
Chapter 45: Maple Leaf Gold Coins 1

It was early morning, when Seiya woke up. He smiled as he hugged Ayako before kissing her again which awoken the beautiful woman, she pulled the blanket up as her face blushes from seeing Seiya's naked body. Seiya couldn't help but tease her as he spoke in a joking tone.

"Why so shy now? You were so wild yester*muffled*."

"Don't say it!"

Ayako block off Seiya's mouth as she couldn't help but feel embarrassed while also feeling happy about what happened yesterday. Seiya chuckles as he suppress Ayako by holding both of her hands then giving her a kiss, after that he went out of the bed as he said while wearing his pajama.

"Try to move less, because yesterday was your first time. I will go down and grab some breakfast, sleep for a moment."

Seiya kiss her forehead before going outside his room, in which he noticed that there seem to be a small puddle left in the ground in front of his door. This made him cough as he remembered the little sneaky Sonoko, he went to the kitchen to grab some eggs, bacons and French toast while also taking out a pitcher of orange juice from the refrigerator. He then went back to his room where he saw Ayako already wearing her previous pajama sitting in the chair while the bed sheet was gone, he placed the breakfast onto the table as he said while sitting beside them.

"Let's eat~"

Seiya ate breakfast with Ayako, he talk about giving her a spare key for his new house. In which Ayako became sad and joy at the same time since she will still get to see Seiya but she will also be busy because of internship and requirement papers to submits for graduation. After breakfast, Seiya took a 10 minute shower before getting dress. He then gave Ayako a goodbye kiss before driving his car towards the Police Station while Ayako would stay at home since her internship was at their company so she has privilege. While driving his car, Seiya suddenly heard of a car beeping behind him.

A red Mazda RX-7 drove beside him as it's car window opened, Seiya saw Miwako Sato waiving her hand as she said with a smile.

"Good morning, Seiya-san~"

"Good morning Officer Sato."

The two cars drove side by side as the highway was a bit empty in the morning, Miwako couldn't help but ask as she wanted to see which car was faster.

"Seiya-san, How about we see who can arrive at the station faster?"

"Is this a bet?"

"Sure, Why not? The winner can ask one request from the loser!"

Seiya immediately agreed as he started the count, the moment Seiya spoke of number 3. They both started their gear as they began to drive in their fastest speed, because Miwako is more familiar with the road. She could easily use the fastest way to drive to the police station, Seiya sigh as he immediately use the modification that Shiro ask the car engineer to install into the car. The nitro boost, which increases the speed of car through the speed limit, Seiya easily surpasses Miwako on the road as his vision showed the slow version of everything as It was like the scene where the Flash was moving faster than everything.

At the police station parking lot, Seiya drifted the car as it rotated while fitting perfectly in a empty parking space. While Miwako slowly drove there as she knew that she had lost. She could only await for Seiya's request that she cannot refuse, Seiya went inside Superintendent Matsumoto's office as he submitted the papers that would improve their efficiency but it would take time before it could be adapted since it needs to pass the reviewing process then trial and testing. When he left Matsumoto's office it was 2 hours later, he saw Sato Miwako in the coffee maker as she waive her hand while asking.

"So what is your request?"

"Can't I save it for later?"

"You can.."

The policeman who were close to them, heard their conversation this made them alarm the horde as Miwako asked Seiya if he wanted to eat together. Seiya agreed as he felt that the breakfast for today was not enough, Miwako and Seiya went to the nearest cafe which was at the 1st floor of a mall. The policemen horde led by Inspector Shiratori immediately allowed some of their police car to be driven while carrying some monitoring device. Miwako didn't know they were followed by fellow police officer, while Seiya noticed a few car slowly following them.

Miwako led Seiya to her favorite breakfast cafe, which serves a hot brewed coffee and some warm food. Meanwhile with the Inspector Shiratori leading the flower guardian squad, a few policemen wore civilian clothes as they acted like customers entering the cafe. Seiya couln't help but chuckle which made Miwako tilt her head as she ask?

"Is there something funny?"

"There is, but you don't seem to notice."

"What is it?"

Miwako couldn't help but look around as the 3 undercover policemen near the two felt their sweat flowing down their forehead and palms, she couldn't find anything abnormal which made Seiya chuckle even more. Seiya motioned Miwako with his finger to come closer as he whispered close to her ear which made Miwako blush as she felt his hot breath.

"We have three undercover police officers watching our moves. One is in front of the counter, two is beside the table at the edge of the cafe."

"Why are they monitoring us?"

Miwako asked while she turned serious as she sneakily glance at the civilians that Seiya pointed out. Seiya spoke of his assumption.

"Maybe because you invited me out for breakfast, I can see in the station that there are a lot of men who likes you at the very least admire you."

"This is abuse of using authority."

Miwako's eyebrow furrowed as she felt disgusted on her fellow police officer using their authority to spy on something private. She wanted to stand up and arrest the three but Seiya pulled her hand as he whispered onto her ear.

"Don't do anything, there should be more accomplice hiding outside. Follow my lead."

Miwako nodded as she acted like the usual Sato Miwako, they ate breakfast as Seiya suddenly heard a little girl's voice.

"Big brother, your here?!"

He turns his head around as he saw Ayumi using her little loli legs rushing towards him as a certain little boy detective group were behind her. He place Ayumi onto his lap when she arrived at his leg as he gentle ask.

"Ayumi-chan, what are you guys doing here?"

"We were watching Kamen Yaiba Show!! then when we went down, we acquired a treasure map"

Ayumi described her current events as Seiya was intrigue about the treasure map they found. Miwako staring at the Seiya who was holding Ayumi felt a little jealous, as it seems like they were siblings having fun. Edogawa Conan leading the Detective Team immediately went towards their location as he ask like a kid.

"Brother Seiya, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, Officer Sato invited me to eat breakfast."

"Big brother, look at this treasure map we found."

Ayumi couldn't help but feel displease when Conan interrupted her bonding moments with Brother Seiya, she showed the map that looks like a map drawn to entertain kids. But when he noticed the leaf coin symbol in the map, he already knew what kind of situation that Death God named Conan has encountered. Unknown to the police squad that was guarding their flower of their police station, that there were already a few mafia people staring at the cafe.

Panda......feels hungry KAKAKAKA

PandaWanKenobicreators' thoughts
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