

{It's a book in progress , i don't know if you will like it or not , i will Keep writing until im bored , the reason i wrote this book was because I'd like to bring my fantasy to life nothing more } ~~ The mc as long as he could remember , he was working on a slave mine company for at least 4 years now .The abuse and the violence was a daily occurrence , but all changed when a girl appeared and she gave him a name " sky?" Follow sky as he dives deeper in the secrets of the world and he tries to change it

sakxra · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


"Move it will ya?"


the whip went flying, toward the young kid lying in the ground, mercilessly ,one hit after the other

bam! bam!

" im .. sorry ?"

the kid didn't know what to do and tried to apologize while spitting blood from his mouth

"you are sorry !? you dare look at the Lord's daughter you filthy slave ! you deserve to die!"

Bam ! Bam

the hits kept on coming until the whip found its way towards its head under the little arms that were covering it and fell unconscious

" HM ! lucky trash ! "

the man grabbed the kid by his legs forcefully and started dragging him towards the tunnel until they were no more .


In a dark cell , the young kidd laid face down with a pool of his blood scattered around

' again ... again why ... ?'

He couldn't understand .

'what did i do .now? '

He didn't know what he did to deserve that beating ..

from the words of that guard he probably looked at the young miss but .. she said to look at her.. she said it was fine. . the kid recalled what happened

- twelve people were working with hammers beside the main street


A carriage just happened to pass by , a luxurious one at that , inside the corage a young beautiful girl with curly golden hair and blue eyes was talking with an elegant and handsome blond man

" Father I don't want to go to Kyle's party he is disgusting!"

"Emilia ,my love we talked about this before .. me and his father have a good partnership , please don't ruin it ..."

"But father you are super strong why do you need him!?"

"uh well emi that's how the world works , you will learn its gears soon "

"hm i don't want to!

Bam !

The hammer hitting rock sounded from the window

Emilia looked outside and saw a common sight, ' people ' working ,she didn't think anything else

Suddenly a hammer went flying and went in front of the carriege ,and simultaneously almost a kid went after it maniacally like his life depended on it ,and to the shock of Emilia the courage hit the kid



Emilia shouted and went running outside , she went beside the kid and kneeled

" Are you okay?"

once the kid saw the clothes of the person standing in front of it , he went kneeling on his four and apologized with a tremor on his voice

" Please don't hit me , it was a mistake , Im sorry, I'm sorry ! im s-"

Emilia was quite shocked at the kids reaction ,they bumped into him and he apologized , it was quite confusing for her

" No no im sorry ,you don't need to apologize and please stand up "

the kid shook his head

"please or ill ... ill cry "

" ! please don't cry ill stand up !

" ok now look at me "

"! No! "

"or ill cry ..."


the kid looked up and saw those beautiful sky blue eyes the little kids just stayed there looking at each others eyes ,it was like time stopped for both of them , but suddenly something had to break it apart

"You !"

A masculine voice was heard and the kid flinched

"what do you thi-"

"sh! shut up !"

"but my lord ! that filthy slave -"

"i said shut up or I'll kill you.."


the guy backed down and waited

"Emilia lets go!"

"Dad ..can we -"

"i said lets go.."

her father grabbed her hand and went for the carriege

But Emilia suddenly freed herself form her father's grasp and went Infront of the kneeling kid

"what's your name?"

" i ...i don't have one .."

'he doesn't have one ?'

Emilia was shocked again

"ok! from now on you will be known as sky , because the sky is boundless ,as you will be !"



' i have a name ..sky..'

'and She said she will be back ..'

sky looked around but he couldn't move his body ,he was badly hurt this time ..' so this is it .. just as old g said that's how it feels .. to die ..'

the kid went idle not moving an inch he was barley breathing

-- A dark stary world enveloped sky as he was opening his eyes it was like he was in the outer space with small little stars surrounding him

'hm ?where am i?'

he tried to move and he started floating around ..

