wrong noob mistake
~ Somewhere in the deep and dark endless space, were everething seems Still or Frozen, a sudden fissure in the very fabric of reality takes place appearing seamlessly out of nowere and from what it could only be described as a malleable space the figure of a handsome 19 years old young male emerges looking nothing like a normal human being should look since he seemed like he's made from the space itself..
~`And that is our Mc which has a big smile plastered on his manly but kind face; and his eyes are shining while exploring his new surroundings of this new reality ..
He is focused on his new destination; and guess what!..he's BUTT NAKED and it seems like he doesn't even care abaut it but in reality he isn't even aware about the lack of decor or modesty..
~`Even so he looks like quite a hunk: whit his broad strong shoulders his ferm chest and the perfect eight pack on full display while his long black untied hair which is floating all directions seeming almost alive...
"...Nice to meet you new world"! I do hope to get along real good!" the newcomer said while looking around whit curiosity...
And I'm so excited and anxious the same time, but i try to throw away all those lil things called unneeded distractions and focus on the task in hand which it is : taking my very first step in living my own life; after i thrown away straight into the VOID all the burdens placed on my shoulders ; my old cockroach life from Naruto world and also my so cald original EARTH life; which was not me to begin whit since I'm only a splinter of it: who holds his memories and personal life experiences which i shouldn't even posses in the first place...
...And to do that i need to officially start my adventure and exploration of a new unknown world .In search for the so called civilisation and to fully live my new life unhindered since I'm ready now ["and only the heavens knows how much i needed a change of scenery whit some human touch in it']..
~"Ok let's begin to actually live for once and who knows maybe if I'm fortunate : i could find some female companion whorty of sharing my life and happiness whit in this new world " i said whit some hope traced on my face since i don't want be alone enymore...
~`So the very first thing I do, is to admire the total unknown new random dimension i choose form the infinite number of reality's found in the omniverse and the first adventure in if my guess is correct this is a CORE REALITY not a Alternative Universe or a VERS but a PRIME reality ...
~~I began to let my avatar soak in the law's of this new reality, slowly adapt to it and adjust my power level by lowering..
"WTF "and that is just a LOTTT Wow. !".i didn't have a sense of measure before coming here but now i found out a lot and ..
`Oh man im glad i probed first my entry point in here: because my avatar size is simply astronomical ; hell I'm many times the size of the closest sun in proximity!"..our mc said looking a lil scared about the possible outcome or consequences of how things would turned out if he entered near some habitable planet area or directly inside of it ..."shivers!"...
...So after i powered down by sealing it whit many lairs and adjusted my size i began to search for my new destination..
~`Was it necessary to power down: noop but I'm intruding here so i don't wana do eny damage whit my presence is only common sense:isn't it??..
~`I'm letting my guard down? hell no, what the worst thing could go wrong?getting me killed or imprisoned!".
"Me..hehe!".." hehe!" not going to happen : since I'm travelling by using an avatar, so if it gets destroyed or imprison all just awake back into my core inside my true body. And also from the feedback of this frail dimension law's i find out that it is impossible to begin whit to have even a challenge in the first place since this place is very weak..Hell my true body is more than twice the size of this reality..
~`So the second thing i do after i adapt to this place: is to announce my presence here> in case this place has some kind of owner or administrator..because : When you intrude in someone "Domain" is only fair to ask permission and justify yourself: just like when you reach a new country border and you are asked abaut the reason of visit : "business or pleasure!? hehe in my case both i hope...or i think !?"..
...So i gently tap on this realm lair of law's and sent a message through it like ripples in all the directions and i waited.. it should be an instant message but Hmm nothing let's wait a minute or two...again nothing oky SMS It is tap ,tap ,tap and done...
`Well i did my part, i can't insist since I'm new at this and i don't wana mess up things!"....
~`And i being to expand my senses and..wow that it is so overwhelming.. Before my ascension my senses were top notch, i could sense an entire Galaxy with low accuracy or an entire Planet with very high definition level of accuracy....At the beginning I could sense the very aspect of material and inmaterial world and later the very fabric of reality whit all it lairs or the very rainbow of law's which made and ruled reality..But now damm...past senses x supersayan boost .....
