
Enigma Of Love

A Master-maid relationship, formed from an accident. Alexander Luen, an influential figure in the country, feared by many and worshipped like a God in the business industry, 28 years of age. By accident, he hit a young girl who was crossing right Infront of his car. It was later stated that she had a memory loss due to the accident and she could remember nothing, not even her name. When she regained consciousness and found out about her situation, she had no choice but to plead with him to offer her a job since she had no one. With the job tag of a full time maid, what happens when feelings begins to spark between them? Including all the obstacle keeping them apart. He is a wealthy heir, she is just a maid in his residence with no background. He is a man, and she is just a teenager who fell in-love with her master. Just when Alexander planned on accepting his feelings for her, an unexpected turn took place. What will happen? will he still go on with his initial plan of accepting his love for her? Or will the sudden turn of event have an effect on that decision.

Author_Bright · Urbain
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21 Chs

I Am Doomed

Stirring and turning on the bed, Alyce could feel her body, she wasn't sure where she was. The last thing she remembered, she was drowning in a pool.

Her eyes squeezed in her subconsciousness till she fluttered them open, for her to be met with the familiar ceiling of her room. She Wondered on how she got back but she could remember nothing, the ache in her head did no good either as she winced badly from the pain.

Alyce looked around one more time to be sure that she was really in her room and was not hallucinating or something. She was expecting to be dead right now because the feeling she felt when she was sinking in the water was too much to be able to stand.

Her hand flew to her chest, to the left area rubbing on it softly but it didn't hurt anymore, making her sigh in great relief.

The ticking clock drew her notice to the time, it was past one in the morning, that late? She wondered.

She felt her throat was parched and she needed water intensely. But she couldn't move a muscle and it was terrorising.

She tried to move one more time but it was futile, the pain that passed through her nerves was enough to put her down. The most annoying thing was that, the water jug was empty and she had to go to the kitchen to get water instead.

"How will I do that when I can't even reach for the jug." She sadly mused to herself.

The weakness in her bone was getting worse and she could feel it. She decided to give up already and just try to fall asleep over again.

As if her prayer request was answered, the door slowly swung open and she patiently waited for who ever it was to come into view. Not expecting it to be…

"Master?" She called out in a surprised whisper.

Alexander walked into the room with a care-less look. His face was frosty looking and cold.

Alyce slowly sat up with all the strength she could gather. She brought her head down when she realized that he was the one. She felt guilt eating her up. To top it all up, he was so silent.

Yes! Normally he is always silent, but this was on another level and she could feel it. Which human being with a conscience won't know when someone is unusual.

A mug with vapor emitting from it came in front of her, she bit on her lips and traced the mug up to his face. It was still stone-still.

The innocence and guilt in her eyes were enough to rock the anger off but Alexander just could not let it. It was quite clear that she was aware of her mistakes and had already noticed the reason for his expression.

Bringing her gaze down again, Alyce stretched out and reached for the mug.

Without a word, Alexander turned around to leave.

The look she had on her face was akin to that of a child being bullied, her lips were pouted and her eyes turned bulgy, already wet from unshed tears.

Somehow she didn't like it when he purposely ignores her this way it just didn't feel right to her.

He had already reached for the handle on the door when a quick and loud sneeze reverberated in the room, he paused a little but ignored it and was to continue when another echoed, making him halt again.

Alex turned towards her, she was busy rubbing the back of her palm on her nose which had redden a little. He only gave her a look and was about leaving again but this time, it was louder and stronger. He had to walk back to her.

Alyce raised her head to him giving him the baby doll eyes.

"Drink while it's still hot." Alex muttered expressionlessly.

Alyce nodded obediently and drank the hot milk in the mug.

"It's nice." She couldn't help but praise with a wide smile.

Alex nonchalantly did like he didn't hear her, with his hands in his pajamas pockets he patiently waited for her to be done.

Alyce could see this very well and could only prolong her drinking.

"It's hot." Without being asked she spouted innocently.

Too bad she can't drink a mug of milk for hours. In no time she was done, even sooner than she planned to stall.

Reluctantly she dropped the mug from her already redden lips.

"Are you done?"

Alyce nodded in reply.

He took the mug and turn to leave.

"I'm sorry." She mummered but it was to his hearing.

He heard her but still left. This time she could do nothing to make him stop.

She preffered it if he would have shouted and scolded her instead, she didn't like this silent treatment, it was agonizing.

Alyce closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep but the discomfort in her chest was weighing her down heavily. She turned left and then right, sometimes even lie on her back and face the Ceiling but nothing worked, she wasn't falling asleep.

Up until the point she decided to do what she never believed she had the courage to.

Moving the blanket aside, Alyce dropped from the bed, she put on her slippers and left the room.

The next thing she knew, she was standing right infront of the Master's bedroom.

She stretched out her hands folded in knuckles to land a knock on the door but she withdrew it. She found it hard and was in a contemplative stance.

After five tries, she went on and knocked after an exhale. Unexpectedly, the door was opened almost immediately.

"What do you want?" His deep and husky voice rang out in her ears.

Alyce could spot the look he had, he was not expecting to see her there. Surprisingly she became silent. After all the practice she had rehearsed to herself earlier now she was speechless.

".....Master I..I .." Alyce kept stuttering, even one coherent sentence could not escape her lips.

For seconds now she could not say anything. Alex had already leaned on the edge of the door with folded arms waiting for her to speak. One of his brow was raised in an overly perfect arch waiting for her response.

"…I..was…I..just .."

"You just what?" He asked.

Alyce could not explain what brought her here, she started fiddling with her fingers.


A loud sneeze left her lips instead, with a few drops landing on his face.

Her eyes widen and hands flew to her mouth as she palmed it tight. 'I am doomed.'