
Epic of the Demonic Deity

This is a FanFic.... I do not own anything!! All the characters except MC (and probably a few other characters) and all the Worlds belong to their original owners. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Well, I will keep it simple. A boy meets truck kun and gets reincarnated into an Anime world by the Goddess. It seems very simple in the beginning but the boy had a very mysterious background. Follow the journey of Alex, as he uncovers his origin while travelling through his favorite Anime worlds, build up his power and create a harem along the way. 1st World: My Hero Academia ------------------------------------------------------------------- Some Important Points: 1. English is not my first language and also this is my first novel. So, please overlook any grammatical or structural errors. 2. Please note that some of the characters in the fanfic might have different personalities compared to their original versions. 3. This is my first novel and there will be a lot of mistakes. I accept suggestions and criticism but please do not spread hate and also meaningless low rating reviews without a proper reason. 4. MC will be overpowered. 5. Update schedule will be inconsistent as I am a student and do not have much time to write. 6. I do not own the cover picture, if you are the owner and want me to take it down please comment on any chapter.

XXDarkKingXX · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Alex's Thoughts and Nejire's Quirk

Alex POV:

It's been 5 years since I was born in this world. In this world, people generally awaken their quirk by the age of 4 but I still haven't awakened my quirk. I still remember the goddess telling me that she has awakened my bloodline, the powers of which will come to me in the form of my quirk. I can also feel that there is something in me that is waiting to be completely awakened but is not because my body is not strong enough to contain it. So, I have trained my body hard.

It's 6:30 in the morning, I just finished running and started my daily exercise routine. During these 5 years, I thought a lot about how to complete my mission of defeating All for One. In the beginning, I thought of defeating him just for the mission and also because I thought it would be fun. Who wouldn't think that though? Seeing all those anime and reading all those novels, there were many instances at which I thought of reincarnating into one of those fictional worlds and defeating those villains while creating a huge harem.

But after living in this world for so long, I started to want to protect this world from destruction. Even though All for One does not want to destroy the world itself, his ideals do not bring anything but destruction to the world. So, I genuinely want to stop him.

I also cannot trust Izuku with that task, he is one of the wimpiest protagonists I have ever seen. Even while I was watching the anime, sometimes I would get so frustrated with him that I would want to slap him hard. One time I also thought that the reason behind Bakugo being frustrated all the time is because he's dealing with Izuku since childhood. But still, I could never bring myself to hate him.

While thinking about all this I started doing my last set of pushups and suddenly I felt a heavy weight fall on me and I fell. I do not have to turn around to see who it was, because I could already recognize who it was and not to mention that heavenly sensation on my back.

"How many times did I tell you that it is dangerous to jump on me when I am working out?" said Alex while trying to get out from under her.

"As many times as I told you that it is not good to get lost in thoughts while you are working out." said Nejire while hugging him tightly from behind and preventing him from getting up and running away from her.

"If you keep on doing this I could get seriously injured you know?" saying this he was successfully able to escape from her grasp and stand up.

"Your body is too sturdy to get injured from me jumping on you. You were so soft and chubby when you were a baby though, it was a lot better sleeping while cuddling you during that time." said Nejire while pouting.

"If you do not like sleeping with me then you can sleep in your room, you know?" said Alex while smirking, he knows that she cannot sleep if she is not cuddling him.

Nejire realized that he was teasing her and started running towards him to hit him, while he ran into the house. Seeing all this happening in their backyard, Nejire's mom just smiled while preparing breakfast for their family.

Nejire has awakened her quirk 3 years ago when she was 4 years old, so yes she is 2 years older than me and I am the same age as Izuku just as I requested the Goddess. She awakened the same quirk as in the canon and also named it the same, Wave Motion. Today is a weekend, so Nejire and I are just playing in her room after we had our breakfast.

"So, are you going to ask our parents today about the thing you told me last week?" Nejire asked Alex.

"It's not me but us, we are both going to ask as it is something we both want to do." replied Alex.

"But I do not want to join a dojo though, it is boring and it will be very tiring. I instead want to use that time to play." said Nejire while pouting showing her dissatisfaction.

"I explained this to you already, your quirk mainly depends on your stamina, so you have to train your body a lot for you to use your quirk more freely." said Alex trying to convince her.

"But isn't simple exercise like running isn't enough for me to increase my stamina, why should I join a dojo? Also, what would I do by learning close-quarters combat, my quirk is an emission type. I can just stand back and fire my quirk and defeat the villains." said Nejire still not getting completely convinced.

"Then what would you do if a villain comes close to you while dodging your attack, simply stare at him and do nothing?" said Alex.

"But..." again Nejire tried to convince Alex but he is not willing to listen to her complaints and said firmly.

"Do not try to convince me anymore and also it is not like you are the only one going, I will also be coming with you to learn."

"Ok" saying so she finally agreed.

Alex was relieved that she stopped making a fuss but there is another reason for him forcing her to learn how to fight. Even though the Anime version of her was shown in such a way that she could only use her quirk in a wave motion, he thought there was more to her quirk. The basis of her quirk is to convert stamina into energy and release it in the form of a wave, thinking of this he remembered it is very similar to how all the characters in Dragon Ball Z release those energy blasts. So, he thought that if she could manipulate the conversion of energy properly she would be able to recreate techniques like Naruto's Rasengan, Goku's Kamehameha, and a lot more.

Also, she could use that energy on her fists and legs and fight in close quarters instead of just sending it in the form of a wave. He knows that this is all far-fetched and might not be possible but he wants to give it a try and make it possible. If she could recreate at least some of those techniques, then she would be a lot stronger than her Anime version.

After that, they both played for a while and it is lunchtime. The family of 4 were had their lunch and were just relaxing in their living room while watching television. This is their general routine on a weekend. Alex thought that this is the perfect time to ask their parents and said.

"Dad, Mom, we both want to join in a dojo and learn how to fight."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

XXDarkKingXXcreators' thoughts