so really she has a great name"

"yeah I see because she finds that even the minor work she does valuable."


did this boy no this Eros just analyze my name"Thats not true that has always been my name"

"hmm well no worries I like it is all I'm saying its perfect for you" he made a killer smile that caused my heart to race...I look at him and notice he is perfect in every way but...is that a tail?"why do you have a tail"

the boy covers himself and says "Amida ecchi" then the girl named sasha and gave a smile that wasn't a smile and said

"Eros shes injured stop your games alright"

"yes ma'am...I was genetically modified so I have a tail now along with my twin sisters... it enables me to fight like that. As to why I could move fast that was because my equipment is a modified mech suit...well don't think to much its just cool."

'dont think is he joking' "I'm sorry to hear that" I go and give him a hug "it must have been hard right"

"huh oh no it was easy don't mind but your ass feels amazing"

"hey don't touch that you should behave yourself"

"""Haha she thinks your a little kid"


"huh isn't he"'

"well its complicated he is but isn't... the experiments turned him into a kid again... well its no worries but yeah in like 10 years he should have his growth spurt oh this is just a secret so keep quiet"

"...then ..why did you tell me?"

"Eros likes you so we thought it was obvious you would join his harem oh everyone here is a member of his harem."

"wait then ..harem what huh"

"Ladies stop messing around" the girls stopped and realized that they were overwhelming her

"I do like you but you don't have to be part of my harem I still am a kid anyway and you said 10 years.. but more importantly tell us about what you were doing. We got the basics but we need a full detail on the enemies we gotten involved with"

It was a lot to take in I started to look at this Eros not as a boy but...calm down he is a kid right now but all of them his wives..." Well it started like this" I told them why I am traveling and what I was doing"

"Hmm so pecking..." Eros started thinking something is it a plan or is a way to "Pecking lecking, Chicken little...ok got it Lets get rid of these Chicken little haha isn't that funny Chicken little because they are Pecking like a a chicken and little because they are weak to us haha that is so funny.."

"d-dont mind him. he has a horrible sense in jokes"

"here a sticker even through your joke was bad you are still cute for finding it funny"

Eros then drags Shizu away I heard screaming then...

Eros comes back a different maid comes with him...should I ask?

"so why do you have so many scars on your body"

"are you disgusted by them? They make me look horrible right these are scars that I put my life on to protect the weaker than me. I am proud and not ashamed of them. I know you wouldn't understand but when I fought and helped the girls they lived little longer.. " I am lying and embarrassed of my scars ...he then pats my head and sings a song

{Alessia Cara - Scars To Your Beautiful}

How can he just see into me so much...its like I am a open book for him tears I'm crying it hurts I...I want to be by someone but I can't stop if I stop the girls

"How about we help those girls now on with you we will fight the pirates and rescue the people ...girls from now on were going to be pirate hunters and help the girls who need rescuing..the freight company we will take over it and change it function we will also..." he went on and on with his plans then a girl his age went to him and hit him on the head

"you better not be making all these women your wives"

"No you know me better than that I am very selective on my wives. Amida says she wants to help the girls so I will for her. So they will be more of my daughters. but most of them will think I am a kid so keep it like that I don't want them to get any special ideas about me..." he looks at us and we all nod. he really isn't a kid... wait did he say me am I

"Are you including me as your wife?"

"huh of course I am going to make you my wife once I get taller but right now I am helping your dream its my job to take care of my girls dream. I made sure to help all of them with there problems"

"he has there are over 50 of us and all of them he helped so don't worry"

"that's good..50 but if that's true then"

"don't worry everyone is always satisfied. its him who is the problem we need more sisters to beat this monster.. oh I am Asuna his 2nd wife I also had the experiment done."

I dont know if I should laugh or cry but something tells me traveling with the group is going to be interesting

"oh now face down and remove your shirt"


"Your body really tense. I am the masseur here "

I look at the girls and they nod blushing "he is good but it can become addicting"

"I haha"

"you will enjoy it ...but when he mates with you..its feels even better."

I have no words how good is he..I then found out

Moaning could be heard I passed out several times. first my back, my legs my hand...every part of me. It was like I was violated so much but he just gave me a massage

My experience was something magical...I am not a virgin but that was better than sex..no sex is like holding hands compared to this. .the girls said its nothing when it comes to sex hes better...also I felt his dick..its huge like monstrous...there is no way Eros is a kid.

I saw the bed and saw a ton of pee, semen and drool ...dangerous...Do I really have to wait 10 years...

Well I wasn't sure if I should add the other girls to his crew but decided for now I will add them but I wont have them in his harem

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