
Equipped: Armory of Legends

Park Jae Sung a prodigy of effort and care for the people he loved the most. But, he still lost everything. After 10 years of hard work, he manage to rise up from he ashes. With his self created companion by his side anything can be accomplished. Still, fate is not always as it seems. "Huh? A gift? Armory of Legends?" [Yes. Master will be able to summon legendary weapons from Earth to Etterra, enhance by the world energy.] [Excalibur, Ruyi Jingu Bang, Mjolnir, Poseidon's trident and many more. Master can equip them.] Join in the journey through the world of Etterra and see what happens when a prodigy and his companion crushes through it all.

IPNH · Fantaisie
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64 Chs

Chapter 24: The Durandal Effect

It was already early morning where the sun is not yet to be seen. Inside a room of a mansion, a boy is wearing a flabbergast expression after seeing his improvements in only 6 hours.

"This is ridiculous. I'm almost achieve the Moon stage in just one night. Most people need to circulate mana for 3 years to achieve this. All thanks to Aria's gift." Adrian praises himself and Aria for the unprecedented achievement.

[Responding. ARIA appreciates Master's praise.]

"Now is the time for my physical training. Although, circulating mana brings me more benefits but I still believe physical training can solidify my foundation." Adrian retracts Durandal and the Grimoire back, one vanishes while the other turns back into a tattoo respectively.

"The problem right now is stronger people can estimate weaker one's mana. The mansion will be suspicious how I can rise to 7 Star stage in one night after failing to cast a single spell yesterday. Aria, solutions please." Adrian adds and turns to Aria for a solution.

[Responding. ARIA had 2 solutions.]

"Oh? That is good. Tell me." Adrian starts to wonder what the options are.

[Responding. Master can use the 'Grimoire of the Fallen' to mask Master's mana presence or Master can hide Master's own mana presence with practice.]

"Of course. I was in a panic that I didn't think of that sooner. There is no way I will be showing the tattoo. Sigh… I need to collect myself after this. These problems should not even shake Park Jae Sung." Adrian slaps his forehead forgetting that he is also the prodigy Park Jae Sung.

"Huff…" Adrian breathes rhythmically while suppressing his mana presence making sure people will saw him as a 1 Star stage kid.

[Notice. Master's mana has been detected and estimated to be 1 Star stage.]

[INT: 211]

"Sigh… Finally done." Adrian took 30 minutes to hide his mana. That is already amazing for a first try because of Adrian had already master the basic properties of mana before he even awakened.

Suddenly, he sensed a presence of someone outside his room but the presence is familiar. He quickly changes in to his training outfit and open the locked door.

"Good morning, young master." Ralph greets

"Good morning, Ralph. Let's go. I'm quite late today. 'Windrun'." Adrian rushes to the training grounds using magic.

Ralph widens his eyes seeing Adrian using magic with no hesitation. He activates his own 'Windrun' and keep up after Adrian.

After 3 hours of agility training and sword practice. The sun had already fully risen. Adrian stops and return back to take a bath as well as eating breakfast.

[STR: 149] [AGI: 150] [END: 164]

Adrian smiled seeing his risen stats. He is had a bit of confidence to beat hologram Ralph now.

After breakfast, Adrian is with Marylyn in the library helping her with her studies. Adrian manages to sneak a conversation with Aria while helping Marylyn.

"Aria, can I use any of the 7 spells that I created now that I reach 7 Star stage?" Adrian asked in his thought.

[Responding. Master can only use one of them named 'Solidified Smoke Trap'. As for the other 6, Master is currently lacking mana to cast them.]

"Sigh… I figured. That spell is the last-ditch effort to cast a self-made spell. But it is still not enough yesterday. If one used up all their mana, they will be in a weakened state or had the possibility to die huh?" Adrian starts to ponder on Aria's warning yesterday.

Adrian looked at his cute little sister who is reading cheerfully. Thinking back, she rarely asked any questions to him. She just asked about some of the weird terms that he use. Marylyn is actually smart but she just loves her big brother.

"Maybe I should just improve the most basic of spells? Making comparisons with each pattern and its effects. With this I can write a book for Marylyn to study it. It will help her with her development in the future." Adrian stares at Marylyn without her knowing.

"Let's make it her 10th birthday present. I will find a way to give it to her even when I'm in the academy. Also, I can't just give her dolls that grew bigger every year, right?" Adrian started to think about the past gifts he made for Marylyn.

"Big brother, why are you staring at Mary? Do you want to go outside to make magic again?" Marylyn asked.

"No. It's nothing. I was just thinking about the birthday present that I gave you in the past." Adrian being honest to change the topic.

"Mary loves it very much. Big brother made it bigger every year. Mary loves them all." Marylyn says joyfully when talking about the dolls that she collected.

"That is good that you like it. Big brother is glad." Adrian cress his sister's head.

"Are you okay with it that I go back to my room? I will join for lunch. Ralph you can take care of Marylyn for me as I will only stay in my room for 'personal thinking'. Do this for me, please?" Adrian speaks with Marylyn and give an order to Ralph.

"Okie dokie. Mary is okay because brother's books are the best. Mary will come to big brother's room when it is lunchtime." Marylyn smiled while lifting her hand in the air.

"Yes, young master." Ralph agrees with reluctance.

Adrian went back to his room and locked the door. He opens the 'Map' to see the members of the mansion is at their supposed location for today. 'Map is the most powerful feature to Adrian. Unlimited range surveillance throughout Etterra.

The downside is there is no audio and he only cannot see what is inside a man created structure that he never been to before. That is enough for him. Adrian only uses it to spy on his family members location knowing that they are okay. Even though, he had access to spy on the Palace and the inn that he temporarily stayed before.

"Okay Aria, let's begin. Equipped. Grimoire come out." Adrian begins to feel pumped up.

[Responding. 3 goals are willed by Master while Master is circulating mana. Goals are 'Strengthening basic magic circles', 'Making spell language dictionary', and 'Drawing plans for multipurpose doll for Marylyn 9th birthday'.]

[Notice. Activating 'Parallel thought' and 'Accelerated thought' for maximum efficiency.]

Adrian only tested parallel thought when fighting with hologram Kyle Shields. The effects are marvellous. Having a 2nd Adrian to think is a game changer if paired with accelerated thought. Plans, strategies and execution, all of it became one enough to take down a newly Crescent Moon stage mage.

Adrian's physical body and 1st mind is already circulating mana while the 2nd one is studying the deconstructed magic circles in his in front of him. Glitches begin to move on their own one by one of the functions are recorded, basic spells enhanced and stored inside 'Memory Palace'.

4 hours left until lunch time and 4 hours passed just like that. A loud knocking accompanying a cute voice coming from Adrian's door.

"Big brother its lunchtime!" Marylyn joyfully knocking the door with Ralph standing by the side.

Adrian came back to his senses and stood up feeling satisfied after seeing his status and the progress of 'the other him'. He controls his mana to be seen a 1 Star stage. After that he recalls Durandal and the grimoire then hide the tattoos.

"Coming." Adrian responds and open the door to have lunch.

[Name: Park Jae Sung] [Age:10] [Level: 10 Star stage]

[STR: 172] [AGI: 176] [END: 180] [INT: 269] [Mana: 1000]

[Affinity: 10 Elements]

"My intelligence increases exponentially. It must be because of Durandal's 'Mana circulation +' giving me a deep understanding of mana. That is really the Durandal effect." Adrian thought while holding Marylyn's hand to the dining room.

The cover sicks? IKR.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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