'what is this ?

some stars were brighter than the others and some darker but je noticed a specific star that was just .. grey not bright neither dark .. just.. grey and he felt like it was calling him .So sky went for it , other stars tried to entice his curiosity but he just brashed them off ,until he reached the grey star which enveloped him instantly and he fainted again


upon waking up sky thought about that dream the other day

'what was that ? i feel different '

" KID ! are u still alive?"

the guard's voice sounded form outside the cell

" hehe it seems that you are unlucky and ..ok kid lets get you to the mines

it was like any other day , in the mines the workers worked till their bone's broke and as always sky was hammering a big strangely round rock he found interest in weird things since he could remember or ..well at least that's what. old g Said .sky was hitting the without thinking until it collapsed and a passage was there so tiny that only his skiny self could fit inside

" oii ! kid what did you find there ?"

" uhm sir i just ..just -"

"hmm.. ok lets get you in there ! don't dare to run off !

"but sir im .. Afraid!!"

"hahahahha , I don't care kid , here take this knife and off you go ! throw him inside and seal the entrance if he wants to leave he will have to find something !

" please no !"

--- the passage was to dark and to small he barely passed his tiny body

suddenly he started falling for about one meter


'hm where am i?'

he lit up his torch that the guard's game him and what he saw stunned him

'thats ..thats !

"oi kid did you find anything?"

"Yes! . . yes i did ! i can buy my freedom!

"what the hell are you talking about , for you to buy your freedom you need to find ...shit !! kid bring that here now and you are free !!! bring that blue crystal !"

" y..yes ! i w..will !

sky started walking towards the blue crystal once he was 1 meter away he heard footsteps behind him

"!" what he saw terrified him to the core

' that! Blue lizard !'

the blue lizard was a mutant beast as the humans called them it was at average 2 metres long had perfect regeneration , explosive speed and tough skin it was a nightmare to deal with especially if you were dealing with an advanced one , luckily the one in front of sky was a pup but that didn't mean it wasn't a mutant , it could kill an adult male within seconds ,the lizard just stood there and kept staring at sky with its deep blue eyes

sky now remembered what old g used to tell him about the monsters and that if he ever finds a blue lizard ..he should just pray


as he was about to shout out for help ,the blue lizard advanced fast , stupid fast until it was upon him


it hit his abdomen and sky went flying towards the wall


drip drip

blood started coming out of his mouth he probably had broken same bones along with the impact .Sky tried to stand up but then realized he couldn't move his legs


as he was shocked he looked around him frantically and saw the blue eyes of the lizard staring at him

and then he got an idea ,He rolled and caught the blue crystal and he waited until finally the lizard started moving again .Sky couldn't see it's movement so he predicted it by its earlier move and just pointed the crystal there at the last second

klch !

sky opened up his eyes after he tightly closed them and didn't see anything just darkness and something smelling really bad he tried to yank the crystal out of the body but nothing worked because he couldn't move his arms , he felt his back being peirced by something but that feeling was lost as well the only thing that remained was the pain and him starting to black out but

_ding - system welcome's sky -

-authorization acquired - system rebooting-

_ding *

°Name : sky

Race : Human

sub species : none

Core : Black core

stage : dark

abilities : Ex rank { faceless } ( 0%)


*would you like to acquire blue lizard genetics? (Y/N) (78%)


'what does this mean ?'

*answer: You will obtain his abilities and his race .

'hm? why his race ?'

*answer : because you are 78% compatible.

'? am i dreaming before i - ah! .. die '

'yes do ti ..'

Beginning Synchronization please wait :(02%)

and then he fainted


"what is that kid still doing?!"

"boss we can't go down there its too small !"

"ok ! then blow it up ! "


"but boss the whole tunnel might collapse !"

" I don't want to lose that crystal ! bring the dynamite or else you die !"

"ok boss ! "

' let's see what you did filthy trash!'

-- at the tunnel --


"boss we are in !"

" that ! that is a blue lizard!"