~`I'm in deep space i can see stars,(noop not doing drugs) just: cosmic gases, black holes, star's ,planet's and on and fortunately no planet near me..again "shivers rrr!".
~`So whit my new and improved awesome expanded senses and a small interaction with the law's, which acts like a "magnifying glass", and "voila" ! life..the image of a planet or a copy 100% Earth like ..
..."how do I know that is a copy of earth?"..
...Simple when I became one whit the Void or nothingness (all stick with "VOID" from now on).and : When i was ascending to my DIVINITY i got lots of feedback as information abaut ORIGIN like a small history lesson abaut preaty much everything ,especially about good old EARTH PRIME since the future me warmed me about not returning back home no matter how powerful all become...And what i found about EARTH PRIME or my old self world : it literally blown my mind. For instance <EARTH PRIME> is a UNIQUE and PRIMORDIAL World whit no <VERSE> of it, no alternative spiral of many other earth's period..Also it is an UNTOUCHABLE REALITY, no being can interfere with it, no avatars can be sent there ,no interaction with it or whit his inhabitants no matter what level of power you possess..only one unknow entity has acces to that place and he or she is very protective about it...so no one can't touch earth prime period not even the primordial entity's...
~`And all the other <EARTH> you will find they are just copys of it. made by using the original one as template, copied on a different scale , usually nanoscaled..Meaning every copy of Earth Prime and his inhabitants are millions of times smaller not only in size but quality to compared to oll Earth prime.(to have an clear idea of it: take an original human from EARTH PRIME of a average size and you take him to another world his original size would dwarf everything since he is big as the planet itself.. "imagine that..!".. sometimes size does really matter!" no pun or pun intended :)) and Just Picture that in the grand scheme of all things...
...And the irony is that humans from Earth were right all along about been the centre of everything ; but also they are simple mortal beings by design subject to very strict rules and law's like Darwin's evolution or natural selection thingy.. with no possibility to evolve further but even if they existence is subject to so many limitations they do have access to the dream world of the OMNIVERSE , or the so called PROPHETIC DREAMS> equal : the otaku good stuff like Manga ,Anime and on.(so basically sky is really the limit on Earth Prime but they can dream big).
~`So back to present I'm observing this marvelous "blue and green" pice of art which is perfect copy of my original Earth .And i impatiently start to scan it whit my senses... "Ooo" !.. sweet ..USA the land of the free "Wow!" and those streets and buildings are bustling whit life having man so many peps in there one city worth the entire Naruto world lot's of people..
...And man the famous skyscrapers, cool i only seen those in photos or on tv.. they do leave a big impression on the people who sees them for the first time. ok moving on
The <Grand Canyon> wow omg just beautiful what a big scar into the ground.. Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone park..wow is better than national geographic.
.....minutes later.....
~`African soil ,a hard place to live in ,but extremely beautiful, I'm embarrassed about the times i would close my eyes while watching the lion's or other predators hunt and killing their prey on Nat Geographic .
".. what....they eat their meals alive... "mumbling !".
~`Moving on ,the good old Europe or the so called cradle of civilisation and my past life home and last domicile in ITALY for you.. ITALIA> per me .
The big boot and ..on west side..old sweet home island of SADEGNA or SARDINIA for you ,zoomed in to CAGLIARI and searching... and..yeap! this is not the birthplace world of my original to different...
And again I'm lost in reminisce , things, emotions ,memories and so on.Since i can't find anything to relate to, i move on let's find my birth place in Balkan area.
~`I found the BLACK SEA ,and wow is that Ankara? and man i can almost smell , the spices of "sis kebab" from al that smoke , hehe never been there before ,oky and let move... "ag"~~"hmmm !?" .
~`What is that...?i sensed a very small space fluctuation :from"ohoho" the birthplace of the founding fathers of the otaku nation from whom ISEKAI and 2D hot girls were born the lands of dreams the holy land JAPAN...
