
Empire of Winter

I don't own GOT, ASOIAF or anything related to it. First time writer Not a native English speaker North wank self insert with system

Worst_Writer69 · Livres et littérature
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Chapter 4: Small Council

As we entered small council room i can't help but be awed by decorations and paintings on the walls. I guess they still haven't get rid of them. Maybe when the coffers left from Targaryens run dry they will sell it and i can buy them. This world maybe a medieval savage backwater but still their paintings atleast had quality. They could be left from Valyria tho as i can't recognize some of the events depicted.

Inside Small council there is Robert Baratheon already seated at his place at the table. In his right there is Old Falcon Jon Arryn was sitting as Hand, on left side of King, my uncle Ned Stark was sitting. It was obvious he was trying to avoid the gaze of Hoster's as the trout lord was looking like he will jump over table and strangle him. Right beside my uncle there was a empty seat i assumed left for my mother. Seat after my mother's was occupied by Tywin and seat after that by Pycelle. On Jon Arryn's right side there was Hoster Tully and right beside trout was Varys.

Stannis wasn't there i assume he was still at Dragonstone pick up the pieces of whatever left of Royal Navy after Targaryens fled and storm destroyed the majority of the rest of the Navy. But still this was very beneficial as my mother sat beside my uncle i used observe on Hoster first as he look at me like i was a piece of shit.

[Name: Hoster Tully

Loyalty: House Tully, Faith of the Seven

His Thoughts About You: He hates you because your existence prevent his grandson becoming Lord Paramount of the North. He thinks you are a bastard and your mother usurping his grandson inheritance for her bastard son by fooling Ned Stark. He will do everything he can within reason to make sure you don't become Lord Paramount if not he will try to force you to marry his granddaughter in future so House Tully can control the North. He also wants to remembered as the man who brought Light of the Seven to the North and civilizing the North in his eyes. If all else fails and he can't prevent you becoming Lord Paramount, he will try to use Catelyn to manipulate you. He was thinking about killing you and tried to scheme with Tywin by promising Robb Starks hand in marriage to a Lannister cousin or maybe a princess born to Cersei but Tywin rejected and told him if you die for any reason House Lannister will be displeased and he will inform the King of this conversation so he can punish House Tully. He is baffled that you somehow have Tywin's seeming support but he is not brave enough to face Old Lion's wrath.]

Well that sounds about right considering the circumstances we are in he must hate my guts. But still is he being brave and stupid enough to scheme against me using Tywin or even thinking of killing me just doomed House Tully. I can be reasonable when situation calls for it but i can be very petty.

Another interesting thing is like Jon Arryn he is loyal to Seven. I wonder is this the AU elements ROB mentioned or was he and Jon Arryn was always devouted and just tv series never mentioned it. Considering we barely see them and they are dead when we see them.

This might seem bad considering 2 closest Kingdoms to the North has Lord Paramounts with loyalty to the Seven. But i can maybe us their devotion to manipulate and cause conflict benefiting to me. I want to have Old Gods religion organized and devoted to me so i can use it control masses. Best way to unite people by using religion and finding an common enemy. I can be the figure people rally behind after i have the North reach heights never seen before in a decade. Seven might see me as a demon child but Northerners will see me as a blessed child of the Old Gods.

Maybe i just need to have Edmure killed by Freys. That way i can both destroy House Frey and capture twins. Maybe make Rickon the new Lord of Twins. I plan on giving Moat Cailin to Ned Stark because he is both reliable and experienced commander. Robb Stark will be Lord of the Riverlands as firstborn grandson of Hoster after Edmure killed by Freys as Blackfish has no intention of being a Lord. Ned can make Bran Stark heir to Moat Cailin and Frey lands can further brought under influence of the North and House Stark as Rickon Stark takes over the Twins.

I can convince Freys to make a move against Tullys. After all among 2 possible allies of the Tully's, i will not be expected to support Hoster after he tries to have me declare as bastard and Jon Arryn can be portrayed as weak and unwilling to act. Robert will be just himself and that will encourage Freys to start a coup in Riverlands. I can convince any strong but disloyal bannermen of House Tully to rebel in support of Freys so they can be wiped out too. That way when Robb Stark takes over i will have a loyal puppet with a consolidated powerbase. Tywin can be used to entice Frey's to rebel, if they think he supports them they will definetly rebel.

