
Ensnared By Shadows: A Tale Of Love And Vengeance

Isabelle's life changes when Adamine Icarus walks into her life. He seeks for his treasure and will stop at nothing to get it. After witnessing the mad tyrant kill her people, Isabelle is abducted by her worst nightmare. Hidden within her is the cure to the illness that threatens Icarus's life, but it cannot be extracted unless she gives consent. Determined to get revenge for her people, Isabelle swears to never give up the cure. She would endure every torture just to make sure that Adamine Icarus meets his death. Will Isabelle be able to hold on until Icarus's life diminishes, or will she yield to his ensnaring darkness?

Aniagboso_Martins · Fantaisie
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23 Chs


Julian entered the room after being permitted to. Since Isabelle had been warming up slowly and getting more active, he couldn't walk into Icarus's room without knocking anymore. His vehicle was ready, and he was ten minutes late. Julian had come to persuade his friend, but when he walked in, he discovered the exact reason why Icarus wasn't done preparing yet. It wasn't that he wasn't done preparing, he just couldn't leave while Isabelle was yet to get ready.

Julian shot his friend an inquisitive glance, before turning to meet the nervous princess who was still struggling to walk in her shoes.

"Is she coming along?" He asked after pulling Icarus aside. Isabelle hadn't been part of the plan, but Icarus had made last minute decisions and included her. However, he had forgotten to inform Julian and his escorts about this change.

"Yes, I can't leave her in this place, not when there's a killer on the loose." Icarus replied firmly.