`The fluctuation was short, but it leaves a few lil traces ,small but not for me ,so i use my stalk..hmm a mean badass hound skills, to find more abaut it..
....I have hundreds of questions and theories in my head ,did I just witness some isekai event?..did someone got summoned into another world? is ARIFURETA the real deal!?..
...Or is the standard issue kill the demonlord summoning thingy... ??
...I would love to kill some fake cruel gods and...*brainfrezee!*..wow since when i started to think that way? I'm kinda surprised by it but i shrug it off fast ,i didn't change my ways.
...yea i got some pent up stress inside of me from the past but I'm not some deranged person or a trill seeker, but In poor words i do have a very~very > sensitive reverse scale" rape , slavery and cruelty"...and i did suppress all that in Naruto World paying whit my own sanity because Butterflys and so..ok nevermind....
`Don't get me wrong I'm not a hero who actively spends his life in the pursuit of justice but I'm not a villain either scrap the vilain part, I'm to much of a softie for it and i kinda suffer of jesus christ syndrome. .
But if i know or walk into some situation were someone is abaut to become the victim of some deranged bastard ,all just rip that disgusted sack of shit to shreds on the spot..
... But also it doesn't mean I'm going to actively search for troubles ,like a certain kryptonian.
Because sadly: GOOD and EVIL must be in harmony, only that HARMONY is a debatable subject since:ONE bucket of dirty swamp water is not in balance with a bucket of pure water, feel free to explore that line of thought....
~`Getting back to the current issue. isekai I'm sure of it because this Earth has no esoteric form's of energy or eny supranational activity..
...I follow the traces , like shallow breacrumbs and i found the source. And by creation how did I ever missed this place in the first place well i did focused on civilisation..
... "Wow!". well picture this, a small bubble inside of a bigger bubble, in other words an very small and hidden dimension in plain sight but very well hidden from priving eyes.....
...And there is an entrance ,simple and very effective, no traces unless you use the law's to keep the breadcrumbs hot, so they do not dissipate.
"Nice someone did a perfect job with this place ,as someone who prides itself on stealth just like a cockroach, a can appreciate this pice of art...!".
~`So how i do this...? I'm burning up whit anticipation, my intention was back to civilisation, back to Earth but this smells like an adventure...(hope no butterflys here).
~`So i go in my astral form, losing the physical body in the process since my presence here is empowered by my true body which is a dimension, remember ?like a gigant ghost my body interacts whit this reality, not forcing my way here but gently collaborate with it....
...Quick scan the entrance... I'm not familiar with the energy source used here..?i guess is the famous mana, since Is kinda neutral, but full of elements in the same time to and very stable to hmm gentle and easy to interact whit and mold it, but no lifeforce traces inside of it ,and a lil touch of divinity small but hmm let's find out about this place...
...The entrance wow looks like a..zipper? , cute and hehe kinda cool.. simple and effective, let's get inside gently..i mean I'm in astral form and i can't do eny damage as far my knowledge goes on...
...Is it like a slipping into a straw, slowly and careful between the little space and done...
...And again wow, ehhhh!! this is a beautiful sight to be seen, so much green, so radiant ,so full of life much ,wow, just, man so much mana i think ? and life...force? but how? ok ok relax i feel like a lil kid in a candy shop, breathing in and out oo wait astral form hehe!"
...And zooming in ,and omg are those goblins, what orcs, trolls ,man ooh ? hope I'm not in "goblins slayer" i hate that story whit passion why? rape remember? my reverse scale ,all go nuclear in those situations ; depending on the damm butterfly effect ....rrŕrrrr!"..
~`Oky let go on, the trees and nature beyond expectation man, all bring so much stuff back home ,"noop not stealing bro i can freaking copy paste stuff as long i can understand it and nature it's easy":))
...My lost kamui was so gloomy at first or at beginning ,so whit mokuton i made a paradise there plus a modern city the size of a metropolis ,to bad i lost it, when entering the void actually not really i got even better my own dimension....
~`Moving on ...their is so much stu...ooo wait what is this lifeforce , and i teleported to it without even thinking ...