I might also use religion to influence mountain clans in Vale to stir up trouble so Jon Arryn will have reason to not intervene in Riverlands. If this scheme of me concerning Riverlands happen after i subjugate Jon Arryn that is. If not i won't bother subjugating him. I can use his involuntary inaction to defame House Arryn. If Vale is divided i can more easily takeover it in the future when there is a spoiled weak boy and his crazy mother as his ruler.

I got carried on with schemes in my head again i also need to check Varys. So i turn my eyes to bald eunuch.

[Name: Varys

Loyalty: Realm

His Thoughts About You: He sees you as useful against increasing influence of Faith of the Seven. He will support you because if Ned Stark takes over he is afraid of Tully influence will spread Seven to the North. He thinks Faith of the Seven bad for the realm because of the stagnation they brought and corruption. He plans to claim having knowledge of your parents marriage to stop any attempts of declaring you as bastard.]

Well that's disappointing. I was expecting a Blackfyre plot. Instead i got 'I serve the realm' Varys. He still will be subjugated tho. After all i need chaos and mayhem in South so that i can exploit it. I don't think Varys will look at me kindly if i throw realm into flames of war.

Sorry Varys you shall be subjugated before Greyjoy Rebellion if i manage to find a reason to visit King's Landing. If not i can always travel to capital with the King after the war. But i need to visit capital before war if i want to annex Iron islands so i can use my subjugation charge on King to use him to get Iron Islands.

My train of thought broken by a very angry Hoster yelling at me and my mother.

"Why is the bastard and his mother is here!?" Trout Lord yells and earns himself a very painful death. I'm sure Tywin can find the colorful poison used on Joffrey in original timeline.

"My son is not a bastard my lord and as his mother it is my right to be here to defend his right when you contest it unjustly." My mother says without any emotion in her face but i can see hatred in her eyes. I think only reason she is not insulting Hoster because she doesn't want it to reflect badly.

"Watch your words my lord, he is my nephew and liege lord. I won't have him insulted by anyone." Ned Stark says with a dangerous edge to his voice.

"Why should i not speak up when you are blinded to the truth and give up your and my grandsons rights to a bastard? Like fool you believed in this fake marriage concocted by this women. As if it is not enough you came back to King's Landing with your own bastard, you also brought your brother's bastard! I won't ha-" Hoster Tully's angry voice gets drowned out by much more angry Robert.

" Enough Hoster! I won't have Ned Stark or any Stark disrespected! You called for this meeting. Tell me what you want or i won't stay here and listen your tantrum! " Robert yells with angry slam against table. He actually cracked it a bit. He really is deserving title of demon.

"I want this boy to be declared bastard and Ned Stark to be Lord Paramount. Brandon Stark was betrothed to my daughter and there is no proof or surviving witness to this claimed marriage. Nobody even knew about a marriage up until Eddard's raven. " He says with a little bit of fear. He too saw the cracks in table.

He is right tho, any witness to my parents marriage either killed by Mad King with my father and Grandfather or killed during war.

"Actually if i interject here. I had information about a marriage before the war. I learned about it after Brandon Stark and his Father executed. I hidden information from Mad King to prevent any action against House Dayne. I also wasn't aware of young Lord Cregan Stark's existence until word came from Lord Eddard but i had multiple sources confirm this marriage. " Varys helpfully interjects on my behalf.

" Then there is no need for discussion. This matter concerns House Stark and the North. Also even the claimant you push for supports Lord Cregan. Cregan Stark is legitimate heir of Brandon Stark. You don't have any proof proving otherwise Lord Tully." Tywin speaks also for my behalf. I love it when everything falls right into place.

"Then i want a betrothal agreement with a daughter between Eddard and Catelyn. House Tully has been insulted too many times by House Stark i want compensation." Hoster said.

"You can't decide my daughter marriage and she is not even born yet." Ned Stark objected.

"Don't be hasty to reject Ned. A marriage between your daughter and Cregan will make Lords of the North happy with a northern bride and also will strengthen alliance of the North and the Riverlands." Jon Arryn spoke in support of the betrothal.

"She is not even born yet and what guarantee there is to whether they would want to marry each other ? I don't want my daughter to be stuck in an unwanted marriage." Ned tried to argue but in this day of age in a world like this his counter argument doesn't really have an effect.

