
Encouragement gives positivity


Life is like what you are thinking and how you present your thoughts in real time. Now a days people are very afraid about future. Mainly youth are facing this problem too much. Firstly, youth are thinking like "I'm interested in this work and I can do it better". But, If there is a small negative sign occurs, They feel very sad. In that situation, Family and Society also don't support them. Other than they criticize for failure. After failure, Youth thinks that "let's try one more time, But there Brain says "Already you are failed first attempt, If you are failed second time also, Definitely they will blame you at any cost. So, Do another one, This is not suitable for you". This is the way society and family injects negative impact in your life.

But when you are child, you can't walk without support. If you want to walk without support. You are fell down first time. Then you get up and try to walk again. Second time also you fell down. At that time, Your family encourages you so Much. They said get up and walk, you will do it. Finally you can walk, run freely without any support.

But, at the age of 20, From parents and family side, There is no encouragement. Behalf of that, they compared with others in education, sports, job, marks etc. For example, If you got 90 marks. They compared you and your class mate who got 96 marks. They criticize like "Look at that boy. He got 96 marks. You got 90 only". At that time, They are unhappy with your marks. First parents should change their thinking... Marks can't justify your talent. Instead of comparing with others. Parents said to their children " marks can't create wonders. Just you will focus on your work only. Don't think about result."

"We will encourage our children at the age of two, about walking, talking, all other common things in life. So, why we can't encourage our children at the age of 25. In this age also common things are study, job, money. Because, Encouragement gives positive energy. Comparison and criticism gives negative energy.

Don't compare with others

The first important thing is, Never loose your confidence. Don't compare your life with anyone. Question yourself like, What is my goal?, What I want to do? At that time you will definitely get an idea from you. Don't lose that person .If you want to get succed in yourr life motivate yourself. Think in a positive way, why I can't? Try again and again .One fine day definitely you will get succes.

- Soumya, Teacher

Spread positivity

Positive thinking is a powerful word. We can describe positive thinking in a number of ways. We can't say exactly the people in the world are in positive thoughts. There are only few who are leading there life with positivity. Remember positive thinking makes a person to feel very strong about his way of life or thoughts where as negativity destroys you in every aspect of your life. So always be positive . Be positive about your thoughts. and the way your thinking.

- Sindhu, Civils aspirant