~`And my exe. crushed on the spot Elfff omg, o wait what going on here , seems some kind of ritual!? and..... click.... (super memory)
`WTF..Did i buying myself a front seat ticket to <WELCOME TO THE LEWD ELF FOREST!?".
.. i..must..ru..n...
~`< ####>" Kyaaa ....!"
~`While ME "aaa? eek ...?!" and I'm frozen , do i have a freaking plot armor or something!?"..
~`<####>"Are you Messiah-sama, elder sama <Nol> searched for !?" and boing, boing right into my face .. they are huge.. !".
Yeah I'm in a hentai world "..." and she can see me but Whyyy....!?"
~`And right in front of me e breathtaking milf Elf woman,(gulp!) whit very long blonde hair reaching her knees whit greenish tips at the end ..looks young late teen early 20s cute childish face and innocent but a mature vibe to us found in there..
...Beautiful blue eyes, cute nose and lips very kissable..hmm!.. Ooo!..focus!.. one head shorter than me..
And the long pointy Elvish earsss!..so beautiful..earsss!.mhh!...staying right in front of me in her birthday suit and some gloveslike thingy ..gulp!.naked!..
Huge D-cup breast and a very bodecius ass long beautiful legs whit perfect thighs.. and!? why... she is looking at me whit warmth and expectation on her face, (gulp!)..
...elf-milf-naked ...ooo....but.. !
~`But why is she speaking to me..!? sheee.. definitely can't see me, eeh,wow, how in the nothingness name i end up like this!? .
Omg is a reflex thing? craps my hero syndrome kicked in..my future self warned me about it..
~`I'm in my psychical body, and I'm butt naked because well, i never bothered of wearing eny clothes i made in the first place since ,well? nevermind.
~`I summoned some casual every day clothes from my INVENTORY directly on me ..and i swear : I have seen her surprise happy face at the beginning when i summoned the clothes which fast turned into disappointed at the end when i end up dressed one sec later..
...but me...
...I'm frozen like a statue and when i try to open my mouth in order to speak second voice was heard.....
<####>" Lucie What is going on? why are you screaming about it..!?".You should prepare yourself for the Messiah-sama arrival..... !".
~`But??.. elder Messiah is right he...rustle in the background and 3, 2 ,1 and here it goes eek !!.
<####>"Who..are you!?"the new arrived lolly asked me whit a surprised expression on her face which shifted fast from annoyed to shock..but she continued ..
"...And how you got in here!?"..and again a surprised and pondering expression on her cute elvish face..mumbling
"...Humans can't use magic or travel to our world since our TREE GOD wouldn't allow it... Even... if.. is in..... a weak state..last part she said in a murmuring low voice ....
`And the new arrived voice belongs to the most perfectly legal lolly-obachan elf in the anime universe : the famous elder and leader of High-Elves of Alfheim...Nol ..
...But don't let her petite cute frame fool you because this 1.35 m tall redhead whose long hair tied into two ponytails reaching the ground even if her cute child appearance of a 12 years old girl in reality it is an ancient mischievous lolly-obachan olmost two hundred thousand years old and the most powerful being in this small realm hell in all this reality..
~`And this bundle of cuteness it's almost naked lolly with a red robe, cape and hood who doesn't even cover her small adorable breasts or her privates dont even count those stripes almost tattooed clothes, that it supposed to covers her crotch area...
"..o wait the robe it is ..nop ,nahh..still naked..
...But..cute..legal..lolly..cute..cant find my Rain or Brain it was but ..lolly-obachan ..red hair tied in two pigtails.lolly..damm focus aa yea look at her face damit..green eyes and cute everything because..i.....
~`And me exe. rebooted, but I'm still a frozen statue..."think fast damm it!"..
...Under the sweet look of the elf-milf called Lucie who is naked and serious look of almost naked lolly-elfwoman named Nol who holds close her Magic artefact Stave , i finally speak .
`MC"Hello i came in peace!" AND that was all i could say ,of all things i could say, i used a cheap alien first encounter movie welcoming theme..
like :>...OMFG!!