"Everyone has to make sacrifices Ned. Besides Cregan as Lord Paramount is a very good match. You will train him to become a man and i am sure he will become a very honorable man like you. He will make sure your daughter happy i am certain of it." Jon Arryn argued back and i can see Ned folding like a paper.

"It will also ensure any succession crises in future with your descendants." Jon Arryn used the finishing touch and i saw Ned Stark reluctant acceptence.

"Okey i will accept the bethrotal for now but we will speak about it's details in the future when Cregan is old enough to understand what we speak of." Ned said.

"If there isn't anything related to to Cregan or the North i will leave with your leave your grace." My mother said to Robert and he nodded his head.

While we get out of the room i could hear they start speaking about what to do for Martells to submit and planning Royal Wedding.

After the issue of succession dealt with we really don't have a reason to stay in King's Landing besides Royal Wedding which according to my mother and uncle, who has come to inform my mother, will happen in 2 days after which Jon Arryn will go to Dorne and we will travel to White Harbor on a ship. Our ship is set to leave 2 days after the wedding.

I can't wait to see Winterfell if it is impressive as Red Keep i will be happy man. If i get the economy of the North to levels i want before Greyjoy Rebellion and if our coffers has enough to spend i might start the first steps to renovate Winterfell and surroundings into a worthy seat of power to my future vision.

I already has plans for a city surrounding Winterfell. 3 new walls will surround Winterfell if nothing changes after i see the castle myself. First wall will surround the original Winterfell with an enough land for my critical and secret industry like a glass, alcohol or steel so my monopoly doesn't broken with espionage. It will also house mansions and other luxuries for Lords who visit. Secondary wall surrounding the First will have even more space enough to house a city of hundreds of thousand if not a million. It will be worthy to rival Rome. The third wall surrounding will be where core of my future Grand Army of the North composed of Legions i will raise. It will also house farms and any food production so the new capital will depend less on exports from the surrounding area and rest of the North.

When it is done it will rival the cities of the Old Valyria. Using my Library function i can have access to Structural Engineering knowledge of my old world. I can use that knowledge with Architectural knowledge i will also learn from my Library function to rival cities of Old Valyria built with magic.

I also plan to building roads using Roman style. I thought about building modern roads but it will be too much besides once the world learns my dragon i can use him to fuse stone roads in order to create perfect infrastructure for the North.

This plans of me will cost around 100 million gold dragons if my estimations correct considering i plan on building a miniature fucking Ba Sing Se in a medieval hellhole without any help from an army of earthbenders.

Robert spent all coffers inherited from Targaryens worth around 4 million gold dragons in next 2 decades which Ned helpfully spoke about it with Jon Arryn in breakfast while i was on my mother's arms. He will also gather a debt sized in 6 million gold dragons. One thing people look over in order for him to acquire debt he needs spend more than he taxes. Which means he also spent a good deal of gathered taxes on useless crap like tourneys instead of investing or even putting it into treasury. I don't doubt Cersei also had a hand in this debt and i can't ignore Littlefinger but it still amounts to a massive amount.

So 100 million gold dragons is not really that much. Then again this is me guessing without any information. I don't even know how much tax the North pays. So the real cost of the city might be much more. I also will need funds for my other projects like building new ports, roads and also the direct investments like glass, alcohol and steel production. This doesn't even include upkeep costs of everything, taxes i will need to pay, army and navy i will create. I will also need to share or more accurately bribe with my new found wealth both outside and inside the North to earn favors and influence.

Just thinking about it gives me a headache. Even with monopoly i will have in certain industries and reducing imports or even turning them into exports in certain things like food, i will still lack funds. Even if i found mines of gold, silver and valuable stones it will still take time to mine them. At first i thought about plundering wealth of Valyrian Peninsula but i don't think going in a place where dragons burned and fell out of sky is a good idea. I might be immune to fire but i rather not test it in a place may or may not be cursed by angry gods or cursed by forbidden magic.

So that brings me to my next plan. I might need to subjugate some important and rich magisters in free cities but i don't want to spent my subjugation charges on them or i need to use inevitable conflict with free cities like Myr to sack it and take everything of value. If i sack and destroy the Three Daughters of Valyria(Tyrosh, Myr, Lys) and conquer Stepstones i will be unrivaled in taxing wealth of the Narrow Sea. I might even get a portion from disputed lands with 3 rivaling cities out of the picture. Still this plans won't be realized for atleast a decade. So i will have to settle with trade for a decade.

