
Epic of the Demonic Deity

This is a FanFic.... I do not own anything!! All the characters except MC (and probably a few other characters) and all the Worlds belong to their original owners. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Well, I will keep it simple. A boy meets truck kun and gets reincarnated into an Anime world by the Goddess. It seems very simple in the beginning but the boy had a very mysterious background. Follow the journey of Alex, as he uncovers his origin while travelling through his favorite Anime worlds, build up his power and create a harem along the way. 1st World: My Hero Academia ------------------------------------------------------------------- Some Important Points: 1. English is not my first language and also this is my first novel. So, please overlook any grammatical or structural errors. 2. Please note that some of the characters in the fanfic might have different personalities compared to their original versions. 3. This is my first novel and there will be a lot of mistakes. I accept suggestions and criticism but please do not spread hate and also meaningless low rating reviews without a proper reason. 4. MC will be overpowered. 5. Update schedule will be inconsistent as I am a student and do not have much time to write. 6. I do not own the cover picture, if you are the owner and want me to take it down please comment on any chapter.

XXDarkKingXX · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Alex POV:

I opened my eyes to see the face of a woman, she was extremely tired but her eyes were resolute, then he heard her murmur.

"Do not worry my baby, no matter what happens I will save you. I will not let them lay their hands on you."

Hearing her words Alex was able to understand that they were being chased by someone but he couldn't understand the reason, even if he did he was not in a position to do anything about it.

The woman saw that her pursuers are getting close and said to Alex.

"My cute little baby boy, that man is very persistent for your quirk. Even though you have not fully awakened it, he has somehow realized the potential of your quirk and is trying to steal it. Forgive mommy for not being able to completely protect you. All I can do is divert them to keep you safe. Forgive me."

Saying this the woman safely placed Alex in an alleyway and kept running. She kept running until some more time but her pursuers caught up to her and captured her.


Nejire Hado POV:

Today I was feeling very happy. I went out shopping with my parents, later we saw a movie and then had dinner at a restaurant. We are currently walking back to our house, it is raining very heavily, so my father is holding an umbrella for me and my mother. While we were walking, I suddenly felt like I heard someone cry but I thought it was my imagination but after walking for some distance, I again heard someone cry. Now I realized it was a baby's cry. I immediately told my parents.

"Mom, Dad, I could hear a baby cry."

"I guess it is your imagination dear, I cannot hear any sound in this rain." said Nejire's mom.

"No, I definitely heard it." saying this I ran in the direction I heard the sound coming from not minding the rain.

Her parents followed behind her to bring her back fearing that she would get sick in the rain.

I went into an alley and found that there really is a baby placed in a corner of the alley in a basket. I saw that he was a really cute boy, I wanted to pick him up but didn't as I feared I cannot hold him properly and drop him.

I saw my parents coming and I told them about the baby. My mother picked up the baby and saw that apart from the baby there is only a slip of paper in the basket which has a name "Alexander", which they thought was the boy's name. Apart from that there is nothing else in the basket.

They searched to see if there are any people nearby to ask if they knew about the baby. As they saw the streets were empty, they decided to take the baby home as it was already very late and decide what to do with him tomorrow.


Alex POV:

I was so tired and so uncomfortable in the rain that I couldn't resist crying. I cried for so long and after some time I saw a small girl approach me. I wasn't able to see her face in the darkness but from her height, I was able to deduce she is a 2-3 year old kid. I was only able to identify her as a girl even in that darkness is because of her long hair. When she came in front of me I was able to see her face clearly. I saw a cute face with periwinkle colored hair and realized who she was. Seeing her I relaxed and showed her a bright smile knowing that now I will be safe, after that I couldn't hold out anymore and my exhaustion took over me and I drifted into sleep.

I woke up to the sound of a little girl squealing and playing with my cheeks. I opened my eyes to see that it was Nejire. She then asked her parents.

"Can we keep him, I always wanted someone to play with, please, please."

"We cannot keep him like that, me and your father will go to police station to talk to them about him." said her mother.

"They abandoned him, they left them in an alley, if you go to the police they would put him in an orphanage. Please let's keep him." said Nejire.

"Sigh!... Okay, let us go and talk to the officers. If he really do not have anyone then we will adopt him and raise him." said Nejire's mom.

Then both Nejire's mom and dad took Alex to a Police Station to tell them about the situation, they have done a small enquiry and informed them that they could not find any details and told them that they would admit Alex in an orphanage.

But Nejire's parents suggested that they would like to adopt him and the police officers accepted their request and started the application for the adoption.

A few hours later both Nejire's mom and dad came home and told Nejire that they were going to adopt Alex.

"Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..." laughing and shouting happily Nejire went where Alex is sleeping and started playing with him.

Seeing this Alex thought that this life is going to be a really exciting one.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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