~`And under the pressure of the current staring contest of small lil me and company..
...I begin to feel the fabled [.exe.] is about to go offline but salvation comes ,in a very unexpected way : BREASTS "yeei!" ISSEI loves them and now i do more than him"...
.... And you heard it very well..I'm crushed by the almighty breasts, huge melons of a sweet breathtaking elf-milf who embraced me from behind and..my.exe. was officially down!..
... I think I got down while bleeding from my nose ,and a giant boner, im sure my casual clothes soft material couldn't hide it and after more than 200 years as a virgin, i got a new kind of wood that it was not the standard morning wood.. taking baut being so God damm.freakin embarrassed , i wish I could die...*cry~cry*..
Lucie "Nol>-sama, please don't bully our Messiah-sama !".Lucie the hot milf-elfwoman who's currently crushing me whit her naked body especially her big breasts from behind , defends me whit passion , audibly gulp from me..
~`And finally i use my brain, as impossible it may seem, since all my blood is gone downtown the opposite direction of my brain apparently and I slowed down time in my mind in order to analyse my particular situation whit calm...
...And my first conclusion is!? :
~`First if all if i punch myself in the face enough like reality ,reality... harddd..will they think I'm wierd !? because i realized that facepalming in this case it is to low and to anime like.. Back on track....
...And lastly:I'm an idiot whit capital 'I' , when did I turn into such a weaken mind simp, when did i changed so fu.. much! i mean If someone told before reincarnation, about this kind of situation i would say:" hell yeah bring it on!" but now I'm a crybabby wtf ....
"...I had my excuses in <Naruto> world since <butterfly effect> and on because i had to go back home but right here and now i turned into a sissy??? omfg like wtf..ok ,ok new life new me and as much i hate to admit it.. A NEW PAIR OF BALLS THAT IT SEEMS I WAS SERIOUSLY LACKING !".
"...I'M a moda fucking <ETERNAL> huge ass modafucking many times over galaxy level size ..<DIVINITY> wtf. baby cry echo in the background... !"
...Breath in breath out..I calmed down i took a good breath of the sweetest Alfheim air money can buy ,resume time flow i turned around and smiled....
MC> "I'm sorry abaut that..let me rephrase my greeting...Hello girls my name is!?..i made a small pause while mumbling..
"well I'm living a new life so my new name will be from now on "Sephyross" or sephy~ross and i could se question marks above their heads when i presented myself and i so don't blame them..
~`You can call me SEPHY and it's a pleasure meeting you ,and again i must apologise for my early behaviour; you se apparently it seems I'm no longer good dealing with other people!" i said it whit a genuine smile on my face, that seems to do the job.
SEPHY>"But i assure you that I have no ill intentions to your kind ,and for how i arrived in here? well..." resisting the urge to scratch the back of my head" anime style again like wtf there's some dao laws of anime or something what's next head pats or something jeez..
SEPHY>"Well i sensed a fluctuations in the space-time fabric on <Earth> who led me in here".
Nol>"But how ?humans have no magic whit so little mana they possess and..but i interrupted her before finishing ...
SEPHY>"I'm sorry sweetheart but I never said that I'm a human or mortal to begin in the first place; well not anymore"..man this Divinity> business it will take a while to get used to? because deep inside i still feel so human..
~`Not human? but!?"...both of them exclaimed in the same time....
SEPHY>"I'm actually a DIVINE BEING similar and yet fundamental different from your beloved HOLY-TREE! or mother".i said while looking at them awaiting some cool reactions..
~`yup.. And the look on their faces is soo priceless ,a mix between a slight offence ,for daring to compare myself to their everything holy-tree creator-parent-protector ,and a small look of curiosity on their faces because of my claim.....
~`Anticipating further outbursts and more possible drama - questions ..I let out gently my new upgraded chakra into DIVINE ENERGY beginning to form a cloak whit ten tentacl...i meant tails : Naruto style and i suddenly embrace them delicately..while using my mokuton to play with the nature in the background : who reacted to me like "kindred spirits.."ehhh...that's new!"...