"shit! no wonder the kid didn't answer haha he was dead !"

"where it the blue crystal!?"

"i cant find it boss "

"... or you find it or you dead "

"yes boss !"

"take that kidd out of that lizards mouth it probably died from the explosion "

"what to do with the kid ?"

" i don't know throw him to the pit !"

"yes boss !"

' poor kid , even till death you cant have peace '

the heanchmsn dragged sky out of the lizards mouth and started heading out for the pit







Sky was lying face first , on the ground he was surrounded by big thick walls that had small holes in them


sky woke up and frantically started looking around him

'where am i?'

gdoop !

he felt pain in his left shoulder and before he could register what happened ,he fell down


pov (san)

" huh? nothing ,he just died like that?"

a guy dressed in black came from the shadows holding a bow and an arrow

"why did they put someone so weak in here?"

they guy said as he was putting his foot on sky to remove the arrow

"did they thought he was dead?"


"hmm.. nevermind it's another power up for me hehe.."

as the guy turned around to pick up his bow he felt danger from behind and did a roll to the side , confused he looked behind and got stunned

" uh? aren't you dead ?"

"Get away from me !"

sky was holding a rock that he swang down at the guy earlier , and trembling he started shouting

"I'll kill you stay away !"

the guys was definitely amused not afraid or anxious just amused

'hm.. he should be dead .. that means he is a mutant ! i got to kill him! but ..'

"kid relax it was my bad , it wasn't my intention to kill you !"

"look ill leave down my bow and arrow and ill show you that im your friend ,my name is san ,yours?"

san said while walking towards sky slowly as to not scare him , sky didn't know what to do , he was a kid the only knowledge for the world that he possessed was from an old man , he didn't know the dark side of the world .. yet he was naive ,so he froze

"stay ! stay b.. back!"

"look here kid i just want to help you !"

guy took another step

" i ..i -"

"we can be friends ,we can help each other survive!"

he rook another step

" stop ! stop! i said!"

san stopped he sighed and said impatiently

"look I'll give you some information about this place and then you could trust me right ? will someone give information to a stranger ?"

"o.. i ..okay but you stay back!"

'yes kid that's it !'

"ok so first of all we are in the pitt"


sky looked shocked

"so you do know about it"

he shook his head and said

"no.. i only know its name and that it's dangerous!"

"great ..great "

san inwardly grinned

' stupid kid ..this is too easy!'

san sat down

"ok so this place is like a prison for us ..ehmm... bad guys ok .."

sky knodded

"nice ..so they drop us here to.. ehmm die.. yes die "

sky already knew about that so he just knodded

"what if i say that you could theoretically escape this place ,buy the price is to kill any other ' participant ' so you will be the only one left ..."

sky seemed to be into deep thinking

"so..we can help each other survive right?"

"kid ? right?"

san took off his mask he had black hair green eyes and a scar that run diagonally across his face ,he didn't have a Very trustable fave to say the least

" hmm.. so-"

"now you need to tell me some information if we are going to work together ..ok kid ?"

sky thought about first and knodded

"ok so you are a mutant right?"

" what's..what's that?"

' don't you know anything kid!?'

"huh... say inwardly system"

"o..ok "

san just sat there looking at the surprised face of sky

'si he is a mutant..now to determine his core ..'

"ok next to the core thingy ,tell me what does it say ?"

sky didn't answer for about a minute but at the end he wanted to know too so ..

"bl.. black core!"


san just sat there and by the minute his expression changed from friendly to ironic and then he started laughing


san held his head with both arms

"im so stupid kid !fuck !"

sky was perplexed , and he started backing away

" i thought you were a talented brat .. fuck i wasted time , now stay still so i can kill you!"

san said and he jumped up grabbing simultaneously his bow and arrows

sky got scared but before he could say anything he got an arrow to his chest and stomach and his neck

with a surprised and fearful expression filled with pain sky fell motionless down

"fuuuu .. well that was fun .."