
Enmity and Affection: The Story of Two Kingdoms' Star-Crossed Lovers

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What is Enmity and Affection: The Story of Two Kingdoms' Star-Crossed Lovers

Lisez le roman Enmity and Affection: The Story of Two Kingdoms' Star-Crossed Lovers écrit par l'auteur KiyoAsahiKaishi publié sur WebNovel. "Enmity and Affection: The Story of Two Kingdoms' Star-Crossed Lovers" is a tale of two powerful kingdoms, the Kingdom of Azure and the Kingdom of Crimson, who are at odds with each other. The story r...


"Enmity and Affection: The Story of Two Kingdoms' Star-Crossed Lovers" is a tale of two powerful kingdoms, the Kingdom of Azure and the Kingdom of Crimson, who are at odds with each other. The story revolves around the young Prince Alexander of Azure, who visits the Kingdom of Crimson on a diplomatic mission and meets Princess Isabella, the daughter of the Crimson King. The two fall in love, but their families are not happy about it, as they have been enemies for years. Despite their families' objections, Alexander and Isabella continue to meet in secret. However, war breaks out between the two kingdoms, and the lovers are forced to part ways. They think of each other every day, hoping that someday they will be reunited. After years of separation, the war finally ends, and Alexander and Isabella are able to see each other again. The two run towards each other, hoping that their love will finally be able to flourish without fear of their families' objections. The story explores themes of love, loyalty, and sacrifice. It shows how love can transcend boundaries and bring people together despite their differences. It also highlights the importance of putting aside differences for the greater good and how war and conflict can only bring destruction and heartache.

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