....<Nol and Lucie pov>....
~` I was abaut to interrogate our traspasser but..he suddenly begins to leak an absurd amount of life force similar to what our mother could do in the past when i was born and then he embraced us..
no... is many times more potent than what our holy-tree used to manifest in the past but it was so gentle and warm that made me feel so at peace and happy that i lost strengtht of my knees and and closed my eyes enjoying this new sensation.."beautiful it was all i could say...
~`<Lucie> was the same situation but being still attach to the one called <sephyross> she end up being gently covered ,and hugged by those beautiful tent..tails. now she gulps and imagined many lil dirty things in the lil airhead head of hers while mumbling "beautifully tentacles over and over again!"..
~`Nature seemed pleased whit his presence, even our mother was pleased, and for many thousands of years ,she brefly contacted us, reassuring us of no ill intentions and something more..after she gone into slumber again.....
...<girls ..end pov>...
~`For a sec i was afraid thinking i might overdid it but my fear was quickly washed away by a bizarre phenomenon: EMPATHY we were connected briefly and i could sense their overwhelming emotions : happiness, peace ecstasy and.. like WTF: Arousal lots of arousal and still rising ..
"I'm scrued ain't i ; but wait a new connection kicked in first while i was debating if i scrued up or not followed by the overwhelming feedback from the girls..
...An ancient being contacted me through the link i made with the nature only for a second, but theat sec was a long nonverbal talk ,the <divine holy tree> "seamed tired on last fumes"...
`First it welcomed me and second .. Did she just entrusted her children to me and Alfheim to..wow like wtf i didn't kill the dragon and I'm getting a harem of Elves princesses plus their realm !".!?
...she was very tired and when offered my help she simply refused changing the subject not giving me any explanation or a chance to go on...
~`She was telling me that her task was over, and now she could finally surrender to the great slumber.. it made it sound like the right thing to do..so?..that i don't insist anymore , i had to respect her decision even if i didn't like it , is hard to explain? it kinda just made sense for some reason or it just pushed my right buttons idk...
~`I wake up from trance whit some tears on my cheeks whit a very beautiful blonde elf girl in my arms who was holding me so tight like her life was depending on it her face was on my chest smiling like a child .. (I'm calling them girls because even if they are hundreds or thousands of years old, i can't see them as adults).
...The cute lolly-obachan Nol> is on her knees , holding her stave whit eyes closed and smiling while being in my tails embrace..
...I just closed my eyes
...And since i had a guess about what they are both experiencing right now i just them enjoy this long awaited moment while myself i was simply enjoying their company in this pleasant silence not wanting to interfere whit whatever they were experiencing so i just closed my eyes and waited....
...several minutes later...
~`<SEPHY>I opened my eyes ,and took a good breath of fresh air , i focused my attention on the two of them , by realising the air i just held in my lungs i got their attention and are those blushes!!?..why do they blush?..thows smile..?o gosh. they talk whit the <holy-tree>..?this is going to be very hard on my poor and virgin heart..
~`<Lucie> was rubbing her face, on my chest, while mumbling my name, or trying to say it right, and..Nol? was well smiling with big eyes on her lil cute face ..and my spiderman senses are beginning to tingle..
"Oh i think I'm in trouble, but the hell whit butterflys not this time!"..
~`<SEPHY>After a got their attention, i laid <Lucie> down near <Nol> and covered her whit a sheet i just summoned since its hard on me to focus, getting a hamster like pout in the process , which brought heavy damage to my very soul and used my tails to bring close Nol sitting her on my lap. "gulp!". and i embraced them both..idk if it was the right choice since the moment i let Nol sit on my lap she began to adjust herself comfortable and my long gone boner just returned under her mischievous smile at full vigour..
~`How in creation name can this two adorable and innocent creatures can be in such huge contrast whit their Succubus sex apeal: since they literally flood this entire area whit their pure Viagra pheromones ;which i feel on my own skin plus the overwhelming arousal and emotions like attraction made my mind melt but i did hade the clearly of mind to shut down my olfactory system or all go berserk and start to pound them into oblivion before having [the big talk whit them] ..
