
Equipped: Armory of Legends

Park Jae Sung a prodigy of effort and care for the people he loved the most. But, he still lost everything. After 10 years of hard work, he manage to rise up from he ashes. With his self created companion by his side anything can be accomplished. Still, fate is not always as it seems. "Huh? A gift? Armory of Legends?" [Yes. Master will be able to summon legendary weapons from Earth to Etterra, enhance by the world energy.] [Excalibur, Ruyi Jingu Bang, Mjolnir, Poseidon's trident and many more. Master can equip them.] Join in the journey through the world of Etterra and see what happens when a prodigy and his companion crushes through it all.

IPNH · Fantaisie
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64 Chs

Chapter 29: A Secret That Must Be Kept

Inside a carriage, there is a girl who is resting after playing a game of Cross Catch and a boy who is circulating mana for about 20 minutes now. The carriage is already half way to arrive at a mansion.

Then suddenly, a huge surge of mana is sensed inside the carriage. Ralph is shocked at the sudden surge of mana. He immediately stopped the two wind stallion that is pulling their carriage and open the carriage door.

"Young master, what is that sudden surge of mana. It feels like a Moon stage mage is making a breakthrough." Ralph hurriedly asked after opening the carriage door. He stopped on his tracks and saw a confused little girl who is staring at him with a boy who had a mana presence of a Moon stage mage.

"Ralph, keep this a secret. It's an order. Also, don't asked any questions. It is what it is." Adrian strictly orders Ralph to kept his realm a secret.

"I… I… Yes. As you wish, yo… young master." Ralph stutters while swallowing his saliva. He already made a promise not to be so shocked at Adrian's performance. But still, he could not believe it. A Moon stage mage at the age of 10, only 3 months after awakening. He broke the record of the kingdom's king, who broke through the Moon stage at 14 years old.

The king of the Twilight Kingdom was hailed as a genius after he was born. The 1st king groomed him personally to be his successor of his created kingdom. The current king, His Majesty King Elijah had managed to become the heart and mind of the young Twilight Kingdom.

"What happen?" Marylyn tilts her had to the side, not understanding of what is actually going on.

"Nothing, Mary. It seems like Ralph is over reacting. Ralph you should remember my orders and hurriedly send us back, it's getting late. Mom and dad will be worried." Adrian glares at Ralph bringing some pressure towards him.

"Ye… Yes, young master. I apologize." Ralph bows and went back to the driver's coach. He whips the air signalling the wind stallions to rush. Tamed monsters are supposed to be treated with care and in accordance to the promise between both parties or they will not obey or they will rebel.

[Notice. Master's breakthrough successfully. Physical body had been completely attuned to mana.]


[Name: Park Jae Sung] [Age: 10] [Level: New Moon stage]

[STR: 211] [AGI: 220] [END: 225] [INT: 301] [Mana: 1160]

[Affinity: 10 Elements]

"Phew, that is some overpowered stats. I can almost contend against Auntie Rosaria in raw stats alone but her mana capacity is huge she can pump more mana to make a more powerful spell. Mom and dad is already at Full Moon stage too but a bit lacking to Auntie Rosaria. Ralph… is still at Half Moon stage." Adrian begins to comparing his stats with to one close to him.

"Although he had been training physically as his stats did change. He must do some training in his quarters after hours. He did suck at magic, maybe burning the mansion in the past makes him a bit afraid of using magic indoors. "Adrian snickers at the thought.

"Ahhcoo…" Ralph suddenly sneeze.

"Hmm… had the cold get me? Sniffle, it's just a sneeze. No need to think of it too much. What I need to think about is how to catch up with young master. He already reached Moon stage while I still at the same stage 6 years ago. I need to follow in his footsteps. Maybe I should join in his morning training tomorrow. Young master treats commoners like his equal so it should be okay." Ralph made his plans.

Adrian is controlling his mana to hide his stage. Soon after that they finally arrived to the mansion. Amanda is waiting at the entrance sighing relief.

"Ralph, why are the kids comeback home late today?" Amanda puts her hands on her hips and asking in a menacing tone.

"I apologize madam. I will be mindful next time." Ralph bows repeatedly not wanting to offend the countess.

"Mom, we had fun today. Big brother made a game and play with all the kids in town. He buys a thing that goes 'woosh' in the air and we can catch it. Everyone can play. No one need to use mana. Here is the thing that goes 'woosh'." Marylyn excitedly explains what happen today while showing Amanda the disc.

"Adrian made a game? And both of you play with the kids in town with that?" Amanda lifts her brows seeing the disc that can be played with. She looked at the disc curiously.

"It's called a disc. It can be thrown in the air to let it fly and someone need to catch it without letting it drop to the ground. I called it Cross Catch." Adrian explains the game briefly as it was his brainchild.

"Ah… My amazing big boy, you come up with an idea to play with everyone. I'm so proud of both of you. Go inside and take a bath first. You need to explain how it can be played during dinner." Amanda only ruffles her children's head because they stink of sweat.

"Okay mom." Adrian and Marylyn answers and get inside to take a bath while Ralph store the carriage away and tend the wind stallions.

During dinner with the whole family, Adrian explains Cross Catch in detail with the whole family. Malcom and Amanda had a surprise face hearing the ingenious and simple game that Adrian invented.

"Son, it seems you also had my father's talent in thinking of something new. He was a merchant back then. Always thinking of new things to bring for everyone. That is good. It means that I don't have to worry too much about your future." Malcom praises Adrian and remembering his late father.

"Indeed. Your late grandfather is a great man. Good work, Adrian." Amada smiles softly knowing what her husband is thinking about.

"Thank you, dad, mom. I was planning to introduce this game to the royal twins next week. I already asked Rupert to start the disc production. I will bring 5 as a gift to them. I hope I can make late grandfather proud of me." Adrian tells his parents his plans.

"Good. You can handle it. If there is anything you and always asked anything from us. And you too Mary. We really love both of you, don't hesitate to asked anything from us." Malcom proudly said his words to his loving kids. Amanda nodded and look at her kids with loving eyes.

They enjoy dinner together and spend time happily throughout dinner. After dinner, Adrian just wants to dive in his bed and go straight to sleep while Marylyn read some books first before going to sleep.

Ralph was cleaning up the table and doing other chores. Suddenly, Malcom and Amanda both appear in front of him. Ralph bows to greet them.

"Ralph, you have been quiet ever since you came back. Is there anything you have to tell us?" Amanda starts questioning him because of his suspicious behaviour since he came back with the kids.

"Nothing at all madam. Everything is fine. Seeing the young master's brilliance, makes me hesitant that I could be of use to him in the future. After all, both of you know I don't have a successor to take in my position. My family lineage is cursed with a bloodline disease. That is what I'm worried about." Ralph gives a different response to avoid lying and keeping his oath.

"I see… That is true. But we don't need to think of the future that much. Seeing our son growth, we already know he can bring people gather around him. No need to worry Ralph, just do your best in the present and be the best in the future." Malcom looked at Amanda to dissipate her suspicions on Ralph while giving Ralph some assurance. The couple then both disappear.

"In the name of the gods, please give me strength." Ralph prayed in his heart without knowing the gods already granted his wish as his fate had become closer to Adrian's.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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