I don't want to waste military might of the North before Greyjoy Rebellion. I first need to see how much manpower i need to control the islands. If it is too much my plans for Stepstones will need to be delayed. I don't want to use Tywin to deal with Stepstones and Essosi side of the Narrow Sea. People might question why i get the lion's share while actual Old Lion doesn't get as much of the spoils. I also plan on using dornish in this adventure and i don't think they are fond of Tywin at the moment.

Once i subjugate Robert during Greyjoy Rebellion i can show the might of my dragon's without a effective reaction from the Crown. Robert right now hates everything flying murder lizard related and i don't want to deal with his tantrum. Once world knows i have a dragon i can unleash it upon my targets without a need to hold back.

As i used my time awake pondering on my plans, day of the Royal Wedding came. It was grandiose event worthy of the Crown and enough gold to make sure everybody knows House Lannister is richest. There wasn't anything of the note except Cersei's thoughts about me which was a single sentence saying i was a northern savage unworthy of her attention. Now i am glad Robert will say Lyanna's name while inside Cersei.

I never spent much time in feast after as my mother left after we stayed enough time to be polite. She doesn't want to tire me. I like having a mom it is nice to have someone so loyal without a reality breaking system. She always tells me stories of her siblings and history of House Dayne. I wonder what metal used on sword Dawn. As i don't have name Dayne i can't claim Dawn but if it is a natural element or alloy maybe i can replicate it.

After the wedding Jon Arryn hastily left capital go to the Dorne as i am sure Oberyn already has gone insane with rage. I think it is impressive Doran can actually control him considering how impulsive he is said to be. Then again Doran might just promise revenge in the future by supporting Viserys who would marry Arianne. Not that i will allow Viserys to see past 10 name days.

I will need Viserys to die early before he fucks up Daenerys. He might have taken care of her after servants throw them out but in this timeline i will grab Dany few days after Viserys and Willem Darry dies to blade of the usurper or so she and world will think. I will probably subjugate her anyway to make sure quell any violent and more importantly reckless tendencies. Still no need to have her begging on streets alone, most likely to get raped by random men or just sold into a pleasure house. When i can have her trained and educated to be my Queen by my loyal mother.

I am not marrying Sansa and i am extremely happy that fucking Hoster didn't get an agreement other than few words of maybe.

I might have Robb Stark marry a Lannister after he becames Hoster's heir. I might go ahead with scheme regarding Edmure and Riverlands after i visit King's Landing again but before Greyjoy Rebellion. I can make it seem like Sansa will be betrothed to Joffrey in order to prevent Hoster starting a fuss when i don't go ahead with an official betrothal.

When i visit King's Landing i have plan to subjugate both Jon Arryn and Varys in same visit. How i can do that you might wonder. It is simple i will just visit when it is close enough to my birthday so after i subjugate Jon Arryn i will hang around King's Landing a few weeks then subjugate Varys. After i do this i can go ahead with my scheme to push forward Robb as heir.

First i will start by using Tywin to encourage Freys to rebel by promising Westerlands Army supporting them. Tywin will also helpfully inform Walder Frey that i won't be helping Tully's nor Jon Arryn because of bad relationship between Lysa and Falcon Lord. He will also talk about Robert's indifference and suddenly Walder will jump at the chance to takeover Riverlands. When he does that suddenly Westerlands, North, Vale and Crown will come to crush him. I am not afraid that this will discourge Balon from rebellion after all Ironborn have a low opinion of Rivermen and he has the intelligence of a bag of rocks.

I also need to use Tywin to entice other Riverlands Houses that are strong enough to challenge Riverrun to rebel in support of Freys so we can wipe them out. It won't be hard considering Tully's always seemed as unworthy of title Lord Paramount's owing their titles to now fallen Targaryen dynasty which they helped overthrow by breaking oaths instead of being grateful.

If i can enact this plan without making a big mistake i can have 3 Kingdoms in addition to the North i can make use of in annexation Iron Islands and Stepstones in future.

The only thing of big concern in this plan it needs to Walder Frey to grow a spine. I am not using any subjugation charge on someone i will kill let alone Walder Frey who at best a means to an end.

After Jon Arryn left capital we too left after few days. When we were in ship i started reading about mathematics and accounting. I need to look at finances of the Kingdom sooner than later after all.