...Thei just switched from many thousand years of living as asexual beings and pure innocent Angels or Elves in their case into: Succubus seductress and also animals in heat by the look of it ;after losing their mother support since the holy-tree lost its divine shine...
...and unknowing to them walking bombs of strong female pheromone and I'm talking from my own personal point of view since I'm experiencing first hand ..
~`As a was lost in my mental debate they were looking at me so intensely making my spiderman senses tingle breaking out my trance...
~`Then cough cough!", I clear my voice and told them i have to explain a few things to them...
~`Ok girls i need you two to look into my eyes for a second because i need to show you something and also explain you two some very important things!" i said to them while inside my eyes some illusory shapes began to form..and puff a change of scenery..
...I decided to invite them inside my most intimate place : my own mind were i can share many things by showing them directly since words can help so very little for what i hade in my mind for them..
...Once arrive in my MIND PALACE inside my MINDSCAPE our connection became even stronger ; they were fascinated about it especially when they understand from our connection were they were now..
~`A have approach them , sitting down whit them on a couch and i have begun to tell while actually showing them the story of my life from scratch more or less , it felt just like a confession to a priest..
~`You may ask why I'm doing this!?..Two reasons actually..
...First it is a silly reason but i finally can talk whit someone else after more than 200 year of monologuing ,or talking to clones .
And i also trust them enough for that...
`And second since that boy YUICHI is out of the picture i made my mind out : I WANT THEM AS MY BRIDES.. period!.
~` And before you might say: "Your are a horny, virgin ,simp, drown to a big pair of elf boobs and a elf lolly just admitt it is no shame!" all answer you whit my reasoning..
~`So why is the reason of liking them so much to the point of consider them olready mine..?
~"The boobs and asses their voluptuous perfect bodys whit pretty faces and submissive personalities!?" a would lie if i would say that the physical aspect and attraction ; which usually makes the first impression doesn't count because it does but is only the beginning..
...Secondly is the way of thinking, character or personality then aspirations and so on .
But even as a virgin I'm not so superficial to fall in love whit them because of the boobs since lust without love is just emptiness..
...So I'm not using my second head for this decision; yea they are hot and from my knowledge the other four Dark Elves and the last adult Hight Elf are to but my reasoning is different:
...First they are perfect woman's or girl's to and for me as brides : even if this world is actually a hentai world which it doesn't matter to me because ; I'm sure they can make me the most happiest man alive in this world and all do everything in my power to make them happy to..hell eny man that would have them as lovers or brides shoul considered themselves blessed by heaven..
....Because they are not only perfect in body but also in mind and spirit to ;these girls once they give themselves to someone; [it's forever] and living forever whit someone like them there's no words to describe it beside PERFECT...
...And i did watched the hentai in my past life; or my original did ; and it has nothing to do with all that just hentai stuff ;because i can feel through our emphatic connection their very nature and man : things are crystal clear..
~`But the real milion dollar question is ?:-do you see yourself whit them> after the cruel passage of time what abaut after 5 years 10 years one hundred a million! ???...
~`HELL yea i can honestly i can say i do, and by the gods life would never be dull with them, and i dont speak only about hentai stuff but their mere presence is divine and the sex would spice life so nice.
~`Do i love them?:- I'm infatuated whit them, and love is not to faraway i mean just look at them while feel what i do through our connection, and they are so cute ,adorable and easy to love and can go on and on saying how perfect for me they are..
~`What would their life be whit <yuichi>? :pfff sex- impregnation and yea fixing everything whit his mortal dick ,until <yuichi> dies of old age fast ..or burned out even faster because of well!?:- being just a normal <human being> and using so many potions to get it up and go on hehe I'm not an expert in magic and alchemy but there is a limit in using those without consequences.
`And let's face it those mammy's lil boys protagonist who need to be pushed by others to do things right .
~`And hell >not even all the magic in the world, would help him to live the lifespan of elves.