I also now understand Status Screen much better. According to information i got into my brain directly that a human has a mind stat between 80-120, 120 being absolute genius. Mine is at 120 and that means it is at maximum a human can achieve without support of magic or some sort of genetic manipulation or a bionic support.

This helps me realize why i don't seem to forget anything i see or read and that i already memorized over 20 books in just with 2 months of reading few hours everyday.

If my drain vitality ability can increase my mind stat i can even push it further in the future considering i am a baby spending over 16 hour sleeping. After all it strengthens body and brain is a part of that body. I don't expect a crazy increase but at this point even smallest increase will help me immensely.

It will take us roughly a month to reach white harbor. After that 2 weeks to travel Winterfell. I started to blabbering words so i can speak before my first birthday. It would look weird if i suddenly start speaking after i was a quiet child since birth.

In any case i need to use next one and a half month of travel to learn and memorize even more books so i can start using Ned immediately after my first birthday.

As soon as Ned cleans up the spies i point out i will have him implement farming reforms in certain areas in direct Stark territory. It won't be hard to protect them considering we will directly control this new farms instead of just taxing them. We can pay peasants that will work a wage. They will only do as we say when we say it and we can shuffle workers so nobody can figure out our new farming tricks. Crop rotation and other reforms i will make can be very simple in nature but will be very hard to copy even if they somehow knew the entire progress. I also seriously doubt they can copy my blessings of the Old Gods i will exploit by planting weirwood trees everywhere.

Besides first farms will be close enough so i can regularly check for spies when i visit to check up on them. My enemies or anyone with a unwanted intention is looking red in my minimap while anyone works for a red or an orange looks orange so i can even tell someone is works for an enemy even if that person doesn't know who he truly works for.

One the reasons why farming is inefficient in this world because they just tax the farmers by taking a portion of the harvest. They don't care about quality or efficency if Lord get his share. I won't use this method i need direct state, House Stark, owned farming ventures so i can pay workers with coin and directly own food up to my standards. It will also prevent any crop failure of large scale or even if it happens it won't be unexpected and unmanageable.

This will be how i operate any business ventures. They will be like proto-companies owned by House Stark. I can shuffle unskilled labor so that random peasants does not start learning my technology to spread or spy. I can keep skilled labor in line by generously offering houses in certain areas that i will build in future second circle. That way if anyone steps out of line i can deal with them and his family.

By using coin as wage, i won't have to deal with an economy based on barter at basic level. Besides with direct control over resources population will be easier to control. They can't use gold to fight steel at the end of the day but food is an important aspect of warfare. If they only buy food from stores owned by me, instead of using harvest left after taxes, i will have the complete control over food source.

I also need start establishing an order of priest for the Old Gods so i can start organizing Old Gods into an organized religion. One that will see me as a Messiah figure. I also think about establish a army formed of fanatics around 10.000 men loyal to me. This army will be my personal army that will follow me into battle while Legions can be sent and stationed anywhere. I also thought about 3 different branch of army in addition to Grand Army formed of legions.

There will be a police branch to protect civilians from criminals both in cities and towns and also deal with bandits. Basically anything that is not an army will be dealt with by them.

There will be a border and coast guard branch that will defend against any outside attack.

There will a garrison branch that will garrison forts and castles directly controlled by House Stark.

Difference between the garrison and border branch is that garrison won't fight direct battles their only job will be to guard and defend fortifications where they stationed. Border branch will be made up of 1000 men strong regiments guarding and patrolling assigned sections of borders that can unite with or assist each other if need be. Using border guard i can both stop smuggling and slow down any invasion until legions can make a move.

The dedicated police force can deal with crime and keeping peace inside cities while also have units dedicated to bandit extermination.

Branching out armed forces like this also has added benefit of preventing anyone gathering too much military power. Except me of course.

If i have 3 protective branches dedicated to the defense and peace inside the North i can focus my Grand Army of Legions to wage war outside the North without risking weakening the North so i won't lose Winterfell to someone like fucking Theon Greyjoy.

My personal army of fanatics can be used to deal with any rebelling Northern Lords even if i am certain it won't be necessary. Main goal would be to follow me in battle so i can have a elite force that can crush any enemies i have personally. It will also have added benefit of using them to commit any unsavory actions. All in the name of the Old Gods of course.

---------End of Chapter----------

-I don't own ASOIAF/GOT or anything related to it.