~`And last thing <Love>?..o please he needs to grow first , not needing assistance for everything like a baby and the hell whit butterfly effect...<yuichi< is not Naruto period...
`So I'm going to make them mine ,plus i got permission from their very mother for it, and I'm not going to force them..
~`And again the hell whit it > i can offer them more then only meaningless empty sex without love, all spend the rest of my very existence making them happy or die trying to and live our lives the way should be as a happy family..
...And even if they reject me i can still trust them because they are very pure, innocent and trustworthy i can feel it in my very core...
~`So i started to show them my own life story just like a movie show on tv ; while explaining things or answering to the questions they had and their reactions were predictable from : sadness while seeing my death and my lost of my so called old family; amazement plus other strong emotions while seeing my struggle while rebirthing and living in Naruto world and on while being tightly embraced by both of them in the same time....
...And when it was over i got tackled down and comforted both physical and emotional to the point things were going out of hand since things were heating up so fast that i had whit great reluctance to stop it before i luse my reasoning because i had more to show them confusing them in the process..
...And again i showed them how do i know about Alfheim and their inhabitants; abaut prophetic dreams whit translated into manga hentai, anime and on ..telling about the yuichi kid who was about to become their Messiah and on everything...
...While i was showing and explaining them in the same time ;i was probing their reactions to ; and got to say my ego and peace of mind got a tremendous boost: since besides confusion: from my story abaut prophetic dreams of the humans which blown their minds..
...Since their own story or a possible version of it : whit the so called Yuichi character as their Messiah and saviour was available to many priving eyes..
...Also a blank look on their faces when they found more abaut the so called or supposed Messiah and saviour of the Elvish Race..which now became some short of insemnificative lil bug in their eyes who left only a bad taste in their mouth period..
...I was sensible enough to give them a min or two in order to digest everything they experienced..
...Word TRIED since i felt from our connection how fast they put everything behind and after what it seemed them making up their mind about something; my spiderman senses began to tingle very intense; since i got literally sexually assaulted at first whit our emphatic link ;which kicked in strong since this time their arousal spiked to extreme whit no stopping out this time..
...And man word horny is a mild word for describing it what we felt that very moment plus : i got physical tackled by both of them on ending into a very explicit and compromising position on the couch..
...Whit breasts on my face from a naked Lucie who lost the cover of her sheet..and a wet crotch of Nol rubbing on my reborn erection especially when Nol's let's call them clothes were practical covering well nothing..
.. i stopped resisting and enjoyed their affection while trying to hold them well more like my hand were touching heavenly places never ever touched before by a male..
...but I decided to end things back into the real world were i intended to literally eat them and make sure that tomorrow they can't walk properly...
~`When We returned into the real world i was so aroused that :i grabbed them both and began to make up whit them while leading them slowly to the freshly king size bed i just summoned on the shrine cold stone while in the same time; i was multitasking by enjoying myself and having a heated mental debate..
~`Omg !!..how did i ever end up in this kind of situation! hell!.. at first i was thinking of running away at first and now I'm wildly kissing Lucie and groping Nol while she's kissing and licking my neck ....
~`I'm moving to fast in here!?"..and here it goes.. Nol just increased my trouble by finding her way in my pants grabbing my member who was suffering so much from being confined inside my pants and Lucie started to grind her bare pussy on my knee , "Oh fuck it!"..
~`So i did what was the most educated thing to do for a man in my position could do : I grew two more arms and hands got ahold of the two super excited Elves ;whose excitement risen to a new level right at the top ; especially when two more members suddenly appeared in the fray..
...And i approached the bed whit the clear intention of throwing them on it and ram my inpatient olready throbbing member inside Lucie virgin ,red, swollen and leaking rivers of love juices vagina; while i intended to eat in the same time Nol's two hundred thousand years lolly, virgin pussy....but...."FUCK!!"
~`<☆☆☆>"-Heloo in there I'm sry for late response but i was a little busy and couldn't respond to you !"...
.....and so i got: MY FIRST CASE OF DIVINE BLUE BLAZZ..whit the late response from the one managing or owning this reality...
.."oh my balzz and that really hurt!"...